Shallow Lover I Don’t Know Episode 10

Shu Yiran is doing crazy exercises in the gym. She is not for sports at all.She soon sprained her foot. Gao Ren hurriedly carried her to the resting area and massaged her leg and foot ligaments. However, Shu Yiran still only thought about Ning Weijin. She used to think that Ning Weijin didn’t fall in love but just didn’t want to talk. Waiting by my side must be able to wait until now, and now I understand that Ning Weijin never thought about falling in love with her, but Shu Yiran did not plan to give up. As long as Ning Weijin and Dingding are not married, she still has a chance. The

movie is over. I would rather let Ding Ding accompany him to dinner, because last time Ding Ding invited him to dinner, he hasn't returned the invitation yet. Ding Ding felt that he would not eat this meal today, and I would rather be willing to look for her tomorrow. She agreed to eat, but she decided what to eat. Dingding’s favorite food is fried chicken. She would rather not allow her to eat it because fried food is not good for health. Ding Ding prefers to eat, so she tore all the chicken skins before giving Ding Ding to eat. Ding Ding declared that he did not want to fall in love, and that she really liked it. Ding Ding, Ding Ding has only two options, either accept it or let him completely give up, otherwise he will hang his heart and he may not even be able to perform the operation. Dingding had to let Ningwei give up, so she picked the chicken skins to eat, and she didn't stop it. She just told her how high the calories of the chicken skins are and how long it takes to exercise to consume them. After Dingding listened, she silently put down the chicken skins.

Ning Wei Jin sent Ding Ding home and then left. Through the rear car mirror, I would rather see Chen Xun come to Ding Ding. When Ning Wei Jin was not sure what to do, I saw Ding Ding’s sketchbook on the car. He took the sketchbook and sent it to Dingding.