Song Zude scolded Guo Degang as unworthy of Yuan Longping's foot washing, and Guo Degang was not worthy of him, let alone

can also be regarded as a person in the entertainment industry, but Song Dazui Song Zude left an impression on people, because he did not keep a word of morality and cursed this and that, whoever became popular, he would curse anyone. has been relatively slack in recent years, and unexpectedly began to accuse Guo Degang of not being worthy of washing Yuan Longping's feet, which is both ridiculous and pitiful. According to Yuan Longping’s contribution to Chinese science and agriculture, how many people can be allocated to Yuan Longping to wash his feet? Song Zude was even more unworthy.

In fact, it is not only Song Zude, but there has always been a voice over the years that completely negates the value of entertainment stars. They are always compared with Yuan Longping to highlight their worthlessness. The value of Yuan Longping is certainly not measurable with money, and it can even be said that it cannot be overstated, but Yuan Longping should not become a complete political correctness, and Yuan Lao's existence is not to deny other people or other industries.

does not work without Yuan Longping's agricultural technology, but if there are no other three hundred and sixty lines, I am afraid it would be unreasonable. Take the entertainment industry as an example. If there was no entertainment in China many years ago, or entertainment was dispensable, now that the material is extremely rich, entertainment and cultural pursuits have become a rigid need, and the past standards should no longer be used. , Accusing the current entertainment industry of no value.

The amount of money earned by entertainment stars is of course inflated, but it is not completely worthless. So many people like them, which is maintained by their appearance and acting skills. Being liked by so many people is their value. . cannot become worthless because they have not produced food.

Take Guo Degang for example. No matter how famous and influential he is, he can’t make a grain of rice or wheat himself. His scientific literacy is nothing compared to Yuan Longping and Yuan Lao, but Guo Degang has his own value. , His cross talk can bring laughter to thousands of households, and make people happy after eating and drinking, which is also not a small contribution. If there are more people like Guo Degang in the entertainment industry who have the same skills, it will also be a blessing to the audience. Of course Guo Degang has his own shortcomings, but that is another problem.

The country attaches great importance to scientific research, and there is a huge investment in this area every year. This is what it should be. The people's support for scientific development is also worthy of recognition, but the development of the world requires science and requires all-round progress beyond science. Variations are the source of happiness.

As for Song Zude, the best response to him is not to respond because it is not worth it.