My brother and my sister-in-law episode 6 diversity plot

My brother and my sister-in-law episode 6 diversity plot introduction

Peng Guangrong refused to pursue Lu Bailing, Caixia seeks relatives to marry Song Tiejun

   Peng Guangrong saw that Xia Yinan didn't pay for himself to buy clothes, so he didn't even eat any food. He winked at Peng Guangliang, and Peng Guangliang persuaded Xia Yinan to help the third brother, otherwise he would really not find a partner. Xia Yinan knew that Peng Guangrong admired Lu Bailing, but she also knew that Lu Bailing categorically despised Peng Guangrong. No matter how hard he tried, it was no use, so she kindly persuaded him to find someone who can look at this family and live a solid life. , But Peng Guangrong identified Lu Bailing, and Xia Yinan couldn't dissuade him, so he didn't say much.

Peng Guangrong turned around and saw the portrait of his parents. He had an idea in his heart. He deliberately pretended to cry to complain. The dry howling made Xia Yinan irritable. She looked at Peng Guangrong’s face lying on the bed and went into the house to give Peng Guangrong twenty-two. For RMB, I told him that it was only this time. Peng Guangrong was so excited that he immediately put away his crying face, and went to the store to buy a good shirt. He also promised that he would be able to catch Lu Bailing.

Song Tiejun returned home, and when she was about to enter the door, she was stopped by a girl with a Sichuan accent. She called herself Caixia. She had booked a baby kiss with him since she was a child. This time she married him. Just confused. Song Tiejun let Caixia into the house. She immediately regarded this place as her home, and she refused to leave. Song Tiejun had no choice but to keep her, but warned her that she could only claim to be her cousin. , Otherwise you will ruin your reputation. In addition, Song Tiejun and Peng Guangming have a deep brotherhood, and he secretly determined that Peng Guangming will not get married unless Peng Guangming wakes up.

   Peng Guangrong bought the shirt, and immediately ran over to find Lu Bailing. On such a cold day, he wore a shirt, which attracted the ridicule of Lu Bailing's colleagues. Lu Bailing called Peng Guangrong aside and asked him what he wanted to do. Peng Guangrong let her look at his shirt and said that he had just bought it. This time he is qualified to like her. After hearing this, Lu Bailing became angry, and simply told Peng Guangrong that she would open the skylight to speak up. It is impossible for them to come together. She is the pillar of the advocacy team of Qianjin Machinery Factory, but Peng Guangrong is just an apprentice. His salary is four times that of his. Why is he staying with himself? Besides, his social relationship is much better than his family, which made him cut off this idea. Not to mention that he was wearing a real shirt, even if he changed into a dragon robe, he could not become a prince. After speaking, Lu Bailing turned and left, leaving behind a dumbfounded Peng Guangrong. Peng Guangrong couldn't restrain the loss of his heart. He tore his newly bought shirt to pieces, and also tore his hope of pursuing Lu Bailing to pieces.

Peng Guangliang took Holly out to play and saw that everyone else was walking on the hoops. Holly wanted to play too. Guangliang went forward to borrow from his classmates. His classmate let Guangliang go up the tree and pick up fruits for himself in exchange. Guangliang ignored the danger. Climbing up the tree and picking the fruit, but his classmates let Holly play for a while. They also satirized that Guangliang had no parents. Guangliang wanted to go forward and fight, and was dragged away by Dongmei and Dongqing. The three children stood aside and were sad and crying. When Lu Huaihai saw that, he hurriedly stopped to comfort them.

Song Tiejun brought a few brothers from the motorcade to help Peng Guangming’s family. Xia Yinan asked him not to call people to do the work. He could do the work at home, but Song Tiejun would not listen. He said it was an expression. In mind, Song Tiejun also mentioned Peng Guangming's glorious deeds in the army, and his words were full of worship. Peng Guangrong came back dejectedly. Xia Yinan saw that his good shirt had been shattered by him, and was so angry that he stepped forward and accused him. Peng Guangrong retorted Xia Yinan's retort. Song Tiejun hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. A man said that Peng Guangrong's matter should be solved by him.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission