The first anti-counterfeit online drama "The End of the Counterfeit" was launched as the most anticipated police drama in the second half of the year


TV series "The End of the Counterfeit Banknotes" was held in Beijing on September 1st. The "Appraisal of Money" conference was held in Beijing. The shooting details of the first domestic anti-counterfeit hardcore criminal investigation drama were exposed.

It is reported that the show will be exclusively broadcast on iQiyi every Tuesday to Thursday at 8pm from September 3rd.

"The End of Counterfeit Banknotes" breaks the barriers of criminal investigation drama creation from a unique perspective, from the source and circulation of counterfeit banknotes to the detection and detection of the police. At the end, the "counterfeit money case" series of cases were the main line of the narrative. After the typified public security dramas such as anti-narcotics and anti-corruption have matured, the drama has found another topical theme that directly hits social pain points for in-depth exploration.

The justice and greed triggered by money can lead to countless targeted discussions, and this kind of "bloodless" human crimes has increased the plot. A sense of suspense with people holding their breath.

Ma Yubao, deputy director of the Golden Shield Film and Television Cultural Center of the Ministry of Public Security, said that combating crimes in the financial sector is a very important task for public security agencies. "The End of Counterfeiters" is a manifestation of the sacrifice and dedication of the people's police in the new era.

"The End of the Counterfeit" portrays a number of plump and multifaceted characters. The strong and glamorous policeman Wang Xiangbei plays against the gentle but decisive criminals of Tang and Song.

, the main creator of the play also deeply analyzed the character trend and plot setting.

Haining Blue Whale Culture Media Co., Ltd. Chairman Xu Zhentan At the time of the original creation, I said that the police is the most suitable profession to carry the feelings of heroes, and the setting of the policewoman in the show will also refresh the audience.

At the scene, the four starring actors of the play Wu You, Li Zhuoyang, Hao Ping, and Haibin also shared their understanding of the role and shooting experience.

Wu You also shared some tips for checking money.

"The End of the Counterfeit" closely follows the main theme of the era and the current general trend of eradicating evil and evil, undoubtedly adding a new chapter to the excellent domestic public security drama , Its serious creative concept, serious creative attitude and high-quality production have become another breakthrough of the main theme of this year’s web drama, on the one hand, it also promotes the integrity, courage, and fearless public security spirit to achieve the perfection of art and people’s livelihood. Combined.

"The End of the Counterfeit" may become the most anticipated police drama in the second half of the year.

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Reporter Zhang Ying