Battlefield Fascination Episode 26 Diversity Plot

Battlefield Fascination Episode 26 Diversity Plot Introduction

He Wenqing and Yang Yixuan turn their faces The 19th Route Army of the National Army prepares to send troops to Fujian


   returned to Ludao, He Wenqing, Tan Dongbao and Yu Ying were interrogated by the Nationalist Government. Xiong Dekui interrogated He Wenqing three questions continuously, and He Wenqing calmly answered one by one:

   First, does He Wenqing know about the gold collected by Fan Rongnan’s private collection of Nanyang donations?

   He Wenqing pinpointed the access point, but instead questioned why the National Army had decided that the incident was an act of the Red Army, but now why he changed his statement and spilled dirty water on Fan's head. He took the opportunity to propose to investigate the matter publicly and return the Fan family to their innocence.

  Secondly, did you cooperate with Eric in the tungsten sand business at the beginning, and did you know about Fan Rongnan and Eric moving the dock?

  He Wenqing confessed that he had indeed cooperated with Eric in the tungsten sand business, but he did not know anything about his father-in-law and Eric.

   Third, how does He Wenqing explain his wife Fan Fengjin's becoming a bandit?

   He Wenqing said that he is not a heartless person, and the delivery of materials to Fan Fengjin is only out of old friendship. Moreover, Fan's enterprise is Fan's asset, and Fan Fengjin is the owner of Fan's enterprise.

   After listening to He Wenqing's remarks, Yang Yixuan did not catch him, and instead asked about the theft of the list. He Wenqing is the biggest suspect in the theft of Yang Yixuan's list. Not to be outdone, He Wenqing took the opportunity to turn around with Yang Yixuan and others, and talked about what Yang Yixuan did to the Fan family. Seeing that Yang Yixuan was still reluctant and not forgiving, He Wenqing took this opportunity to turn his face with Yang Yixuan. With He Wenqing so difficult to face, Yang Yixuan left the table angrily and anxiously.

  Fan Fengjin decided to transform the old house of the Fan family as a camp for the Independent Self-Defense Force. The Independent Self-Defense Force's granary was in a hurry, and Zhang Jinbao took a few brothers down the mountain to ask Fan Fengjin for a way out. To solve the current emergency, Fan Fengjin wanted to find a way out in the old house, but accidentally found a map where the gold was hidden. After thinking about it, Fan Fengjin decided to rely on herself to overcome the difficulties in front of her, so she secretly hid the map.

   In order to keep the fat of Fan's enterprise, Yang Yixuan wanted to take the initiative to show his favor to He Wenqing. Xiong Dekui acted as Yang Yixuan's lobbyist and wanted to invite He Wenqing out to drink. He Wenqing saw the famous hall among them and severely refused the invitation. Although he took the initiative to show his favor to He Wenqing, Yang Yixuan did not lift his suspicion.

   Ho's mother came to Fan's old house and persuaded Fan Fengjin not to divorce He Wenqing. After coming out of Fan's old house, He mother rushed to Fan Mansion angrily to question He Wenqing. He's mother scolded He Wenqing, and Lin Qiuying suddenly broke in and told He's mother that she was already He Wenqing's woman. Hearing this, He's mother became even more angry, so He Wenqing hurriedly drove away Lin Qiuying. Lin Qiuying voluntarily rushed forward to show her okay, but He Mu was even more anxious and walked away.

   was in 1932 when Chiang Kai-shek transferred the 19th Route Army into Fujian to "encircle and suppress" the Red Army. Yang Yixuan asked He Wenqing to host a banquet in the name of the president of Ludao Chamber of Commerce, in order to observe the 19th Route Army and ease the relationship with the Fan family. At the dinner, He Wenqing noticed that the top of the 19th Route Army was quite dissatisfied with the dictatorship. In order to obtain more accurate information, He Wenqing decided to go to Fuzhou for further understanding. While Xiong Dekui was struggling to deal with smuggled goods in provincial cities, He Wenqing used Xiong Dekui to let him go to Yang Yixuan to make his point and let him agree to Fan's enterprise to set up an office in Fuzhou.

   Actually, Yang Yixuan agreed to Fan’s enterprise to set up an office in the provincial capital for two purposes. First, if He Wenqing was the “captain” of the Communist Party, he would inevitably end up on Fuzhou Road; second, if he was not the “captain”, He can use his status as the president of the Chamber of Commerce to win over this team.

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