Tomorrow’s Son 3: I don’t understand the assignment of the singing guest, whoever the contestant finds will cooperate with?

The seventh issue of "Tomorrow's Children 3" is not long after the results, and the eighth issue trailer video has been released. I am very much looking forward to the eighth issue. As a stage of cooperation, 10 contestants will have guest singers. As a loyal audience of "Tomorrow's Sons", they are no strangers to the singing guests, and they have been in the previous two seasons. It seems that it is beneficial for the contestants to have a guest to sing, but from one person singing, one person grasping a song, one person understanding the lyrics, etc., to two people working together. In the middle, it tests the tacit understanding between the two people, the similarity of music style, and the harmony of timbre. If all aspects are more suitable, under the constant practice of the two, the effect of one plus one is greater than two. Therefore, the editor knows that there is a stage of cooperation, and is very concerned about the distribution of singing guests. After

came out of the eighth preview video, although all the lineups did not appear, it is not difficult to guess all the lineups based on the lineups that have appeared and the guests announced on the official Weibo account. Combinations that can be seen in the video: Lancia, Hololo. Zhang Yuqi, Cai Weize. Hong Yinuo, Zhang Yanqi. Veegee, Zhou Zhennan. by2, Ma Boqian. Daniel, Deng Dian. Tian Yi, Ye Yuhan. pam, Yan Xujia. Feng Xiyao, Zhao Lei. The rest is Wang Zihui and Liao Juntao. (I watched the video several times, but I didn’t find Wang Zihui.) When the lineup of

​​came out, the editor felt: I can’t understand the assignment of the singing guests. It is obvious to all that Zhou Zhennan's popularity and strength are now. More importantly, Zhou Zhennan is the captain of a combination, and his overall strength is also very average, basically can be combined with all players. The result is to help sing Veegee. In the third quiz, veegee is a five-star and is fourth (ranked on the crystal list on August 2, the same below). How are the two of them allocated together?

This situation is not an exception. He Luoluo and Yan Xujia made their debut in the creative camp with second and third results respectively. But one of them helped to sing Lancia (five stars, like ninth). A pam (five stars, eighth like). Tian Yi's last season of "Tomorrow's Son" runner-up helped sing Ye Yuhan (five stars, like sixth). These sing-a-sing lineups are enough to explain: the scores of the sing-a-sing guests are not equal to the compliments of the players.

So what is the principle for the distribution of the singing guests? Meng Meiqi may have said the answer in the preview. Meng Meiqi told 10 contestants to help sing guests waiting for them in 10 different places. Then I saw Feng Xiyao and Pam come to a certain place and saw their guest singers. Does that mean that players will cooperate with whomever they find? I think so. Because whether Feng Xiyao or Pam was looking for a location, they took a card. The content on the card is probably the location of a place. According to this location, the contestants go to help singers.

As for the location, it may be randomly selected, or it may be selected one by one according to the ranking of the likes. Choosing a location means choosing a singing guest. So it's not surprising what kind of gang singers appear! Of course, the specific distribution will still have to wait until the eighth episode, let us look forward to it!