Netizens revealed that Zhang Yujian and Wu Qian did not disclose the reason for marrying and having children: the woman sacrificed a lot for love

Regarding the artist's love affair, no matter how many real hammers there are, as long as the master does not recognize it, it will always be a mystery. Zhang Yujian and Wu Qian are two good examples. The confusing relationship between the two has caused many people who eat melons to say that "this melon is very tired." In fact, in the eyes of many netizens, they subconsciously think that these two people are already married and have children, and they generously admit that everyone will also send blessings.

But these two people don't know what they are worried about. They have been photographed on multiple dates. News of Zhang Yujian and Wu Qian's marriage and childbirth are also frequently reported, but the two simply refuse to admit. Some time ago, some netizens picked up Wu Qian's live broadcast at Zhang Yujian's house. The two were suspected of living together. The evidence released by the netizens seemed to confirm that the two were in the same room, but the owner still refused to admit it.

Although the netizens are very tired from eating the melons of the two people, they are always persevering in finding evidence to hammer them. If there is a turmoil, the netizens will have to fight a lot, as if they would not be hammered to death and let them come out and confess. Don't stop. Not long ago, Wu Qian accidentally exposed the ring on her ring finger during the live broadcast. Netizens instantly boiled over and speculated that the two were really married. The noise was very loud.

finally forced Wu Qianfang to respond in person. I thought that this time the good news could finally come, but the result was disappointed. Wu Qian said that the ring has no meaning, it is the jewelry that little girls like to wear, and they did not respond positively to the relationship problem. This remark also made netizens confused. Unknowing netizens thought they denied the rumors with Zhang Yujian.

and Zhang Yujian also revealed in the previous live broadcast that he is single at this stage, and their responses really disgusted netizens. I don't know what they are trying to hide, after all, their current development route no longer cares about whether they are married.

netizens were really puzzled about this. On April 22, an insider posted a report on the official account, explaining the two people’s behavior of not publicly getting married and having children. People familiar with the matter said that the main reason for the two people's delay in making public was Zhang Yujian's side, because Zhang Yujian still wanted to take the niche route, and publicity would make him lose a lot of his wife's fans. Now Zhang Yujian's career is not stable. Losing this part of the fans will directly affect his future development path. Therefore, after weighing it repeatedly, he decided not to make it public.

As for Wu Qian, she really wants to disclose the relationship between the two. The insider revealed that Wu Qian belongs to the kind of girl who takes love very importantly. For Zhang Yujian, she turned down a lot of scenes, one of which turned out to be popular, and Wu Qian sacrificed her work for love. Many opportunities.

If what the insider said is true, then Wu Qian is really distressing. In love, boys are always relatively sensible, while girls are always desperate for love and are often easily injured. If this person is worthy of the girl's contribution, then the girl is lucky, but if she is disappointed in the end, she can only blame herself for being unsuccessful.

But these are the girls' own choices, no matter how outsiders think it is worthless, it will not help, after all, it is bitter or sweet, only they know. I hope Zhang Yujian can live up to Wu Qian in the future, otherwise all his efforts now will fall short.