Introduction to Episode 24 of Hand Pickable Stars Finale (24 episodes in total)

Hand Pickable Stars Episode 24 Diversity Plot Introduction (Grand Finale)

Lixia re-enters the game and recognizes Yang Mo. The ending in the game is perfect and realistic but unknown

   Lixia entered the game again. At this time, she found that she had become a little eunuch, but her original dress and body had disappeared. Yang Mo asked her where Li Xia had gone, and Li Xia had to lie that she was a slave of Lan Xin Zhai and a friend of Li Xian. She was entrusted by Li Xia to speak to the emperor. Yang Mo didn't believe what the eunuch said. Seeing that Yang Mo didn't believe it, Li Xia said the words of the two privately for life. This is the private words of the two, and it is impossible for others to know. Yang Mo only believed it. What the little slave said was true.

   Yang Mo asked Li Xia's name, and Li Xia had to compile a name for himself, and Yang Mo arranged Xiao Lizi in front of the imperial court, and served with Xiao Yingzi for his own food and daily life. Xiao Lizi can cook the same dishes as Li Xia, but the taste that makes him obsessed. This makes Yang Mo very moved. He finally started to eat, and Xiao Lizi asked him to ask questions. Xiao Lizi said the manager of Li I asked myself to tell Yang Mo that he had to eat three meals a day and drink well, so that he could replenish his energy to go to court, and Yang Mo's appearance in the court was the most handsome and the most beautiful. After listening to these words, Yang Mo instantly seemed to have injected infinite strength, and ordered Xiaoyingzi to go up immediately.

   Yang Mo regrouped, settled inside and fought outside, led his officials to support Nan Ting's original intention and dominate the world. Since the state affairs have not been dealt with for a long time, the memorials played by the ministers are piled up like a mountain. The Zhenyuan Army has insufficient food and grass. After the chaos, there are several vacancies in the six departments. The floods in the southwest need to allocate silver for relief, etc., but Yang Mo seems to have taken a pill. It was dealt with day and night, and these forces were all due to the news of the calendar summer. Li Xia came to the chaifang to look for the archive organ. She happened to meet Yang Mo who also came here. She wanted to hide but was discovered by Yang Mo. Yang Mo was very suspicious. He asked who she was. See you again. I could not hide it, so I had to admit that I was Lixia. Li Xia confessed to Yang Mo that she was afraid to recognize Yang Mo as an eunuch now, so she wanted to come to Chaifang to look for the archive organ and try to find a way to change Huili manager. Yang Mo was overjoyed and hugged Li Xia. Embrace happiness.

Above the court of

  , the National Protectorate and Zhenyuan Army sent reports one after another. They won several important battles. The border rebellion is only the end of the matter. The ministers are discussing whether to take the North Border, Xiliang, and Zhennan in one fell swoop. During the Ting’s situation, Li Xia began to find short-sightedness. Yang Mo came to save Li Xia after hearing the news, knowing that Li Xia wanted to die in exchange for the body of the head of the calendar, but Yang Mo did not want her to take this risk. Tell Xiaoyingzi to guard Lixia at all times.

   Jie Qingshu and Fan Ruxiang returned from a big victory. Fan Ruxiang recognized Li Xia at a glance. The two happily hugged each other. Although Fan Ruxiang and Jie Qingshu were hurriedly married, they did not expect Fan Ruxiang to be pregnant soon. Several people decided to wait for Yang Mo to be busy. After that, share the good news with him. While Yang Mo was reviewing the memorial, there was a scholar outside the city gate begging to see him, saying that he could bring back Li Xia's body, but the condition was to take Song Yueying away. Yang Mo approached Lixia to discuss the matter. The two opened their hearts. Lixia told Yang Mo that although her current identity was embarrassing, she didn't care. She was afraid that Song Yueying would affect Yang Mo's dominance of the world. Yang Mo told her that he had no intention to dominate the world, and the only thing he wanted was to be with Li Xia.

   A month later, the wedding day of Xie Qingshu and Fan Ruxiang came, and the palace was filled with happiness, but Yang Mo and the three were still thinking about Lixia. Xie Qingshu got married with Fan Ruxiang in worship, but Yang Mo didn't wait for Lixia. He finally regretted his original decision. He moved to the pond where the two met and wept bitterly, regretting letting Lixia go. At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Yang Mo’s ears. The person who thought about it day and night was holding the baked buns, standing in front of him laughing like a flower, Li Xia came to the Bai Chi dangerous building in the game, Picking stars, then, what kind of situation will it be like in real life, no one can answer. (End of the show)

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