Emergency Doctor Episode 10 Plot Introduction

Emergency Doctor Episode 10 Plot Introduction

  The medical troubles are quelled, Zhao Lei refuses to follow the blame, Li Dali’s family is missing, Jiang Xiaoqi is furious and breaks up

   Under Zhao Lei's questioning, Wang Ziqiao admitted that the medical record was altered by himself, because he knew that the patient could no longer have a doctor's order after his death, so he deleted the diazepam. Zhao Lei asked who added it after deleting it. Tian Liang, the head nurse, stood up and said that it was added by herself, because when she checked the medicines afterwards, she found that she was missing a diazepam. He thought that the doctor was too busy and forgot to write. With that added, he voluntarily asked for responsibility, and Wang Ziqiao and Zhang Ling were also vying for responsibility. Jiang Xiaoqi came forward to explain that the clinician had the right to modify the medical record before the attending doctor signed it, so this was not illegal. Zhao Lei had nothing to say, but Zhang Ling was still emotional. She questioned Zhao Lei with tears in her eyes. She was wronged and beaten. As a leader, she had no comfort. In her heart, apart from responsibility and punishment There is nothing else, Wu Liang and Lin Wen also got up to express the bitterness of being emergency nurses. When it comes to emotions, the three girls hugged and wept. When Zhao Lei saw it, she felt that her approach was a little improper. She was so embarrassed that she hurriedly announced the end of the meeting, got up and left in grief.

   After the meeting, Zhao Lei asked the three directors of the emergency department for advice. He Jianyi asked if she could open her eyes and close her eyes. Zhao Lei said that she could not, and the three of them got up and left.

On this day, a foreigner came to the triage station. It seemed that the situation was not good. Lin Wen quickly called Jiang Xiaoqi. Jiang Xiaoqi communicated with him in English, checked him and gave him corresponding treatment. arrangement.

Liu Huimin thought about the department director, worried that the director would fall on Jiang Xiaoqi’s head, so he approached He Jianyi privately, wanted to reach a united front with him, and unanimously rejected Jiang Xiaoqi, but He Jianyi refused to take the road. Liu Huimin was very annoyed, and put aside her words, if Jiang Xiaoqi became the director, she would resign.

  In fact, Liu Huimin's concerns are not unreasonable. The dean really fell in love with Jiang Xiaoqi. Jiang Xiaoqi wanted to make her the administrative director of the emergency department, but Jiang Xiaoqi didn't want to take this trip to the muddy water, so she refused. She is not concerned about who is the director, but about the lack of staff in the emergency department. She recommended her college classmate Yin Xiang to the dean, but the dean heard that Yin Xiang is now working as a doctor in her private hospital and worried about her. Refusing to come, Jiang Xiaoqi patted her chest and said that her ideological work was done by herself, and the dean was very happy.

When Zhang Mei recovered and was discharged from the hospital, she asked Jiang Xiaoqi to erase the surveillance video of her beating that day. She was worried that the hospital would use this as a basis to sue herself. Jiang Xiaoqi asked her to go to the medical office to clarify the matter. No face, but in order to avoid future troubles, he still agreed to her.

   Zhao Lei has been troubled by this matter for a while, so when Zhang Meilai apologized, she still had a cold face and no good expression. Zhang Mei said in a few words what happened and left. At this time, Zhao Lei received a call from her cousin, saying that her daughter had leukemia and was going to be transferred to their hospital. Zhao Lei was shocked when she heard this...

It turned out that Liu Huimin had a child with a man when she was in college. Liu's mother was worried that it would not sound good to spread it out, so she planned to give the child to others. She heard Zhao Lei mentioned that her cousin Chen Suwan wanted to adopt a child. So he secretly gave the child to Zhao Lei's cousin without telling Liu Huimin. Liu Huimin cried and begged her mother to return the child to herself, but the mother told her that the child had fallen ill and died. Liu Huimin had suffered for a long time.

Zhao Lei didn’t know that this was not what Liu Huimin meant. She followed Liu’s mother’s persuasion and did not tell Liu Huimin about her cousin’s adoption of the child. But now that such a big thing has happened, she can’t hide it anymore, so she insists. The scalp told Liu Huimin. Liu Huimin was shocked and angry when she heard the words. This child was a deep pain in her heart for so many years. Now that she heard the news that she was still alive, she had not had time to be happy, but she was shocked to hear such a big bad news. After shutting himself in the house and crying for a long time, Li Chengliang wanted to comfort his wife, but found that the door was locked, so he had to give up.

   Qin Yuning brought dumplings made by his mother to Jiang Xiaoqi’s house and cooked them for her. At the dinner table, the two of them talked about the fire that year, Qin Yuning JianClaiming that her mother was innocent, in order to dispel Jiang Xiaoqi's suspicion, she went to Li Dali with Jiang Xiaoqi, intending to ask questions and return her mother's innocence. After the two arrived at Li's house, they discovered that Li Dali's family had moved away. Jiang Xiaoqi suddenly became angry and said that Zheng Lan had hidden them, and she was going to ask her to find out. Qin Yuning continued to defend her mother, and the two had a big quarrel and broke up. After Qin Yuning calmed down, she called Jiang Xiaoqi to apologize, but Jiang Xiaoqi broke up with him, and Qin Yuning was very sad. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To