Lantong Blossoms Episode 20 Diversity Plot (42 episodes in total)

Lantong Blossoms Episode 20 Diversity Plot Introduction

Wang Dacui nightclub resident singer Chen Xinyu arrested

   Liu Baoyin brought the emergency money and came to the hospital to visit Li Bingheng. Remind Sun Tonghua to take care of Li Bingheng without worrying about the management of Houniu Village. With him, he can naturally manage Houniu Village. Houniu Village has experienced many ordeals, and Liu Baoyin believes that the immediate ordeals will surely be overcome. Li Bingheng is recovering well, and money is still the most troublesome issue. Wang Dacui discussed with Sun Tonghua and his wife and proposed to work in Beijing. Sun Tonghua disagreed. Although Li Bingheng had rescued Wang Dacui, Wang Dacui did his best to take care of Li Bingheng for a period of time. After spending a lot of money, he paid off his kindness long ago. Wang Dacui thought that he helped Li Bingheng cure his illness, and refused to listen to Sun Tonghua's persuasion, and insisted on going to Beijing to work.

   Wang Dacui and his colleagues left Houniu Village and sang in a bar in Beijing. Houniu Village was still unable to escape poverty. The township government was very embarrassed. Everyone held a meeting to discuss countermeasures. Sun Tonghua felt that Houniu Village did not need to learn how other villages could get rid of poverty and become rich. The location of Houniu Village is too special to apply other villages’ poverty alleviation methods. come.

   Chen Xinyu led everyone to work at a construction site in Beijing, while Wang Dacui and his colleagues sang in the nightclub. Chen Xinyu and his party finished their work and continued to find new jobs. Because they were reluctant to live in a hotel, they decided to stay in the park. The police regarded Chen Xinyu and his party as bad guys. The two sides clashed, and Chen Xinyu and his party were taken to the police station. The director clarified the situation of Chen Xinyu and his party, and was unable to help Chen Xinyu and his party find a place to stay. Chen Xinyu decided to lead everyone to the waiting room of the train station to cope with the night. It was dark and the train station was still a long way away from dispatching police. The director couldn't bear to watch Chen Xinyu and his party stay on the street and gave the duty room to Chen Xinyu. A group of people stayed overnight.

   Wang Dacui sings very well, which attracts many guests to the bar. The boss was still dissatisfied, and asked Wang Dacui to use the opportunity of singing to promote drinks, which could get a commission. Wang Dacui doesn't like to sell drinks forcibly. In order to make more money, she decides to go to more venues to sing.


   not only took in Chen Xinyu and his party, but also introduced them to work in private enterprises. Private companies need skilled workers. Chen Xinyu and his team are from Houniu Village. They can only farm land, but they have no skills and cannot work in private companies. The general manager couldn't bear to look at Chen Xinyu and his party for joy. After listening to Chen Xinyu's description of the situation in Houniu Village, he offered to give Chen Xinyu and his party free training.

   Song Lao San plans to sell a piece of land under his own name. Sun Tonghua opposed Song Lao San’s sale of land. Teacher Song sold the best piece of land in the village. It would be a shame to sell it. Sun Tonghua gave Song Lao San two roads, one to go to the city to work, and the other to stay in the village to plant land. Liu Wangtian wanted to buy the land of Teacher Song, but because of policy reasons, he could only rent it but not buy it.

  Wang Dacui sang in Beijing. He didn't tell his family the real situation, only that he worked in a department store. Sun Tonghua and Li Bingheng actually didn't believe what Wang Dacui said. It is impossible to make a lot of money at work in a department store. Li Bingheng also wanted to go out to work. Sun Tonghua disagreed. Even if Li Bingheng wanted to work, he still had to wait for a review to confirm that his health was OK.

   Liu Wangtian made dumplings and came to visit Fuyun. He was about to go out to work, and he couldn't come to take care of Fuyun every day. He told Fuyun to take good care of himself.

This article is the original story, please do not reprint without permission!