He followed his parents who had been divorced for 18 years and entered the film festival, watching countless men and women crying

This year's FIRST film festival shortlisted documentary

"Couple is not the same forest bird",

was shot on iPhone for 7 days,

is a private image of Northeast families.

director Tan Zhenbang grew up in a middle-class family in

Dandong, Liaoning Province. In the 1990s, his father was a star in the town:

boxing, bodybuilding, and filmmaking;

mother looks sweet and stylishly dressed;

can be described as a talented girl.

When his parents were young,

Father and mother are now in their respective families

The sudden divorce of his parents at the age of 14 had a huge impact on him,

father bought out his seniority and the junior ran to Shenzhen for 5 years,

returned to Dandong after spending the money,

Participated in invention talent show;

's mother made a few boyfriends intermittently after the divorce.

18 years have passed. In 2018, Tan Zhenbang suddenly received news that his mother was about to get married. He decided to make a city version of "Four Springs".

followed his parents' daily life, with smiles and tears hidden in the ordinary. 18 years after the divorce of

, ​​father and mother never met again. The film

also became the microphone of the two.

saw that each other was doing well, and both parties were very pleased.

"I don't really believe in marriage, but through this filming, I found that

marriage is the only way in life."

reads Tan Zhenbang editor Zhang Ruijia

This is Tan Zhenbang's first shortlist for the first film festival and his first major shortlist At the film festival, everything is fresh. On the evening of the announcement of the

shortlist, he waited from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock, but never waited for the official confirmation email. In the early morning, the official Weibo of the Film Festival issued a long picture and text, but it was not found from the beginning to the back, and it was pulled to the end, and finally saw: "Couples are not the same forest bird" was shortlisted for FIRST documentary unit. He jumped up for joy, just two days before his 30th birthday. Rejection of

is not uncommon for Tan Zhenbang. Since he came into contact with movies in 2013, he has made a film every year and put it on major film festivals. He has voted more than 20 in 6 years but no one was shortlisted. "Not two days ago, I also received a rejection letter from the Venice Film Festival. What do you say'I'm sorry to inform you what happened'".

Tan Zhenbang was born and grew up in Beijing

than Dandong City, Liaoning Province. Tan Zhenbang is a typical Northeastern man, who has not been able to change his authentic Northeastern accent in 6 years of drifting north. During the FIRST interview, the whole crew smiled as soon as he opened his mouth. Described that when I was tired of filming food shows when I was at work, "Just a little bit of routine, the delicious food smokes, you just need to be backlit"; Speaking of advice to young directors, "Don't be anxious, you say me It took 6 years to shoot, and this year I only made such a thing when I was 30 years old.”

Tan Zhenbang is very grassroots, and his creation is full of vitality. As a newcomer documentary director, he made no secret of his desire to be seen by more people.

An interview with several award-winning works including Wang Chuanjun and Zhai Yixiang has been broadcast one after another over a month after the end of FIRST. Two weeks ago, I suddenly received Tan Zhenbang’s WeChat, "Is my film still airing? Me? Look at the front are all big guys." After hearing that it would be broadcast in two days, he was very excited: "Wow! That's great!! Thank you!" The film

is a very private family video. Tells about the second marriage of Tan Zhenbang's parents. He himself described the film as a "cunning", because he made extensive use of his father's family video tapes taken in the 90s, and only took 7 days to go home during the Chinese New Year to complete the filming with his mobile phone. "Actually, it should be my father who is sitting here interviewing, not me." The

movie Douban currently has a score of 6.5, with 151 individual ratings, and 418 people want to watch it. "The score was similar to what I expected, but I did not expect the audience response at the screening site to be so good. There were 5 or 6 applauses in each show., Everyone is very happy after watching it, I hope this film can resonate with everyone. "

The following is Tan Zhenbang's self-report

7 days 0 cost shooting

"Couple is not the same forest bird" is a film reflecting my parents' second marriage. What I want to express is that divorce is not terrible, and the second marriage can still have happiness.

At the end of the film, I wrote a poem: "Husband and wife are not in the same forest, and there is a difference between humans and beasts. Don't fly on your own when disaster comes. Sing and live your life together." "Is the husband and wife the same forest bird? My mother doesn't agree. People and animals are not the same. How can they be compared?

This year around February 9th, I went back to Dandong. It took 7 days to use me. I filmed this documentary on iPhone X. I spent two or three thousand dollars on the lights. The production cost was almost 0.

actually followed my parents’ daily life process. What they do every day and their hobbies. My father loves to dance. I like invention, of course, I still focus on interviews, and my mother and her boyfriend's daily life. At the end of last year, my mother suddenly told me that she was going to get married. I was surprised. Do you know that feeling? I didn’t have much contact. I felt that I was going to lose her. It was very uncomfortable.

happened to be the time when "Four Springs" was released. I saw a comment on Douban that said, "Why no one shot the city? Parental marriage? "I was awakened by that sentence. I knew that my dad had those retro video tapes that he could use to complete this movie.

also happened last year when the divorce rate of celebrities soared. Suddenly everyone announced their divorce. There was a girl in my company at the time. Affected and said that I never want to get married again.

In fact, I made this film like to reflect a concept: divorce is not the end of the world, if it is not suitable, there is no need to die, barely being together may be more hurt, the first marriage People are relatively young, ignorant of love and family, in fact, a second marriage can still have happiness.

When I was young, my parents

When I was 14 years old, my handsome parents divorced

I was born in Dandong, Liaoning Province in 1989 City, China’s largest border city, is close to North Korea. My parents were employees of the State Grid at the time, a business unit, life was particularly comfortable, and the welfare benefits were high. I still remember the prawns issued by their unit during the festival. The palm of my hand is so big and there are crabs in the river. I still don’t like to eat crabs until now. I have been eating.

I lived in such a middle-class family with rich material conditions. Until I graduated from junior high school, my parents’ marriage was very happy. Happy.

My dad was a little famous in our town at the time. He danced, boxed, practiced bodybuilding, and made some movies when he was fine. Looking back at the video at the time, it was a bit rock and roll punk style. My dad liked Stallone at the time. He also left a haircut with the same style. He is especially popular with our little girls in town. He told me that he has more than 20 girlfriends. My mother is also very beautiful. In the 90s, Hong Kong style was popular and her dress was very fashionable. Two people can be said to be talented women. In the third year of

, ​​one day they told me to have a family meeting. I thought to myself, what's the situation? My father and my mother quarreled at the family meeting that night. I Mom asked for a divorce. That was the first time I knew they had problems in their marriage. A year after that time, they divorced.

Tan Zhenbang when I was a child with my father (top) and mother (bottom)

I was 14 in court Go up, the judge asked me whether you are with your father or your mother? I feel cruel now. This can’t let me make a decision. Shouldn’t the judge make the decision? I was very stubborn and wanted to say Whoever asked for a divorce, I won’t follow anyone. I was sentenced to my dad, and then I have been living with my grandfather. In fact, I didn’t want them to divorce at the beginning. The divorce had a huge impact on me and even caused me At that time, the personality was split, why are you so close?Anyone near will betray me? They didn't give any hint, and they got divorced suddenly. I thought it was a kind of deception and betrayal at the time. Now it's quite naive to think about it, because there are things about adults that children can't understand.

current father

My dad: I made a reconciliation with my past life.

After graduating from high school, I didn't go to college and became a soldier. At that time, I knew the truth for the first time. My dad couldn't work in the institution at that time, and going to work was not something that made him happy. "At that time, it was like a donkey's milling. Every day was going to work, leaving work, and eating. I was going to explode." My dad said so, and then bought out a bus in the work unit. "I thought I could have peace with your mother. I lived a stable life. As a result, my career as a bus changed my life, and my amorous encounters continued. People's hearts changed and I can no longer go back to the past."

After their divorce, I hated my father for many years. I think it was caused by my father. Because of the breakdown of the family, you think he bought out his seniority and went to start a business in the South before I was an adult. In fact, he went to Shenzhen with his mistress, Xiao San'er, to live in Shenzhen for five years. It seemed that the more than 200,000 he had taken at the time were all spent. Back to Dandong. He also lied to me that my mother cheated first, so I deliberately alienated my mother. At that time, I could not imagine the pain of my mother.

My mother said frankly in front of my interview that when she was seventeen or eighteen, she was attracted by my dad's hard work and passion for sports. She only looked at the surface, but didn't have a deep understanding of personality. After several years of living and understanding, I found out that it was inappropriate.

I have not been happy with my dad for so many years, but when I was shooting this film, I saw his frankness facing the camera; I also asked my mother about my father’s opinion; plus my own age, Finally I can understand what they did back then.

"Looking back, it is a good memory." My dad talked about that time, "The marriage collapsed in the end, and it wasn't because I collapsed alone. On the day of the quarrel, I told your mother to wait for the child to graduate from high school. Let’s talk about it again, but I can’t hide it. I don’t regret it when I think about it now. I can’t regret it and I can’t look back in life."

"Why can I cry in retrospect, because I think a lot of life is still good. Many people think that Tears are pain, no, tears are not pain, tears are feelings, memories, and moving."

"People who deal with marriage irrationally did not turn out very well. I made a reconciliation with my past and life. "

My dad used a lot of home videos my dad shot in the 90s in the Northeast

film in the 90s.

My dad started filming his films around 1991 and 1992. At that time, he was working at a power plant. His spare time was boring and he had a lot of time. He wanted to have fun, so he used his free time on Saturdays and Sundays to prepare for filming and save money. It's all spent on filming, which is the "Bonfire Boxing Tournament" that I mentioned in the film, which can be regarded as a family video documentary according to the current situation. But at the time, I was very forward-looking.

The film was shot in Taipingwan town next to Dandong. North Korea across the Yalu River can be seen across the Yalu River. There is a nearby place called "One Step Cross", which means you can cross to North Korea in one step. My dad has never been back in the past ten years after shooting the film. He felt that the place was a sad place and he was afraid of touching the scene.

During the New Year, he suggested that he wanted to go back for a walk, and also wanted to see the comparison between the present and the past. The whole town is already dilapidated and desolate. On the way we drove to Taipingwan Town, my dad once again told the story of a North Korean woman that I often heard when I was a child, and was very impressed.

In the past nine years, North Koreans often exchanged some scraps of copper and iron for a little bit of dry food from China. A North Korean woman swam along the Yalu River to Dandong in order to survive. She had sex in exchange for the food of the day. Later, the two lived together. After a while, the woman was finally caught back to North Korea and convicted of treason.In the end, he was killed by being hung on a telephone pole...

actually put this story in the film, and it still took up a lot of space. I mainly want to make a comparison: the pain of divorce or relationship breakdown of some Chinese couples at the time was actually It's nothing, beyond that, there are more miserable people experiencing more painful things.

Tan Zhenbang’s father’s invention: the inverted device

divorced for 18 years and has not seen each other

2008 My dad has been unemployed since returning to Dandong from Shenzhen. He made his invention-the first paperless toilet of mankind. Inverted device, electric car sun shed...

He is a very imaginative person and very stubborn. Invented to a state of madness to obsessiveness, he has been on an invention show, but it has no effect. This time I wanted him to come to the film festival. He said he didn't want to come, like a child. The more he asked him to do something, the less he would do it. Only my mother and his boyfriend came.

Tan Zhenbang’s father and his wife Wang Haixia

Wang Haixia is his current wife. She was introduced to him by relatives before and they were together. It has been 7 or 8 years now. My dad also knows that he doesn't have the same charm as when he was young now, and that he is also old, and he won't be able to tease his sister anymore. Wang Haixia has also reached the age of marriage. They are very chatty in character and have a good atmosphere in private.

Tan Zhenbang’s mother and current boyfriend

have been single for several years after the divorce, and have intermittently dealt with several boyfriends. I'm getting married now. I met from playing tennis. I'm a college teacher. I've been together for more than 3 years. When shooting

, ​​it was the first time I met him. I didn’t know the existence of this person before. At first sight, I thought this person was handsome. Part of the reason I made this film was to investigate my mother’s. boyfriend.

During the Chinese New Year, it was the first time my mother and his boyfriend "returned to her natal home". During the whole process, I was observing how this man treated my mother. Many details can be noticed in the later stage.

Tan Zhenbang and his mother’s family have Chinese New Year

This year is my 6th year in Beijing. I go home every Chinese New Year and spend the New Year with my mother. My dad sometimes asks me why I didn’t spend time with him. I never thought about it. Maybe next year's Eve dinner will be eaten with him.

My parents have never seen each other since their divorce for 18 years. The divorce hurts them deeply. Maybe they don't have the habit of meeting after divorce after 60. When I went to the two houses, they would occasionally ask, "How is your father?" "How is your mother?" In fact, they are more or less concerned.

Tan Zhenbang's mother and current boyfriend

I want to use this film to let them understand the current situation of each other's lives. They don't know what kind of person they are living together and what kind of life they are living together. They might be very pleased when they see it, and the other party is very happy.

is more or less influenced by them, I don't believe in marriage. I don't think marriage can bring so-called longevity to people. It's just that society creates such a contract for stability. But after so many years, after interviewing my father and learning about my mother, I feel that getting married is still a process that must be experienced, no matter what the result is.

I don’t really believe in forever. I think the only constant is change. The thing "forever" should not be said. Maybe when I was young, I would say "I will be with you forever", but not anymore. It will never be realistic, but we must go in a good direction.

Tan Zhenbang exchanged

after FIRST screening. This film was actually given to me by my parents, and I have done little. it's meFortunately, my father left some material for the stories of the closest people around me. For a good documentary, I firmly believe that the most important thing is that the characters are attractive enough to be sincere and dare to speak their own thoughts. My father is such a person, and I am a continuation of my father's movie dream.

In 2013, Tan Zhenbang studied

at the Communication University of China. After my parents divorced, I happened to have high school entrance examination. I didn't get into high school, so I went to serve as a soldier. My mother asked me to come back as a soldier to pick up their class. My mind changed during the process of being a soldier. If I were to enter their unit like them, I might repeat their mistakes, getting married and divorced. So after demobilization, I left home and went to Beijing. That was the first time I went to Beijing, and my vision was completely different. It turned out that big cities were like this. It felt like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

In Beijing, I went to a public-private training class of Beijing Communication University to study film and television director, adult education, once a year. My classmates at the time all had a movie dream when they were young like me. They came to realize this dream when they were older. Most of them had other occupations, including those in the catering industry, and second and third-tier singers. Xin Yukun, the director of "Heart Labyrinth" who won the FIRST award, once taught us a lesson. After the

course, I spent six or seven years in the so-called film and television industry, and I did learn a lot during that time, including post-editing skills.

I resigned at the beginning of the year, FIRST has a deadline, and I must finish cutting before then. I quickly resigned and started editing.

I think, shortlisting for a film festival, this may be the dream of all directors. Prior to this, I used my mobile phone to shoot a relatively experimental feature film, and also cast many film festivals, and received many rejection letters. But every year I make a film, no matter good or bad, to participate in the competition, it has been 6 years until this year.

So for young people who want to make films like me, I have a few suggestions: First, you must have a certain amount of savings when you resign. At least a few months or half a year can support your living expenses; secondly, be a director. Don't worry, you can't do it by reading a few books and talking to someone. I think it takes time to settle. I didn't think about the future plan of

, ​​but I still want to find a job. After the film was completed, I went to a state-owned enterprise to apply for a position. They didn’t want me because I didn’t graduate from high school, and an interviewer asked me a question, "Do you know what a documentary is?" He said let me go back. Read more books and come back, I am very angry, I will be shortlisted for the film festival to show you.

No matter whether I am going to work or freelancing, I will still shoot every year and take advantage of all the conditions to shoot it. This is something I will insist on.