The 54th episode of the flower blooms and the moon is full that year

That year, the flower blooms and the moon is full, episode 54 plot introduction

   Shen Xingyi dissatisfied with his father’s murder and ran away from home Zhou Ying gradually regained Wu’s business by means of means

Shen Xingyi hurried back to Jingyang from Shanghai. Without even entering his home, he directly found Shen Sihai, questioned him about the munitions case, and accused him of not resorting to any means for revenge, saying that this not only harmed the Wu family, but also harmed Shen. Home, Shen Sihai still insisted that it was the Wu family who killed Shen Yuesheng. Shen Xingyi persuaded his father to follow him to the Wujia Dongyuan to confess their guilt, help them rehabilitate, and find a way to find the murderer of Shen Yuesheng, but Shen Sihai said that there was no turning back, and refused to listen to his persuasion, and said he would fight against Zhou Ying. see.

Shen Xingyi learned of everything Shen Sihai had done, and finally understood why his father had been reluctant to leave Du Mingli’s coercion. He finally advised his father to keep him away from Du Mingli’s poisonous snake, and then took everything he had in Shanghai. He took off his accounts and his finger seal tokens and other things, and took off the brocade robe and mantle he was wearing outside, threw it in the firm, turned and left.

  Shen Xingyi knew that it was extremely dangerous for the Shen family to go on like this. He didn't want to stay in such a home anymore, so he ran away from home. After leaving Shen's home, Shen Xingyi found a job as a handyman in the Weijing Academy on the street. Although he only had 200 liters of wages a year, he was happy. Zhou Ying was very surprised when she learned that Shen Xing moved away from home.

The next day, Shen Sihai approached Du Mingli and asked him to help dredge the relationship and bring back the raw silk seized in Hunan. Du Mingli obliquely hinted to him about 30% of the shares in Xingyue Trading Company. Shen Sihai agreed and obediently. After offering the previous bonus, Du Mingli immediately changed the conversation and agreed to help. Shen Sihai told Du Mingli about Zhou Ying’s knowledge of the insider of the munitions case. Du Mingli said that to bring down Zhou Ying, she must first destroy her umbrella. Shen Sihai felt embarrassed when he heard that. After all, Zhao Baishi was already a second-ranking member of the imperial court, but Du Mingli But he smiled slightly and looked like a bamboo on his chest.

   Zhou Ying came up with a series of preferential measures. After half a year of operation, the Wu family has regained most of the business stolen by Shen Sihai, and the Shen family’s business is increasingly depressed. Shen Sihai was worried when he learned about it, but he was reluctant to give shares to those merchants like Zhou Ying did. He just decided to cut the price and make profits and extend the account period. But how could this be able to beat the business-minded Wu family shopkeepers? After a fight, the Shen family lost even their biggest tea merchant. Shen Sihai had a backlog of more than 100,000 taels of tea in his hands, and he couldn't help but worry greatly. His shopkeeper came up with a vicious idea and asked Shen Sihai to find a way to delay the Wu family’s tea on the boat for one night. He spent a thousand taels of silver to find the people in Heilongtang to dig a few holes under the boat and let that A boat of tea leaves was soaked in water. After checking, Han Sanchun saw the doorway. After asking in Heilongtang, he learned that they were hired by a person surnamed Xie. After Zhou Ying reported it, she knew that Xie Shangde from the Shenjia Tea Company must have done it, so she put it on the old account of the Shen family. Added a new enemy.

The Wu family’s tea was soaked in water. The tea merchant Buhe, who had signed a contract with the Wu family before, had to go back to the Shen family. However, Xie Shangde, under Shen Sihai’s instruction, not only cancelled all the previous rebates, but also He raised the price by five cents and asked him to terminate the contract with the Wu family and re-enter a five-year contract with himself. Bu He couldn't accept their dishonest set-up of the price, and turned away angrily.

Zhou Ying was about to transport these soaked tea leaves to the field to be used as fertilizer. An old man came to Zhou Ying and asked for a few boxes of this tea. Zhou Ying told her that the tea could not be drunk after soaking in water. Some good ones, but the old man wanted these, and made a pot of tea on the spot for her to taste. When Zhou Ying tried it, she discovered that the tea had a more mellow taste. She was overjoyed and immediately decided to sell them... (Original plot of Lu Juba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To