The tenth episode of the fourteenth year of Chenghua Diversity plot (48 episodes in total)

Chenghua Fourteenth Year Episode 10 Diversity Plot Introduction

Suizhou Saved Huang Jinglong Fufa

   Guangningma City resumed, Wang Zhi's mission was successfully completed, and he led his men and Tang Fan and his party to Ji'an to rescue Suizhou by water. Doerla and Wuyun Bragg didn't have to follow them all the time, but in order to repair the chopsticks damaged by her and return them to Tang Fan, Doerra insisted on following all the way, and after returning the chopsticks to Tang Fan, she left.

   Jia Kui followed Wang Zhi's order and came to Ji'an first, and met a fake Wang Zhi in the restaurant. After seeing that Tang Fan had not lied, Jia Kui followed Wang Zhi's arrangement beforehand and entered the government office. But I didn't want to meet Huang Jinglong who wanted to harm Suizhou as soon as he got here. Fortunately, Jia Kui saw it through, and Suizhou and the prisoners escaped.

   Huang Jinglong and his men saw that Suizhou had escaped another catastrophe, but still did not give up, they wanted to set fire to all the people to death. Fortunately, Suizhou and Jia Kui once again saw through his conspiracy and led everyone to start digging secret roads. Together with this heavy smoke, Suizhou and the two led everyone away from the secret road prepared in advance.

  Wang Zhi’s ship arrived in Ji’an. Tang Fan wanted to take Wang Zhi to save people, but unexpectedly, Wang Zhi was not ready to disembark at this time. He just gave Tang Fan a kit and let Tang Fan go first. Save people.

   Within this Ji’an government office, Huang Jinglong’s three top bosses arrived one after another. When everyone did not know who had deceived the three of them, Tang Fan beat the drums and complained. Everyone woke up like a dream. What Tang Fan did. In front of the three adults, Tang Fan not only exposed Huang Jinglong's true face, but also led everyone to the palace prison, but he didn't want the palace prison to be destroyed. Just when Huang Jinglong secretly happily thought that he had successfully destroyed the corpse, Suizhou led everyone to the hall of the palace. In the face of the identification of the people, Huang Jinglong also tried to use the fake Wang Zhi to identify Suizhou and others as the imperial order officer, and then save his life. Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Zhi had already switched the package by stealing the sky.

   As soon as Wang Zhi entered the lobby of the government office, he knew the privacy of the three adults very well, and through the tips that Tang Fan gave to Tang Fan, he reminded Tang Fan that he was the real Wang Zhi. Subsequently, Wang Zhi said that after exposing Huang Jinglong's stubborn crimes in person, Huang Jinglong and his comrades were all taken into prison and sent back to the capital to be sent down.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission