Why can the food be so attractive? Director of "Flavour World": I have 40 catties of "work injury"

Chen Xiaoqing is called "the man who understands my stomach best" by many netizens. When some "foodies" saw this name, their saliva flowed down uncontrollably...

Some people even thought: "I'm half of the reason for gaining weight is to blame Director Chen for taking good pictures of food!"

I have forty. Jin’s "Work Injury"

"My weight ten years ago was 130 Jin, now it is 170 Jin, I have a 40 Jin "work injury". "

On August 16, director Chen Xiaoqing was a guest at the Yale Beijing Center and was asked. After shooting so many food documentaries, how to keep in shape, his answer caused the audience to laugh.

Watch the video and listen to what Director Chen says↓↓

Source: China New Video Shan Lu Beijing report

Chen Xiaoqing, once directed documentaries such as "Song of the Forest" and "China on the Tip of the Tongue I and II", in 2018, he directed The food documentary "The World of Flavor" has been viewed 970 million times on one video website alone. Some people at commented that this film "can eat food every frame", and Chen Xiaoqing is also called "one of the men who understand food best" by netizens.

the rich and the rich. Source: Screenshot of "Flavour World"

Talking about the original intention of shooting, Chen Xiaoqing said that hopes to use images to preserve these things that are gradually disappearing.

Chen Xiaoqing said: “We may have photographed some kind of bamboo shoots, but we won’t be able to pick it again in the second year; we will not have a certain kind of mushroom in the second year. Also because of ecology Because of environmental problems, many species are disappearing. So the documentary is a national album, a family album, and I want to save these things with images."

Bald Butter Bibimbap. Source: Screenshot of "Flavour World"

"People and food have a three-layer relationship, the first is to eat, the second is to satisfy appetite, and the third is habit."

Chen Xiaoqing said: "The eating habits developed in childhood will As people grow older and become stronger, it reminds people to recognize where they came from and where they want to go.

"In addition, food is a communication tool. Even the act of taking pictures before eating in satisfies people. Social needs. "

data map: crayfish. Yang Bo photo

crayfish is the perfect social tool

"Food is actually a perfect tool for socializing, especially crayfish, everyone can’t use a mobile phone. ""

Chen Xiaoqing said that we share food is an integral part of what we eat. Now we use mobile phones to take pictures. In the future, we may use 3D printing to (transmit food) directly to another place.

Yusheng. Source: " "Flavour Origin: Chaoshan" How to eat delicious and healthy

is one of the topics that people all over the world pay attention to. Due to the historical famine and the long-term influence of agricultural culture in China, the Chinese have a preference for fatty foods. Excessive fat intake has become a common problem. In Chen Xiaoqing’s view, Chinese people should gradually change this dietary preference.

Chen Xiaoqing said that we need to change the habit of "praising wealth" in our Chinese dietary genes. Indians also have (this kind of habit), that is, they eat a lot of food, special extravagance, there are a lot of plates, Chinese banquets will also be extra extravagant, and restraint may be put first.

food is a different country , The bridge between nationalities

People’s tastes are sometimes connected to each other, so food is a natural bridge between different countries and nationalities. Chen Xiaoqing’s "Flavour Origin-Chaoshan" is still ranked in the food of a film and television production company in the United States. Version of the on-demand first place.

Chaoshan beef hot pot. Source: "Flavor Origin· Chaoshan"

When talking about the future, he also has expectations: I always have an ideal. I hope everyone will see these attractive foods. I want them to taste it impulsively. I hope they will see these foods, the people who cook them, and the families who enjoy them. They have the urge to come to China to take a look, so that everyone can understand each other more fully.

Netizen: I am also a person with a "work injury"!

, how many catties do you have "work injury"? Source of

丨China News Service, China News Video (copyright belongs to the original author, please contact to delete if there is any infringement)

editor丨Yang Qianyun