The 17th episode of the 14th year of Chenghua Diversity plot (48 episodes in total)

In the 14th year of Chenghua, the 17th episode of the diversity plot introduction

Tang Yu was bullied by his husband, Wang Zhi was in danger

   Back in the Fuzhong, Tang Fan persuaded Tang Yu to leave He's house, but Tang Yu didn't want to leave the child to live alone because he estimated Xiao Cheng's safety. After Tang Fan heard about her sister's difficulties, he slowly began to understand her sister's difficulties.

   After the second son of the Yu family came back to deal with the funeral and entrusted Miss Yu San to Suizhou for care, he wanted to find out Wang Zhi’s criminal evidence through a heavy sum of money. For a time, the residents in the capital lied in order to get half of Yu's family wealth. It was Wang Zhi who bought and killed the Yu family. There was an uproar in the capital, and Commander Wan and Monk Shang Ming also wanted to take the opportunity to bring Wang Zhi down and take the West Factory into his pocket. The emperor was forced by public opinion and had to temporarily order Wang Zhi to suspend the investigation and hand over the West Factory to the East Factory.

   After Wang Zhi was at home, Wan Guifei was worried about his safety and wanted to keep him by her side, but Wang Zhi had to take risks because of the heavy burden of life, and continue to investigate the official silver lead. Later, the killers sent by Commander Shang Ming and Wan followed suit. Wang Zhi was worried that his life would be too soon, so he wanted to ask Tang Fan to continue investigating the matter, so he went under Jia Kui’s escort and the cover of the little beggars. Next, rushed to Tongzhou overnight.

   Tang Yu returned to He Mansion to deliver medicine to Xiaocheng. Seeing that the second elder of the He family was beating Xiaocheng to drive him away from evil spirits, Tang Yu did not want his son to suffer and wanted to pull him away, but was taken away by her husband He Lin. Hearing that as long as she gave up her dowry, He Lin was willing to make peace with herself and let herself take Xiao Cheng. Tang Yu couldn’t wait to sign and draw on He Li Shu, but unexpectedly He Lin refused to let her take her after signing. Take a small journey. Tang Yu returned to his younger brother's residence under the heavy rain. Dolla and Wuyun Bragg wanted to go and snatch Xiaocheng back when they saw it, but Tang Fan stopped them.

   On this day, Tang Fan was inspired by a case and thought of a way to snatch Xiao Cheng back for his sister, so he bought the villager’s piglet at a high price. Ben was still in high spirits, but after hearing that Wang Zhi was visiting, he reluctantly followed Dong'er back to the mansion in an instant. Wang Zhi informed Tang Fan about the official silver lead injection. Tang Fan speculated that Wang Zhi was in danger at this time and wanted to keep him in Tongzhou for a long-term plan, but Wang Zhi insisted on rushing back to Beijing overnight.

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