Zhang Jiani is so rich in buying super, but hoarding the futures of his house?

interviewed Zhang Jiani and Mr. and Mrs. Maichao in the last issue of "Flowers and Everything". There was a clip in the middle of “Maichao” taking everyone to visit his home, which made Sanye look very exciting, and I felt that it was much more interesting than looking through celebrity homes.

bought Super Tucao Zhang Jiani's "retro" shoes.

very confusing shoes. (These two pairs are really amazing!)

transferred to the toilet.

husband and wife, one person and one sink, next to their personal toiletries, this design is great.

But although the 38th line was drawn, Zhang Jiani, who had too much goods, still couldn't stop the line.

Kangkang cosmetics. Generally, the ones that can be put here are probably used in Kaifeng, right?

is the best! Da Ge still remembers the enviable household steam room that Zhang Jiani showed on the show before!

has completely become a warehouse!

Inadvertently turn the lens, Kangkang stocks this cabinet and a cart! The dosage for a few years is there!

However, it is probably not that the family does not enter the house, and the hobby of buying super is to buy three boxes of socks?

But the socks will not expire, but Zhang Jiani's hoarding of this sweat-steaming room will do.

even the small s spit out, I think you haven't even opened the paper bag.

are all brand new products that are stocked immediately after purchase. Zhang Jiani explained that "it is not yet available." (San Ye wailing, it's me too!) What is the final result of

, ​​expired.

Seeing this, San Ye immediately went to sort out his stock, and then sorted out a small half of the products that are due and expired. Even if the value of the goods is calculated, it will cost thousands of dollars, and it hurts. (I even found the sunscreen and demos of the year before the first year ago, and it’s dying.) After learning from it, San Ye felt it necessary to talk to everyone about stocking.

If hoarding is unavoidable (I find it difficult under the current consumer environment, and it is true that hoarding is not uneasy at all), then at least these items in the "no hoarding list" are best not hoarding or hoarding less.

NO.1 Antioxidant class

is the one that Sanye throws the most, and throws the highest value. Many of them are even thrown away after opening. The reason for

is simple, is the easiest to "deteriorate". Most of the anti-oxidant products of

consume self and replace the oxidized skin to protect the skin.

However, this process of being consumed by oxygen will happen both on your face and in the bottle. Even the unopened product is actually slowly oxidizing.

, ​​like the VC with the most nominations for antioxidants, can even use the shade of color to directly distinguish whether the product is new or not. For example, the VC essence of ampoules will become very dark in 3-4 days.

can't find a new bottle opening picture. Put a picture of an ampoule from a long time ago. The color of the arrow is after oxidation.

The darker the color indicates the higher the degree of oxidation, the more product failure, and the more severe the devaluation.

And anti-oxidant products basically have such characteristics. Even if the brand uses packaging technology, derivative technology, and packaging technology to slow down this reaction, it is still unavoidable.

So if you stock up on anti-oxidant products, the effect will get worse and worse. The best way is to buy them as you use them and always use fresher ones.

After opening, remember to continue to use it up as soon as possible, absolutely notIt takes two days to exchange for other uses, and then it takes a long time to run out. Don't say that I get it. I will try it first, and then put it aside for later use. As long as

is opened, it can be used up in a one-time, continuous, and sufficient amount.

p.s. Someone may ask if I can store ampoules. Ampoules are also the same. Very few but there will still be slow deactivation problems. Relatively speaking, they are not so strict, but don't stock up too much.

NO.2 Essence

does not recommend stocking more essences for two reasons.

First, because the essence usually contains more active ingredients, there will be some "loss" during storage, which is definitely not as good as the freshest.

Two is because of the essence, which is the easiest to buy impulse. The essence of

carries more "effects" in the minds of ordinary consumers. It is also the easiest to emphasize the effect in the grass, and it is more prone to consume impulse.

So you may inadvertently stock up many essences with different effects, or even open several at the same time like Sanye (not a good habit, don’t learn), and then you will want to try new ones when you see new products or hot ones. ...

So relatively speaking, it is actually very prone to product "devaluation" or waste (opened but not used up in time), try not to store or store less. If

is out of stock, it is recommended not to exceed 3 bottles. It is almost at least 3 months' worth. With the current density of e-commerce festivals, there is plenty of time for replenishment.

NO.3 Sunscreen

The reason for not stocking sunscreen is even simpler, the replacement is too fast. The Japanese sunscreens we love are basically new or upgraded once a year.

There are too many sunscreen products that are cheap and easy to use, and there is no pressure to buy. It is easy to stock up and overstock. Can you buy new products after the second year? Buy

, ​​what about last year's, don’t have to expire. Don't buy it. People use new products. You can only stock up. It's uncomfortable if you can't keep up.

Generally speaking, the sunscreen will be renewed in March and April, and it will be replaced at the same time the next year, so it is OK to stock up to half a year, and you will see other hot models in the middle and you will want to buy it, almost a year The amount of sunscreen is ready, and the new product is almost used in the second year.

NO.4 Speaking directly, due to the packaging contact surface and other problems, small-volume products such as small-medium samples are more difficult to store than products with large volumes and are more prone to deterioration or inactivation. (Except for ampoules, which have been specially designed for small capacity.)

San Ye knows that many products will now be bought in formal wear and will be sent as samples, and they will be used up as soon as possible. It is best not to tell you to use them when you go out. Income will decrease.

Therefore, unless it is a child's boot that travels frequently and is on business trips, it is really convenient to bring a sample, Sanye also does not recommend stocking a sample. (Sanye himself has a lot of samples, mainly to try new writing, but often forget to waste it)

Stocking too many goods can easily fall into a state of entanglement and vicious circle:

does not buy new products, and is worried; buy new products, If you stock up too much, you will have to spend money on the economy/psychological burden; after buying new products, you will not be able to use the stocks; if you use stockings, the new products will "get old"; if you keep using stocks, you will be psychologically unhappy. You can’t even try new products...

If you like a product and are afraid you can’t buy it if it’s out of stock, you will feel insecure if you don’t stock up. The control range of stocking is limited to just using one.

will always come out with newer products, and will encounter more unexpected and useful products, even if there are none, most people are easy to "get tired". The summary of

is that stocking is easy to waste, and the wallet is under pressure. Please stock up as needed.