The eighth episode of the fourteenth year of Chenghua Diversity plot (48 episodes in total)

In the fourteenth year of Chenghua, the eighth episode of the diversity plot introduction

Tang Fan rushed to Ji'an to rescue Suizhou Wang Zhifu lost his horse after driving to the city

   Tang Fan’s case report from Suizhou in recent days found that he was trapped in Anji at this time. He immediately rushed to Jin Yiwei with Suizhou’s confidant Xue Ling for help, but the commander did not listen to Tang Fan at all. The explanation was that he was driven out as a lunatic.

   Without Jin Yiwei's support, Tang Fan could only tell Xue Ling about his current dangerous situation. After the two discussed, they had to choose the fastest way to combine land and water, and rushed to Ji'an non-stop. But she didn't want Xue Ling to beg for help, so he stole Jin Yiwei's official ship and was blocked by the local government halfway, so he had to change to land early and continue to Anji.

In the Ji'an prison on the other side of

  , Huang Jinglong unexpectedly found a person who was very similar to Wang Zhi in both manner and appearance, and asked Suizhou who betrayed him, but he was still seen through by the careful Suizhou. Upon seeing this, Huang Jinglong and fake Wang Zhi also revealed their true colors. Not only did they imprison Suizhou in prison, they also sentenced them before that, and cut off the supply of water and rice in Suizhou.

   In Anji prison, there are too many inmates and less rice. There are more than 500 prisoners but only two hundred people are provided. Everyone can’t eat enough. Every meal has to wait for a few prison tyrants to eat before they can eat, so there will be five prisons every three times. The prisoner was starved to death. The upright Suizhou was very dissatisfied with this approach and couldn't help but directly defeated the prison tyrants and distributed the food equally to everyone.

   Hundreds of good horses prepared by the four tribes in the northern pastoral area for the opening of the horse market disappeared overnight. The various tribes opened the market and blamed each other. The Jurchen Tribe and Doyanwei had already fought, Fuyuweihe Tai Ningwei was on his way, and the situation was very urgent. After Wang Zhi got the news, he rushed to the scene of the incident. After checking the surroundings of the scene, Wang Zhiyou questioned the three owners. Seeing that the words of the three were full of loopholes, Wang Zhi saw that the three were trying to blame them and bite them indiscriminately. He couldn't help but expose the three in public. He promised that the case will be solved before the market opens. Although the words have already been said, as there was no trace of horses in the stables, Wang Zhi and others were at a loss. At this time, Wang Zhi really hoped that Tang Fan could help himself here.

   Wang Zhi meets with the son of the Jurchen Guardian commander. This person thinks that Wang Zhi does not understand Jurchen language and speaks harshly to Wang Zhi, but he does not want to be taught by Wang Zhi on the spot. Later, the commander of the Jurchen Ministry heard that his son had been humiliated and couldn't help asking for an explanation, but was persuaded by Wang Zhi to surrender to Daming.

  At this time, Tang Fan and Xue Ling felt Ji'an, and Tang Fan, who was addicted to his life, also came to the small shop where Suizhou had eaten rice noodles, and learned from the shopkeeper that Suizhou had saved his life a few days ago. The thief grabbed the medicine and the government took it away. At this moment, the fake Wang Zhi also came to eat in the small shop. After seeing that the fake Wang Zhi didn't even know him, Tang Fan felt something strange and pretended to be blind, and immediately left the shop to meet Xue Ling.

   returned to the residence. After Tang Fan and Xue Ling exchanged information, Tang Fan determined that Suizhou must be imprisoned by the government at this time. After leaving Xue Ling with three tips, he and Xue Ling After acting in a play, he got into the jail smoothly, and learned from Suizhong that he only had half a month. After half a month, whether Suizhou recruits or not, Huang Jinglong will kill Suizhou.

   Xue Ling, who was outside the prison, spent a lot of money to fish out Tang Fan from the prison according to the tips Tang Fan left him. Tang Fan and Xue Ling, who had regained their freedom, rushed back to Beijing immediately. When they were preparing to rush to Liaozhong to ask for help from Wang Zhi, Xue Ling was arrested by Commander Wan for stealing the ship. Tang Fan arrested together.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission