Alan, who is almost 70, still can't say goodbye

On the 23rd of last month, the first day of "Virgin Month", Alan Tam celebrated his 69th birthday. According to the folk customs of imaginary years, Allen can now be regarded as a seventy-year-old man, or a rare old man.

Indeed, this age is not old. Time is like water, red cherry and green plantain. No matter who you are, you will age irretrievably. All are equal before time. So, there has never been a "forever 25 years old". "Always 25 years old" is always just wishful thinking and self-hypnosis.

However, in Allen's view, "forever 25 years" is a kind of spirit and an attitude. You can hardly find a trace of old age and dying in this hall-level singer who has been in the music scene for many years. On the contrary, his vitality and enthusiasm exuded from the inside out makes people admire and envy. Look at 70-year-old Allen, who is still vigorous and vigorous, and he lives more vigorously than many 25-year-olds. Touring, playing football, fitness, traveling, charity, meeting friends, dinner...This day is really rich and fulfilling.

On the evening of August 3, Hangzhou Huanglong Stadium. At the "Alan Tam Galaxy 40 Years Tour" in Hangzhou ENCORE station, Alan engrossed himself and sang for three hours in the intermittent rain.

The encore session rained heavily, but the enthusiasm on the scene could not be quenched. Under the leadership of Allen, Tan’s Cantonese classic "Friend" + "Cannot Say Goodbye" was sung on all occasions in the heavy rain, and a touching scene of "Rain and Sorrow" + "Difficult to Give Up", on stage and off stage They all wet their eyes, pushing the concert atmosphere to the climax.

"Floating and sinking waves are like crowds. Wouldn't I miss you? You and I are so sad that I can't say goodbye." Alan, with tears in his eyes, was so moved that he choked several times during the singing.

is the most touching moment when his hands cover his eyes. Yes, "parting is the most overwhelming," "I can't bear to look at you the most, turning my back to me." At

, many Lun fans who were drenched into dogs had already lost control and ran away in tears. Some even cried into dogs. Later, they said on social media that they would never forget the rain in Huanglong Stadium that night.

And those middle-aged and elderly fans who have witnessed the glory of Hong Kong Music in the 1980s are even more embarrassed, unconsciously perplexed by the passing of that radiant golden age. Back then, the "three kings and one queen" had long since disappeared, leaving the principal alone. The other three, Chen Baiqiang, Leslie Cheung, and Anita Mui all passed away. But now, the principal is getting old, even if he "sings to 80 years old" as he said, it would be one less time to listen to it.

At the same time, they also sigh with emotion that the years are ruthless and fleeting. Accompanied by the familiar melody, the dry past in the memory is now alive again, flying up and down, the scenes are as real and imaginary, flashing in my mind for the first time.

For a moment, long or short, they seemed to be back in their lush years.

's previous Beijing station ENCORE, this song "Can't Say Goodbye" was also used as the ending track, which blasted the audience. The same tens of thousands of people sang, the same reluctance, and the same tears, the scene was quite shocking and moving. The difference is that it didn't rain in Beijing that day.

The sound of singing, cheering, and screaming echoed for a long time over the work body on the evening of July 13.

In fact, ending with "Can't Say Goodbye" has been Allen's singing tradition since 1994. The two major series of concerts, "40 Years of Galaxy" and "30 Years of Love Songs" a dozen years ago, also chose to end the audience with this song. It is not difficult to see Allen's preference for it and the recognition of it by Lun fans.

Twenty-five years ago, at the "1994 Alan Tam Pure Golden Concert" at the Hong Kong Stadium, "Can't Say Goodbye" was set as the finale by Allen and Polygram Records for the first time. Before the end of the show, Allen, sweating profusely, said to the audience passionately: every time

goes to the end of the concert, I am very reluctant. It's like when you are my lover, whether it's a man or a woman. In short, it is impossible to speak out.

After the speech, the prelude sounded, Allen sang the song "Can't Say Goodbye" affectionately, and the audience suddenly fell into madness.

In February of this year, the 44-year-old Allen released a new album "Fantasy Smile", which included "Can't Say Goodbye", "Which Love Is Wrong", "Goodbye Is Also Tears" and many other songs were later It is recognized as a classic Cantonese song. "Can't Say Goodbye" is more regarded as a classic among the classics, Became one of Allen's most widely sung Cantonese masterpieces.

You may not know that "Can't Say Goodbye" was originally an adapted song. The original songwriter Cho Rongbi is a great figure in the Korean music scene. As a "national singer" with great creative talent, he was a smash hit in the 1980s. However, not many people know him in China, because he has faded out of the scene as early as around 2003 and rarely appears in the public eye.

Zhao Rongbi and Allen were born in the same year. The two have a lot of cooperation in the acting career and have a good personal relationship. At the beginning of 1994, Zhao Rongbi's new album "Flying Wings" (later released in Japanese, called "The Shape of Love") was very popular and was quickly taken by Allen. After the "sacred hand of love song" Xiang Xuehuai re-filled the lyrics, coupled with the arrangement of top music producer Du Zizhi, a Cantonese golden song "Cannot Say Goodbye" was born.

In June 2016, Mr. Xiang Xuehuai reviewed the background and origin of "Can't Say Goodbye" in his book "Love on Paper: Lyrics to Xiang Xuehuai" (Hong Kong Sanlian Bookstore). He wrote:

I received instructions that this is the last song before the end of the concert. A new song has only two or three months of publicity, and it is placed on the finale after all the best songs. Unless it is a particularly good song, it is difficult to win the reputation. Imagine what a moving scene of 40,000 people reluctantly leaving. How many tears and screams will be there? How uncomfortable will it be if you are in it? "Can't Say Goodbye" describes the moment when Alan Tan sang this song to bid farewell to the fans. Fans embraced the idol's singing all night, sweet as a spoiled child. At the end of the song, people are scattered, facing reality, leaving only memories. In the article

, ​​he also talked about his understanding of parting:

dreams and love, sometimes he has to choose one of the two. If you choose love, the person you love is the happiest. No matter how much you love, you will separate. When people are most sad, they can cry without tears and speak without words. If you leave behind your back, you will turn your head many times, with infinite nostalgia.

After reading these words by the lyricist, is it something special to listen to "Can't Say Goodbye" again?

Allen, who accompanies us with singing all the way, is still reluctant to say goodbye to the fans. In the future, he will continue to celebrate his 70th birthday on the tour. At the moment, the specific times for the "40 Years of Galaxy" concert tour at Zhoushan Station and Suzhou Station have also been finalized, which will be the end of next month and the beginning of November, respectively. For those who missed the Shanghai Railway Station, Beijing Railway Station and Hangzhou Railway Station, there are still opportunities, especially students in the free shipping area.

I'm so happy to see Allen. However, what is more important is that in the scene, in Allen's singing, relive the melody that once touched me, the sentences that hit my heart, and return to the glorious years that I can't go back.

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