Behind every demented old man, there is a group of exhausted family members

Not long ago, in Huang Bo's new variety show "Unforgettable Restaurant", Huang Bo talked about his father and disclosed for the first time that his father had Alzheimer's disease, which is commonly known as Alzheimer's disease.

Huang Bo only felt that his father was old and had a bad memory. Until Huang Bo came home one time, his father was extremely polite to him, and gave him a chair to sit on, and asked him if he would drink tea...because his father recognized him as his "old comrade".

At that moment, Huang Bo realized that his father was so serious that he could not even remember his son. When

said this, Huang Bo's tears finally couldn't help it. Recalling the experience of being beaten by his father before, Huang Bo said affectionately:

"How happy he can be to beat me now".

Shu Qi couldn't help crying too. She encouraged and comforted Huang Bo and said that as long as Dad is still with him, even if he doesn't remember the past, we can often tell him stories and relive the past. The affectionate inner monologue of

also focused the public's attention on this special elderly group.

1, 10 million elderly people with dementia

Alzheimer's disease is more common than you think.

In 2018, Alzheimer's disease (the main disease of Alzheimer's disease) International Joint Organization announced that there are more than 50 million people with dementia worldwide. Every three seconds, add a new one.

In China, there are currently 8 million to 10 million patients with dementia, and there are more than 20 million patients with mild cognitive impairment. Among them, the number of patients with dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) has exceeded 6 million. 10% of the elderly over the age of 75 suffer from intellectual disability, and 1/3 of the elderly over the age of 85 are demented. Alzheimer's disease has become the "fourth killer" after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. According to the survey data of the Neurology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, in 2015 alone, the average annual expenditure of Alzheimer's disease patients in China was US$19,444.26, and the total socio-economic burden caused by Alzheimer’s disease in my country reached US$167.74 billion (equivalent to RMB More than one trillion yuan).

The course of the elderly with dementia is from gradual forgetting, confusion, amnesia, loss of emotional control, drastic changes in temperament, weakness, collapse... At the same time, as their condition worsened, they gradually lost control over themselves, and the uncertainty caused by unclear expressions and difficulties in understanding made them confused, helpless, irritable, sensitive and suspicious.

Someone has to ask several times about one thing, and they need to add salt several times to cook a dish;

someone who goes out to buy a dish doesn’t know the way home, helpless like a lost 3-year-old;

someone has only mentally degenerated I remember the past, and if no one is talking to himself, no matter if there is anyone next to him;

someone can't tell what they can eat, and the excrement on their hands will be put into their mouths in the next second;

will follow Come, it is difficult to take care of yourself in life.

Forgetting how to use everyday objects, forgetting to go home after going out, and then the deterioration of body function, loss of walking ability, incontinence of urine and feces, and even the ability to chew. The family members of

are also suffering.

can’t communicate with the old man, worrying about him getting lost at any time, and staying with him for 24 hours...

-yuan circle-

grandma (79 years old suffering from Alzheimer’s for 3 years)

Before my grandma suffered from Alzheimer’s, I never knew I would get sick. People have changed so much. After

fell ill, grandma changed from a gentle and quiet old lady to an emotionally disturbed old man. I can’t count how many aunts she had invited to take care of. Every caregiver who came would be scolded by her pointing her nose: “I saw her secretly stuffing a lot of spices into her bag! All the spices at home were taken by her. I stole it! Get her up!"

Every time she scolded my dad until my dad came home, then she was angry and asked my dad: "You don't want me, do you? You want them to kill me, do you? "I've seen my dad look at my grandmother countless times, crying without tears: "I have to go to work, don't I need to eat? I will come back after work." "You let them go, not allowed to enter my house."

This situation becomes more serious in the later stage. Grandma will keep calling my dad by his name as soon as he can't see him. If my dad is at home, he will follow every step of the way. She often doesn't recognize me and my mom, Let us go back to our home at every turn. Sometimes my mother would be so angry that she yelled to her grandma: "This is my house, where can I go back!" But my mother would helplessly sigh: "What do you think I care about with an old man?"

-@澳Aunt Chen, a trainee of sub-dementia care training-

father (with Alzheimer’s for more than 20 years)

Aunt Chen’s father, from symptomatic to diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, it takes 20 years. At that time, my father was still very young and liked to run and play everywhere. However, his temper became more and more weird, and hitting people, getting angry, not knowing the way, and not remembering things became commonplace. Relatives are all wondering why my father is like a different person, how his temper has become so bad, he must beat and scold if he doesn't agree with him, and all his family can do is fight wits and brave, and even often staged full martial arts, but the problem has never been solved. Over.

Seeing other people's normal father, Aunt Chen's family has mixed tastes, tears were silent in his heart, this kind of life is really unbearable. As the father’s condition increased, the family was tortured and the brothers and sisters fell apart, arguing over whether the father was sick and who should take care of him. Aunt Chen’s mother no longer had the same smile on her face as she used to be, and she was mentally broken by her tossing father, and she often shed tears. 110 is often called by Aunt Chen's family, because his father is often lost and no one can be found. In many cases, he can only find his lost father through the police. Since

has never realized that his father has dementia, Aunt Chen's family has always allowed his father to move around freely. However, as his father made trouble everywhere and behaved strangely, he felt more and more that he might really have a mental illness. Until one time, without warning, my father lit the house. Aunt Chen realized that there must be a mental problem with her father, and she must be sent to the hospital for treatment.

spent a lot of effort to persuade her family. Aunt Chen took her father to the local hospital for an examination, and finally confirmed that her father had alcoholic dementia. Aunt Chen's father has always had the habit of drinking alcohol. Excessive drinking is a risk factor that causes mental disorders and induces dementia (especially early-onset dementia). According to relevant international research surveys, among the 57,000 dementia patients who developed before the age of 65, about 57% of them were related to long-term heavy drinking.

Alzheimer's disease was diagnosed, and it was relieved for Aunt Chen's family. The family began to understand their father better, and soon sent the old father to the local nursing home. Without the daily torture of the old father, the tension at home has eased a lot, and the relationship between brothers and sisters has improved. When his father was 80 years old, Aunt Chen specially gave him his 80th birthday.

2. Behind every old man with dementia is a group of exhausted family members

When the sick person gets worse, the carer gradually collapses...Behind every sick old man, there is a group of exhausted people. family.

According to the 2018 World Alzheimer's Disease (Dementia) Report, in developing countries including China, more than 90% of Alzheimer's patients are cared for by their families.

When middle-aged people, there are old and young, and those middle-aged families who are between work and family all day, how should they balance the balance between work, children and parents? They need to be careful Taking care of the patient’s daily life and emotions, as well as taking care of work, and even taking care of the children in school, until exhaustion and loss of patience... If you have not faced it in person, you may not be able to experience countless families The kind of powerlessness dominated by it.

Families of patients with Alzheimer's disease must not only take care of the patient’s daily necessities and emotions, but also work, and even take care of children who go to school until they are exhausted and lose patience...... this This bitterness is not something ordinary people can understand. Can

hire a caregiver to relieve the pressure of care? Aunt Ma, a child with dementia, tried to hire a nanny, but only more than 10 days later, she was "fired" by the nanny.

Aunt Ma’s requirements for the nanny are: no need to cook or do housework, just take care of her mother’s food, clothing, housing and transportation. But the two sides were uncomfortable for more than 10 days.

"It's mainly because she doesn't know how to take care of my mother." Aunt Ma gave an example, "My mother has a great sense of insecurity and always calls people.. I will respond to her: Okay, with me, I will be with you. I may repeat this kind of words dozens of times a day. Outsiders will find it useless, but it can comfort her and calm her down, otherwise she will be very anxious. "

" My mother often spoke incoherently, and I couldn't understand what she said. But she said, I will respond to her: OK, OK, I will do it. Actually, I don't need to really do anything. She saw you respond, and she forgot after a while. But if you ignore her, she will say repeatedly. "

Ma found that when her mother spoke like this, the nanny would basically not respond, "If you don't understand it, it will be regarded as not heard." I told her what I had taken care of, but she did not accept it. Because she feels that she is experienced. "

After more than 10 days, the babysitter found it very hard; and Aunt Ma had one more person to communicate, and felt more tired than before.

"I found that the babysitters on the market are suitable for housework, taking care of children, and can take care of my mother like this. Of the demented elderly, I don’t know where to look. "Is the

nursing staff really so hard to find?

According to the knowledge of dementia expert Aoya Ark, there are basically no nursing staff with this kind of nursing ability in the market. The family members of patients with dementia usually hire ordinary nanny. Then slowly break in, with a little teaching, and the result is frequent replacement of nanny.

According to Aoya Ark, caring for the elderly with dementia requires skills, and sometimes it is even more troublesome than caring for children. However, these elderly people have to start again every time. There are really not many professional nursing staff.

3, things that family members of Alzheimer’s disease can do

are here. A few suggestions: how to deal with the elderly

after diagnosis:

participate in mutual aid group activities, such as dementia patient clubs, patient education classes in hospitals, patient website communication platforms, etc., talk to each other and make friends on these social platforms. The purpose of this is to establish an emotional support system to obtain appropriate emotional support. How does

deal with communication difficulties:

maintains face-to-face communication, so that each other is on a physical plane to facilitate eye contact. Pay attention to what the patient says, use simple words and short sentences to make communication as simple as possible, encourage more and avoid urging, and timely humor can also relieve tension.