Female violence not to be ignored in movies (part 2)

◆◆1. Direct violence◆◆

According to the respondents’ answers, rape, beating and humiliation are regarded as “eternal” acts of direct violence against women (see Figure 3).

01 Rape, slap and assault

Interviewee FC1 said that most of the scenes in the movie "Eternity" are direct violence: "Although the hero and the heroine are lovers, they always hurt each other. It seems to tell the audience that even if you love him/her, You can slap or beat each other." Consistent with this, the interviewee NGO 1 said that “in this movie, you can often see scenes that are playing or about to be played”. Respondent NGO 3 said that “direct violence against women in the film is shown as dragging the heroine on the floor”. However, most interviewees emphasized that the slaps and beatings in the film are direct acts of violence. It should be clarified that a female interviewee described rape as direct violence. It can be assumed that the rape scene is a scene where the husband rapes his wife, and therefore cannot be interpreted as rape.

02 Humiliation

From the perspective of the interviewee, another direct violence that appears in the movie is humiliation. All six interviewees believed that restraining the heroine in the movie was direct violence against women. For example, respondent GM3 said: "The hostess's husband punishes the hostess by putting handcuffs on his nephew, making the hostess exhausted, and decides to die."

◆◆2. Structural violence◆◆

From the perspective of the interviewee, there are three forms of structural violence against women in "eternal": inequality, social structure and power structure (see Figure 4).

01 Gender inequality

Because gender inequality is the fundamental determinant of violence against women, it has become a problem in many countries and international organizations such as the World Health Organization. Based on this, interviewee GM2 pointed out a gender inequality scene in the film "Eternal", that is, although Yupadee can break cultural norms, she cannot break through the social structure to which she belongs. In this case, interviewee AC2 made the same point. He said, “In the movie, men sit on stools and women sit near them to provide all services, including sex. Although the movie does not indicate how society judges women, or how women are in society At what level, it clearly shows the inequality between men and women .”

Therefore, both male and female respondents said that one of the structural violence elements in this film is the inequality between men and women. .

02 Social structure

According to the service (2015), the social structure is based on age and gender, and most activities believe that men are better than women. In the current study, male and female respondents mentioned that primitive society allowed polygamy and men to dominate social values. As interviewee GM2 talked about the movie "Eternal": "Structural violence is people's fear of living under leadership authority. That is the so-called primitive society or male society or slavery society."

03 power structure

people and The distribution of power between society or social systems is a power structure , and sociologists discuss how power structure leads to inequality. Some interviewees (four men and five women) defined the power structure in the film as structural violence. Interviewee AC2 explained: "The movie eternally presents a social state at the time. Papo (the heroine husband) is the most powerful person, and he controls everything there." In addition, interviewee GM3 emphasized: "When a man and a woman get married, structural violence occurs, and the wife will become the husband's private property and may be punished more severely than pets."

◆◆ cultural violence◆◆

cultural violence includes culture, religion, formal science, etc. It can be used to justify direct or structural violence . Therefore, the evidence from the interviews in this research shows that there are three kinds of cultural violence in film eternity: power acceptance, patriarchy and marital bondage. (See Figure 5)

01 power acceptance

According to Galtung (1990), one of the ways that cultural violence works is by turning wrong moral behavior into correct or at least "acceptable" . In the interview, only one male interviewee mentioned that women need men to confirm their own value. Female interviewees believe that what is shown in the film is women’s acceptance of male rights, and they not only accept but also satisfy all of them. So muchSeveral female respondents believe that this form of violence is very common in Thai society.

02 Patriarchy (society)

Patriarchy is a kind of social relationship in which the dominant position of male belief and heterosexuality is the root of gender violence. The patriarchy supports the treatment of women by traditional cultural beliefs, which justifies violence and gender inequality . Respondents in this study stated that the patriarchy in this movie is presented in the context of a strong and intelligent man. Interestingly, most of the respondents who emphasized this issue were men. For example, interviewee AC2 said: "This movie tells us indirectly that at first a woman may control the situation, but in the end a man can control her." The research results show that men dominate the society . Early research by researcher Levinson of

03 marriage bondage

shows that in a male-dominated society, divorce and remarriage are not easy for women, but polygamy is allowed. In line with this, the movie "Eternal" presents scenes related to marriage bondage. Both male and female respondents said that women have no choice after getting married. According to this, interviewee FC1 stated that “a woman’s marriage means the end of her life, even if she is not happy, she will always be under her husband”.

Judging from the survey results, there is no significant difference in the opinions of male and female respondents. As mentioned in the results section, both male and female respondents have similar thoughts and opinions on the issues highlighted in the research. This may be because they have similar experiences, values ​​and understanding of violence against women in Thai society.

Conclusions and recommendations

has many studies on violence against women in the media, but there is less attention to movies, especially Thai movies. The research on violence against women in movies is more about direct violence, such as sexual violence or physical violence. Correspondingly, Galtung’s Violence Triangle Theory shows that direct violence, structural violence and cultural violence are mutually reflected, but cultural violence is the violence that people accept, and sometimes people don’t even know that violence is happening . Therefore, this research attempts to expand the scope of violence against women and is the first to track three types of violence against women in Thai movies.

In this paper, the focus of the discussion is the views of stakeholders in civil society on violence against women in Thai movies. The available evidence seems to indicate that according to Galtung’s violence model, violence against women has characteristics in certain content of "Eternal". More specifically, in addition to physical humiliation, direct violence also takes the form of rape, slaps, and beatings. Direct violence has been listed as the most common form of use against women and needs to be discouraged. Interestingly, in this film, only one female interviewee emphasized that rape is a direct act of violence. In addition, structural violence is one of the areas of violence that are not noticed but can cause harm to women . This research found that there are various forms of structural violence in the movie "Eternal". For example, the gender inequality presented in the movie can be seen as a reinforcement of the concept of how women should be treated. Similarly, the primitive way of treating women as slaves who are always afraid of men is a form of structural violence . This description, called power structure, is disgusted by sociologists. Another focus of this research is cultural violence, which is an aspect of culture that justifies violence against women. In the movie eternity, power acceptance and patriarchy are used to establish the dominance of men over women, even if women make a significant contribution to the happiness of the family. It is worth noting that cultural violence content supporting structural violence and direct violence has become a social norm that women and society accept and dare not challenge . These results confirm that the violence against women in the film is complex .

In "Eternity", the appearance of tools of violence against women may greatly affect people's dominant impression of the film's influence and popularity. However, the purpose and design of the movie is not to promote violence against women, but considering its spread and popularity, people tend to downplay the positive information of the movie and seize the violence information. It is worth noting that the findings of this study help to deepen the understanding of violence against women in Thai movies. It draws attention to the cultural violence hidden in the movie content . Therefore, this research can be used as a source of media violence research, which can help film classification and media regularization . Regarding human rights and gender equality, in view of the findings of this article, further research should focus on examining the impact of film ratings or film ratings on women’s violence. Although this article has covered the stated goals, more attention should be paid to exploring the awareness of film directors and audiences on the impact of structural violence and cultural violence hidden in film content. This kind of attention is necessary before the movie is shown in theaters and other channels. In addition to focusing on how the authorities understand media violence, new research should focus on the media literacy skills of families and schools, and the next generation of teachers. This will help society transform into a strong media literacy and critical thinking society. The above content of

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