Emergency Doctor Episode 33 Plot Introduction

Emergency Doctor Episode 33 Plot Introduction

   Joe's father learned the truth and gave up on changing the kidney Liu Huimin successfully donated bone marrow to save her daughter

   After returning from the Renai Organ Transplantation Center with a USB flash drive, Qiao Na inserted the USB flash drive on the computer to view it, but for some reason, the file she copied couldn't be opened, so she asked Liu Kai to help her see it. Liu Kai fiddled with it and finally opened the file, but found that on the matching table, the donor partner of Qiao's father was unexpectedly Liu Miao! Liu Kai was shocked when he saw this, he hurried out to beat his sister I wanted to stop her from donating a kidney, but what came from the other end of the phone was a prompt to shut down. Liu Kai was very anxious, and when he returned to the office, he would persuade Jona not to accept the transplant. Jona was worried about her father’s illness for a while. , Now I finally grabbed the straw. If I listened to him, Liu Kai had no choice but to snatch the USB flash drive. Jonah quit and went forward to fight with him. Liu Kai had no choice but to say that the donor was himself. 'S sister, Jonah was dumbfounded.

   After Jona got home, she told her parents the facts. Dad Qiao was in a hurry when he heard the words. He quickly asked Jona to call Liu Kai over, talk to him, and help rescue his sister. He said that he had discussed with his wife, whether it was on the ground or underground, he would not have a kidney transplant, and he was going back to his hometown in the past two days. After hearing this, Jonna felt sad, and said that she would go to the hospital to check the matching the next day. If it succeeded, she would donate her kidney to her father. The old couple took their daughter’s hand to persuade them. Finally let her dispel this idea.

   Liu Miao learned that Qiao's father had temporarily changed his mind and did not change his kidney. Knowing that it was his brother who made trouble with it, he ran to the hospital to question him. Liu Kai tried to persuade her sister with bitterness, but she knew this way. No matter how Liu Kai persuaded, she refused to turn her head. Liu Kai had no choice but to tell her parents, but Liu Miao said, father My mother knew about this. They also said that if they could earn so much money by selling the kidney, they would sell it too, and exchange the money to buy a house for Liu Kai to marry a wife. Liu Kai was shocked and angry when he heard the words, and hated their ignorance secretly. Under the impulse, he raised his hand to slap his sister, but he couldn't do it. He finally warned Liu Miao that if she insisted on going her own way, he would go to the police and let the police arrest her. After speaking, he turned and left angrily.

In the emergency room, a young boy named Lin Lin came to the emergency room. As soon as he entered the door, he covered his headache and rolled on the floor. He Jianyi and Jiang Xiaoqi hurriedly carried the child into the rescue room. After questioning, they learned that he often had headaches. Take some painkillers at home, this time it hurts worse. Jiang Xiaoqi proposed a brain CT. After the results came out, it was discovered that the boy had a brain tumor, and it was in the advanced stage. The boy's mother was bitter after hearing this.

After rescue, the severe pain of the little boy finally stopped, but he knew that he was alive soon, so he persuaded his mother to marry and have a son, let him protect his mother for himself, and told the doctor that he should listen to the teacher and behave. People who are useful to society, so I want to donate useful organs to people in need after death. The boy's mother cried loudly when she heard the words, Jiang Xiaoqi couldn't help crying secretly.

   The little boy soon passed away. According to his last wish, his mother personally sent him to the operating room and donated his organs. The medical staff felt sorry for him.

   Zhang Zhang suddenly felt chest pain on the way to the disaster area and was sent to the emergency room for an emergency checkup. Jona learned that he was the founder of the Renren Foundation, a famous charity organization, and couldn't help but admire him. As soon as Zhang Zhang was admitted to the hospital, the news leaked out, attracting a large group of reporters. They gathered around Zhang Zhang to ask questions, and Zhang Zhang answered them one by one. When talking about charity, the reporters asked Jonah if she would volunteer. Jonah was nervous for a moment in the face of the flash, but she still smiled and answered in the affirmative. Zhang Zhang was very grateful for Qiao Na's answer and invited Qiao Na to volunteer after the completion of her mobile hospital in the disaster area. After a brief contact, Zhang Zhang had a secret affection for Jonah and invited her to dinner, and Jonah tactfully agreed.

   After Jiang Xiaoqi's persuasion, He Jianyi has realized that his attitude towards Meimei is too tough, so he proactively apologized to his daughter and asked her about her plans for the child. Knowing that Meimei had broken up with her boyfriend, but still wanted to give birth to a child as a single mother, He Jianyi couldn't help but get angry again.

   Li Chengliang finally plucked up the courage to go back home, strong seeHe was overjoyed. He always thought that his mother and father divorced because of donating bone marrow to Haoyue, so he offered his father a condition to allow him to donate bone marrow to his mother. Of course, Li Chengliang agreed. The whole family was happy and happy.

Before Haoyue had surgery, Liu Huimin took her husband and son to see her, and told Qiang Qiang about Haoyue being her own daughter. Qiang Qiang knew that it was her mother who abandoned her sister Haoyue. He hesitated and forgave her. The man comforted Haoyue again and started the operation.

After taking the bone marrow, Liu Huimin was pushed into the ward. After she came back, she endured the severe pain and moved to the outside of Haoyue’s ward step by step. She looked at her through the glass, and the mother and daughter smiled at each other. . (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To