From "Spirited Away" to "The Lion King", the thunder that the movie announced in those years

Text/Da Zhou is not a cat

When I heard that "Spirited Away" was going to be re-released in the cinema, the jellyfish was very happy. After all, Mr. Miyazaki’s work runs through the jellyfish’s entire childhood, and it has been regrettable that he could not sit Carefully comment on childhood in front of the big screen. The jellyfish wanted to take friends, eat popcorn, and see the original childhood memories in the cinema.

(Screenshot of Spirited Away animation version)

But when the jellyfish learned that "Spirited Away" was dubbed in Mandarin, I couldn't help but be confused. What the hell is this? I also specially found a star live cosplay? Jellyfish can fully understand This is a propaganda method that uses celebrity spokespersons to expand fan effects. It’s just that the jellyfish believes that professional things should be done by professional people. After all, most of the audience cares about the viewing effect and their original feelings.

(screenshot of Spirited Away live-action version)

jellyfish has been comforting itself, this is a way for the movie party to get a higher box office and want to turn a small hobby into a popular hobby. But for Spirited Away, which has won many international awards, it is not a niche hobby. In the impression of jellyfish, most people around her age know Hayao Miyazaki.

(Screenshot of Spirited Away live-action version)

has one thing to say. After seeing the live-action poster, the jellyfish is obviously uncomfortable, not to mention the time to hear the dubbing. There was an urge to cry in the storm. In the Japanese version of dubbing that year, in order to meet the role requirements, the dubbing actor read a lot of Natsume Soseki's books to increase the depth of his language. And now, is the director letting the actors play freely with that thick voice?

and switching to "The Lion King" is even more interesting. The top 55 movies in the world need to rely on traffic stars, Cai Xukun, etc. to endorse and announce. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this matter itself. For the movie, it is necessary to find a spokesperson and help with the platform promotion. Besides, Cai Xukun himself also likes the Lion King. He is still a Leo, and it is considered hard work. It is understandable for him to talk about the similarities between himself and Simba. It is nothing more than talking about their own dreams, their own fame experience, and how much hardship they have suffered before. , But it has survived, and it is considered meaningful, and he can also drive fans to watch.

(Lion King live-action Weibo promotion map)

(Lion King live-action preview)

However, this kind of traffic and public opinion drive attention really makes viewers unbearable. I have to say, is Lao Mei not self-confident in herself? From "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Wandering Earth", we can see that the final audience is still watching the quality of the film. The use of celebrity effect can only be said to be a guarantee, and has little effect on the word-of-mouth box office. After all, most viewers are not fools. The use of public opinion is even more pitted, seeing the red-haired and white-skinned in "The Little Mermaid" turned into a black-skinned mermaid with a catfish face.

(screenshot of the trailer for the live-action version of The Little Mermaid)

is not about racial discrimination, but a matter of personality.

(screenshot of the animated version of The Little Mermaid)

Isn't this out of character? There are public opinions and topics, but is there such a way to walk fans? This is destroying our dreams. Wasn’t there no black princess in the original princess? But from a certain aspect, it did play a role in breaking racial discrimination. At least toy manufacturers will produce some black princess dolls in the future.