"Sweeping Drugs 2" was given bad reviews on a large scale, and the reason why the air-conditioning in the cinema was not cold was also the reason that Wang Jing was right

After the summer vacation of

domestic films started, due to various reasons, many movies that were originally going to be released could no longer be shown in the summer vacation, so that the audience almost had no movies to see. This also makes the Hollywood blockbuster "Spider-Man: Far From Home" completely unmatched, sweeping domestic movies. So "Anti-Drug 2", which was supposed to be released at the end of July, was released in advance to fight "Spider-Man." Originally, netizens still had little confidence in the quality of Hong Kong movies, but they did not expect that "Sweeping Drugs 2" performed very well, and the box office trend was still very strong. It overwhelmed "Spider-Man" to the top single-day box office champion. high.

"Sweeping Drugs 2" while reaping the box office aggressively, the polarization of word of mouth is also very obvious. On Douban, the score of "Sweeping Drugs 2" plummeted all the way, getting 6.3 points from the initial 7.1 points, and it may be even lower. "Sweeping Drugs 2" received a lot of negative reviews on the first day it was released. The reasons for these negative reviews were similar. They all said that the plot was too bad and there was no suspense, and there was no innovation. These reasons are acceptable, but careful fans have also found problems on Douban, that is, many people’s reasons for negative reviews are very strange, such as the cinema air conditioner is not cold enough, the popcorn is not sweet enough, etc., these wonderful reasons After seeing it, people couldn't help but want to laugh. This reason has nothing to do with the quality of the movie, it is purely black and black.

​​Although "Anti-drug 2" is not the best Hong Kong movie in recent years, it is also a sincere movie. Both the acting skills of the actors and the scenes in the movie are in place. The innovation in the plot of Hong Kong films is indeed a flaw, because the previous Hong Kong films were too popular. I have filmed all kinds of plots. It is really difficult to make something new. So now many Hong Kong movies are working hard on the scenes, and the plot will weaken a lot. As for the person who gave bad reviews, there is nothing to say about the plot. After all, Hollywood blockbusters basically have no plot. They can still get high scores just by watching the scene.

Netizens who are familiar with Douban know that Douban is a platform where you can score without watching a movie, so you can write negative reviews. No matter how strict Douban is to guard against, there is still a way if you want a large number of negative reviews. After all, Douban scores are still very authoritative in the eyes of many netizens. Wang Jing's new film "Chasing the Dragon 2" also encountered the same problem some time ago. As soon as the movie was released, it was not over yet, and it received a lot of bad reviews on Douban. Although the movie "Chasing the Dragon 2" is not very good-looking, it does not receive so many negative reviews at the beginning. When Wang Jing participated in the "Round Table", he also talked about the topic of film critics. He said that anyone can be a film critic and there is no authority. Whether a movie looks good or not is determined by the audience, not the critics. I think that the movie looks good is the last word.

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