Knowing Liu Tao's weight, I am curious about how many other popular stars have increased their weight measurements?

Liu Tao, mentioning this name, is hailed as a good national wife. As a famous Chinese actor, even I love her and I can't help myself.

Liu Tao always leaves everyone with a gentle and decent image. She is an actress, wife, mother, charity pioneer and other multiple identities, and her family and career go hand in hand. In the entertainment industry, she has created a beautiful legend, a perfect example of women's elegance and strength.

She is strong, straightforward, desperately not to admit defeat, especially good to family and friends, and relatively boyish. The role has always been a win over the screen.

But, but, I didn't expect her to weigh more than 100! Now Jiang Xin can finally shake the pot. This is how

happened. In today's variety show "Happy Camp", her husband Ke Wang revealed her real weight, 54 kg. In the show, Liu Tao didn't mind revealing his weight too much, and said with a smile: "My waist is quite thin, but the weight is a bit heavy." Later, her husband Wang Ke revealed that Liu Tao weighed about 54 kg after Liu Tao agreed. Liu Tao of 168CM weighs 54 kg. Such a weight should not be considered light among celebrities.

Liu Tao and Wang Ke participated in the "Dear Inn" tacit question and answer session. The host asked Liu Tao's real weight, and both said that Liu Tao weighed about 56 kg!

Seeing netizen A shouting here, I can finally let go of eating.

Netizen B said: "I didn't expect the goddess to weigh over a hundred, and I was thinner than her."

Netizen C said: "Jiang Xin can finally get rid of the pot. For women, that is the biggest secret. How many girls are afraid of being afraid of others knowing her height and weight. Sister Tao said it so easily and happily, and I have to admire it.

So, do you want to know the height and weight of popular entertainment stars like me?

following up Secret to

Yang Mi Height 167cm Weight 47.9kg

Jiang Xin Height 171cm Weight 55kg

Dilly Reba 168cm / 47kg

Tang Xin Yi 165cm / 43kg

Flora Cheung 168cm / 48kg

Wang Luo Dan 169cm / 46kg

angelababy 168cm / 45kg

Zhao Liying: 44.6KG height 165cm

Han Xue 170cm / 48kg

Fan Bingbing height: 168cm weight: 52kg

Zhang Ziyi height: 164cm weight: 45kg

Zhang Ziyi height: 167cm weight: 50kg

Vicki height: 166cm weight: 48kg

Gong Li height: 168cm weight: 56kg

look at the male stars of height and weight, it

Wu Yifan height: 187cm weight 73kg

Luhan weight 60kg height 178cm

Zhang Yixing height 178cm weight 60kg

Yang Yang height 180cm weight 54kg

William Chan height 182cm weight 63kg

XueZhiQian 172cm / 55kg

Wu Chun 182cm / 72kg

Song Zhongji 178cm / 65kg /

Jordan Chan 178CM / 69KG

Li Yifeng 181cm/60kg/

Contrast it. I’m up to the standard!

Let’s take a look at how we don’t need to take special time or spend any money in our daily life. You can achieve the goals of weight loss, fitness and beauty by just spending a little thought on doing these ordinary daily actions.

Do tiptoeing exercises while standing

When waiting for the bus and waiting for the subway, how do you kill time? Standing blankly and playing with your phone? This is too wasteful. And playing with a mobile phone like this can easily lead to hunchback. Why not play with a mobile phone? Quietly tell you a way to become beautiful, and that is to do tiptoe exercise. Repeatedly stand on your toes and then put them down, being careful not to let your heels touch the ground, this will have the effect of tightening your ankles.

Take advantage of the shopping opportunity

When going home after shopping, many women are used to carrying heavy objects on their shoulders or hanging bags on their arms. Both of these methods are wrong, because hanging things with your arms can easily cause blood flow, and carrying on the shoulders will cause shoulder pain. The best way is to carry it. This way, because the inner and outer sides of the arm that is carrying things are hardened, the muscles of the arm can be corrected and the effect of the thin arm can be corrected.

A coup for face-lifting when eating

There is a way to thin your face without using hyaluronic acid: chew at least 20 times while eating. Don't underestimate this action, so small changes can well exercise facial muscles, eliminate edema, and achieve the miraculous effect of face-lifting.

can be beautiful by sitting on a chair

When sitting, taking the correct sitting posture and using breathing techniques can create a beautiful body. You are sitting on a chair with your hands on your belly. Please breathe in slowly with your nose and feel your belly swell up. After inhaling, pause for a while and then slowly exhale the breath. At this time, you will feel The belly collapsed completely. Repeat this set of actions 10 times, which can lower the diaphragm, which can massage the internal organs, and then improve metabolism, forming a body that is not easy to get fat.

should pay attention to the way of walking

walking is a great fitness exercise. However, the wrong way of walking will put a burden on the thighs, and the result will be thicker thighs. The correct way to walk is to stand up straight. When walking, you need to have a large stride. The weight of your body should be evenly distributed on the two walking legs. Imagine that there is a rope hanging your body above your head, so that you will not be slanted. . The correct way of walking has the effect of beautiful legs.