Emergency doctor episode 9 plot introduction

Emergency Doctor Episode 9 Plot Introduction

   Jenny cleverly tricked the doctor away, Zhao Lei made a punishment decision

Awl left without saying goodbye and left a letter to Jiang Xiaoqi and more than two thousand yuan. In the letter, he said that these money are all his belongings and some money borrowed from friends, although it is not enough for medical expenses. But after having money, she will pay it back. Jiang Xiaoqi was very concerned after reading the letter.

   Five cases of fever suddenly appeared in the emergency department. All of them had no symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, but the white blood cells were elevated for no reason. Jiang Xiaoqi suspected a superbacterial infection. He Jianyi asked Liu Huimin to immediately report to the hospital leadership and told the general department to work overtime at night. After investigation, it was confirmed that this nosocomial infection was indeed a drug-resistant bacterial infection, that is, a super bacteria. There is currently no specific medicine to deal with this kind of bacteria. We can only blindly choose antibiotics based on experience, that is, if you want to control it, To hit the big luck. The emergency department called an emergency meeting. Everyone worked together and quickly worked out a treatment and prevention plan. The whole department was engaged in intense work. After two days of treatment, the infection symptoms were initially controlled, and everyone relaxed a little. some.

   After work this day, Jiang Xiaoqi was about to go home, only to find Qin Yuning sitting in the corridor waiting for her, she couldn't help being very surprised. Qin Yuning told Jiang Xiaoqi that he had found evidence that his mother was not at the scene at the time of the fire. He would compile all the information of the fire that year and all the information of the mother's meeting at that time, including the time and place and the situation of the speech. Jiang Xiaoqi learned that Zheng Lan had handed these to Qin Yuning, and she subconsciously did not believe it, so she got up and left without even seeing it. Qin Yuning was very annoyed.

  Dang Jane inadvertently learned from the conversation between the two troublemakers that they were hired by Zhang Mei, so she got an idea after a round of brainstorming, and planned to use a small plan to destroy them from the inside. She deliberately asked the food seller to push the dining car over. When the group saw them, they rushed up. Dang Zhenni enthusiastically took two boxes of lunch to Zhang Mei and asked her for money gently. Zhang Mei heard Quit doing it, saying that he didn't say that he wanted to buy food for them, that group of people laughed at her for instigating each and every one of them. Zhang Mei was riding a tiger and had to pay the bill, but she felt angry in her heart.

Dang Zhenni knew that this little friction was not enough to separate them, so she asked a few friends to help, pretending to be sending the patient, and in front of the two troublemakers, she said that an infection had occurred in the hospital. Persuaded them away. The two people were a little scared when they heard that, they hurriedly pulled Dang Zhenni and asked her what happened. Dang Jane hesitated on purpose, and mysteriously told them about super bacteria. , The two became even more frightened when they heard that, for fear that they might be infected with the bacteria, they immediately decided to withdraw.

At this time, Zhang Mei was looking for several media outlets and complained to the emergency department in front of many patients in the hospital. The two troublemakers called their accomplices and planned to sneak away. Zhang Mei hurriedly stopped them as soon as they saw them. When she said, let everyone know that these people were hired by her, the reporters turned their microphones to the troublemakers and asked them why they were leaving. The two of them just wanted to speak, and suddenly remembered that Dang Jane had said This is a secret. Don't tell others, just say that you don't want to go with Zhang Mei anymore. They yelled at Zhang Mei in front of the media and everyone, then turned and left. Zhang Mei became a target of the public at this time. After being repeatedly questioned by reporters, she was unable to answer and fainted with excitement. Dang Zhenni in the crowd hurriedly greeted her and sent her to first aid.

After rescue, Zhang Meisu woke up. She opened her eyes and saw Jiang Xiaoqi and Wang Ziqiao standing by her bed. Zhang Lingzheng meticulously infused herself with fluids. She was so ashamed that she apologized to Zhang Ling and asked her for forgiveness. For herself, Zhang Ling pondered for a while and said that as long as she understood the work of the medical staff, she would forgive her. Zhang Mei felt even more embarrassed when she heard this.

Dang Zhenni’s ingenious plan successfully solved the medical troubles that had plagued the hospital for many days. Everyone in the emergency department regarded her as a hero. Seeing Jona, Haiyang, Zhang Ling and others excitedly surrounding her, they massaged and made milk tea. Very happy.

That day He Jianyi met attorney Mei again after returning home, thinking that she was going to persuade herself to amend the medical diagnosis. Attorney Mei said that she had come to tell him about his daughter Meimei. She said that Meimei was in love. Hope they remarry, He Jianyi resolutely refused, saying that the two quarreled together every day and he didn't want to live like that anymore. Attorney Mei suggested that after the case in his hand was over, the two would go to the United States to live together, but He Jianyi disagreed.

The medical trouble finally subsided, but the responsibility still needs to be investigated. After investigation and reporting, the Chief of Medical Affairs Zhao Lei decided to punish Jiang Xiaoqi by a notification to the whole hospital, stop issuing a one-month bonus, and introduced a period of work. No mobile phones and computers are allowed. Jiang Xiaoqi refused to accept the punishment, and defended herself vigorously. Zhao Lei made a record one by one, saying that the final decision would be made after reporting to the hospital leadership for research.

After the meeting, Zhao Lei just wanted to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Ling. She asked why Zhao Lei didn’t investigate herself, because she was present from the beginning to the end. Strictly speaking, the incident was also caused by her. I recounted the situation that day in detail, defended Jiang Xiaoqi, and claimed that there would still be a will after death because Zhang Mei refused to accept the facts of his mother's death. She was always making noise and was very emotional. Jiang Xiaoqi made people feel very excited. Give her an injection of Valium, in that case. For the sake of stability, it was impossible to let the family members pay any more, so it was charged to her mother's bill. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To