Good father, can see light in bad children

This article is original by Sister E, and any form of reprinting is prohibited. Please contact the background for reprinting.

was the Shanghai Film Festival almost a month ago. Because of a poster, I decided to watch Deng Chao's "Galaxy Tutorial".

The film of Deng Chao, whose father became the father, talks about a father-son relationship. The end of the film reads: Dedicated to father, to child.

Deng Chao: When you see your child, you may think of yourself

Deng Chao is 40 years old this year, and his son, etc. have also reached the age of primary school.

People used to say that forty is not confused, but for modern people, 40 is still confused.

is perplexed by the difficulty of survival, or the education of your children, the reality will not let you go because of your age.

When the film was launched in September last year, it was the age when he was just entering elementary school.

I think like most parents, Deng Chao also thought of many children's future issues during this period.

Since the child entered elementary school, a series of problems will run over all over the world, you seem to be going to simulate the various difficulties he will encounter over and over again in his life.

For Deng Chao, this issue may have a deeper understanding.

is not because their husband and wife are both first-line stars, and the children will get more attention, but because he himself has experienced a "torturous" youth, so he feels deeper.

In the film, Deng Chao's settings for his son appear to be semi-autobiographical. The situation of Ma Fei’s family in the

movie, the middle class, and the remarriage and reorganization of his parents seem to be redesigned according to Deng Chao’s own experience.

And the most important thing is that Deng Chao, like Ma Fei, had a rebellious era that did not let his parents worry about.

Before junior high, Deng Chao was a "child of someone else's family". He had good academic performance, often got three good students, and had a wide range of hobbies. When

​​arrived in junior high school, Deng Chao became rebellious. Not only did he dislike studying, he always caused trouble. Fighting to show off for buddies is commonplace.

loves to fight and hug injustice, this is super brother~

drinking, smoking, puppies, wearing earrings and dyeing hair, these are the iconic elements of the "bad youth" back then.

His rebellion caused a headache for his parents, so he kept changing schools, and finally went to an art school out of hobbies. Director

broke the news that there was a scene in the movie where Ma Fei was expelled from school and his parents rushed into the dean's office to resolutely oppose it. It was an adaptation of Deng Chao's story about him.

It is precisely because of such parents that Deng Chao was moved to the transformation.

Deng Chao thanked his parents, which he said many times. During the

roadshow, he thanked his mother again on the spot. Deng's mother was also very proficient in accepting kisses~ On Father's Day last year at

, Deng Chao posted a Weibo, which moved many people to tears. He said, "Dad, I just tried to make a call to you. It is already empty. I hope I can get through, even if it's a stranger..."

At that time, Deng Chao's father had passed away for seven years.

Seven years later, he made a movie dedicated to his father.

Deng Chao’s parents had a great influence on Deng Chao.

The first time he had a big quarrel with his parents was when he often haunted the dance hall during the rebellious period. Deng Chao earned the first pot of gold in his life by singing and dancing with the team leader. Suddenly, he felt that studying was useless, so he might as well make money early.

He felt that his parents did not agree with him, so he bought a train ticket and ran away from home. After

floated in Guangzhou for a few days, the parents chased him, without beating or scolding, but told him, "Child, go back, we will not quarrel with you".

Deng Chao at that time saw his parents who had worked for him until they turned their heads almost overnight. I think it was at that moment when Deng Chao realized that he should grow up. After

​​went home with his parents, Deng Chao's rebellious period came to an end. With the help of his father, he found the direction he was really interested in and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

is probably also because of his father. Deng Chao began to understand the meaning of being a father better: that is not a profession, let alone a role, but a role model and a strong shield.

is like what he said to his daughter Xiaohua sister: "Even if one day Dad can't hold youNow, as long as you want to, Dad will work hard..."

tears in an instant. A love letter from

to a child, a gift to father

In the film, almost all the scenes of tears come from the father Ma Haowen Son Ma Fei.

In the movie, Deng Chao puts in many personal experiences of being a son and a father that he has personally experienced. Most of these experiences can be felt by us.

Deng Chao was rebellious when he was young, and his father was in him. His impression has always been harsh. Despite this, his father will believe and support him as always.

once said on the show that he was severely punished by his teacher for causing trouble. The teacher confiscated his favorite silver ring, which was his father. Asked to come back for him, respected his wishes, and took him to another school. At that time, Deng Chao felt that his father was "excellent". The impression of

​​of "respecting and supporting children" was transformed into the plot in the movie There are two scenes that impressed me the most.

One is that the father and son encountered a gangster, and the father told his son to run fast and don’t look back. At that time, I seemed to see the message Deng Chao wanted to convey: No matter what the future is, no matter how hard the father is No matter how difficult it is, it will always be your backing.

Of course, the father is not only a backing, but also a beacon of the child’s life.

A child from birth to eighteen years of age, parents will always be his guardian, the meaning of a guardian is not to Let him eat and wear well, and more is to allow him to stand on his own in the future.

​​For this goal, many people will value the child's grades very much, and hope that he has excellent academic performance, and hope that he can be admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

But in the movie, Deng Chao said through the role of the character that Tsinghua and Peking University is just a process, not a goal.

This is also another impressive scene: Ma Haowen said to his son that life is like archery and dreams are like archery targets. If you can’t find an arrow target, what is the point of drawing a bow every day?

As a father, he needs to let his child find his "archery target." What he expects of his son is not to be admitted to a good school, he should be interested Direction.

What Ma Haowen did next was probably the director's "idealization" of his father's image. He didn't ask his son to have a certain score, and even took his son to absent from class to see the air show.

To be honest, Ma Haowen treats his son like this The method of education may attract some refutations from people with different ideas.

But it is undeniable that the father in the movie really wants his son to become a person with independent thinking ability.

is like what he said: please believe, Every father’s love for his children.

In this world, if it is selfless love, only the love of parents for their children can be called.

In "Galaxy Tutorial", the father deliberately handed the child the globe when he passed the torch. This is a kind of love, in order to make the child proud.

And the father tightens his belt, goes to the construction site to move bricks, sells waste products to buy computers for his son, this is also a kind of love, to meet the needs of the child as much as possible.

​​Father lets children feel the world without books. This is a kind of love, so that he can have the ability to think independently.

As for the children who wanted their father to let go of their attachments for their own dreams, the father left sadly, this is actually a kind of letting go. You have your world, I also have my life, everyone should be independent.

So what does the child give back to the father?

The father was in jail and his son didn't understand, so he told the child that his father had invented a spaceship. Let's race to see who gets home first. The child who came home stayed up in the middle of the night, took a flashlight to the sky, and said, "I'm afraid Dad won't recognize the way back."

Son always trusts his father so simply.

father taught his son "never admit defeat". When Ma Haowen was on the verge of an adult's emotional breakdown, his son pulled him with a note.

Although Ma Fei is not the best learner, he did become what his father said, did his favorite thing, and became the best child.

Many people started to truly start fromThe child grows up as an adult.

became a father, so Deng Chao gained more energy and relearned the ability to love someone.

At the same time, they are more able to understand the things the father faced and the feelings of the father towards the child. These are the greatest meanings children bring to their parents in life.

So at the end of the movie, the father played by Deng Chao reproduced his son's actions back then, lighting his way home with a flashlight. At that moment, people no longer need to care about their image and burst into tears.

​​can have such a father and such a child, it is really a blessing. Sister

E concluding words:

A few days ago, Deng Chao went to see his father and showed him two songs written for him in the movie, drank a can of cold beer with him, and told him that the movie dedicated to you started the roadshow. Yes, at my hometown, I left you an empty seat.

​​This is a movie dedicated to the father, and also a movie to the son.

After watching the movie, I have been thinking, whether the self as a parent and the self as a child are really qualified?

Dad will say: Dad is also the first time to be a father, please forgive me for not doing well. The son of

also said: This is the first time my son is a son. Please forgive me for any bad things.

But in fact, in our inherent concept, whether it is a parent or a child, it seems to be a matter of course, it seems that there is no need to learn. So what about

, the child is self-righteous, and the father takes arrogance as an authority. The so-called generation gap is all caused by man.

Take the cram school as an example. Of course, it’s not like Deng Chao’s dislike of cram school. It’s just that for many parents, no matter what their children’s grades or lacks, they are all sent to the cram school. Saying that he is good for him is actually justifying his lack of education.

You can disagree with certain educational methods in the film, but you cannot deny the "important role of the father in the education of children" that the film wants to express. It is not lacking, not condescending, and not only indoctrinating children, but we Really want to learn.

So, the so-called father-son relationship does not end by simply touching you with a few tears. It will bring you thinking and re-recognize your identity. Whether you are a parent or a child, don’t be so self-righteous. .

I think this is probably the greatest significance this movie brings to us.

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