Three of the "Four Wicked Men" in Hong Kong's film industry have died, leaving only Wang Zulan's "dad"!

Hong Kong’s early gangster movies are the youth of many netizens. The kind of passion and brotherhood that everyone yearns for when they were young. Now Hong Kong’s gangster movies no longer have the feeling of those years, but the feelings are immortal! Netizens who often watch early Hong Kong gangster movies should have heard of the "Four Evildoers" in the Hong Kong film world. They are He Jiaju, Cheng Kui'an, Huang Guangliang and Lee Shau Kee. These four actors often appear in movies as villains and villains. , Heduo netizens should be impressed by them, they are in the classic "Prison Situation" and "Young and Dangerous Series"!

Then I will introduce you to the second "villain" He Jiaju. He Jiaju passed away in 15 years. He has a rich interpretation experience. He was a screenwriter at first. After participating in the movie, he discovered his talent in acting. "Won the Golden Award for Best Supporting Actor, starred in Wang Jing's comedy film "The Supreme Thirty-Six Strategies: Stealing the Day" and then moved to the line of comedians. He Jiaju's nearly 30 years of acting experience can be said to have dedicated his life Give it to the showbiz, not so popular but gorgeous enough!

Then there is the third "wicked man" Lee Shau Kee. Upon hearing the news of Lee Shao Kee's death, I have to lament that time flies. A few days ago, I just revisited the "Young and Dangerous Series" movie. Lee Shau Kee in the movie is still a big brother. Full! Many people say that the name Lee Shau-kee will think of Hong Kong’s rich man Lee Shau-kee, second only to Li Ka-shing's real estate tycoon. In fact, the two are just the same name! Compared with the other three "villains", Lee Shau Kee's interpretation of life is more of a comedy, and he has appeared in many movies of Stephen Chow. Although he has never appeared in a movie in his life, he can definitely be called a "100 supporting roles"!

The three "villains" have all passed away, and now only Wang Zulan's "dad" Huang Guangliang is left. Huang Guangliang has also played supporting roles throughout his life, but the drama is still very wide, starring in various types of movies and roles. A green leaf in the Hong Kong film scene, although the audience may not remember his name, he must be impressed by his unique appearance! Huang Guangliang and Wang Zulan also have a relationship. The two are called father and son because of their similar appearance. In fact, the two are more like a master-disciple relationship. Huang Guangliang has also provided a lot of help for Wang Zulan in the entertainment industry!