"X-Men Twenty Years" timeline combing the eternally angry "Wolverine"

this year is a year that can make many film fans sigh.

"Avengers 4: Endgame" is released, and the first stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe legend is over.

The last season of "The Big Bang Theory" aired, and this American drama that accompanied the youth of many people came to an end.

"Game of Thrones" in the eighth season of Brandon ascended to the Iron Throne. Although full of dissatisfaction from fans and countless blades sent to the screenwriter, a generation of drama kings finally ended the six episodes of evil.

As Disney completed the acquisition of the 20th century old fox last year, now, "X-Men: Black Phoenix" has also successfully become the end of the X-Men series.

, a superhero group portrait film series that has lasted for 20 years, was also the enlightenment work of many people's film adaptations.

"X-Men" released in 2000 not only became popular with Hugh Jackman and Brian Singer, but also brought a turn for the sluggish superhero movie market at that time.

"X-Men" boldly employs rookie Hollywood actors and directors, and it is extremely innovative with the introduction of outdated stars.

Moreover, the series also opened the mode of not changing the main character during the superhero movie shooting process, allowing actors and characters to become one, forming a fan effect.

It is no exaggeration to say that the "X-Men" trilogy points the way for the success of the subsequent "Avengers series".

Thanks to the "Avengers series" for the Marvel Universe, more and more fans have begun to pay attention to the X-Men group.

So movie fans have a rough outline of the X-Men story, basically saying that some humans on the earth have begun to genetically mutate and have evolved super powers. The super power

caused panic among ordinary humans, and contradictions arose.

In the next few issues, we will lead fans to review the timeline of the story development of the "X-Men Series" in the form of movies.

In 3600 BC, in the first dynasty of ancient Egypt, there was a powerful pharaoh.

He led four men, known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, ruling the Egyptian people brutally.

finally one day, in the pyramid where the pharaoh sought the way of longevity, the people launched an uprising and sealed him in the pyramid.

is said to be the first mutant in history-Apocalypse, and all mutants after that are his descendants.

​​However, the movie we are mainly introducing today is not "X-Men: Apocalypse", but "Wolverine".

is told according to the timeline of the movie plot, most of the plot that happened in this movie is in the earliest part of the story of the entire series.

In 1845, somewhere in northwestern Canada, James Logan Horst was lying in bed with a fever. It is said that his brother Victor had similar symptoms as a child.

James' mother remarried after giving birth to her first son with her ex-husband. He was the son of her mother and her second husband. Although the reason for the remarriage is not explained in the

film, it is obvious that it should be because of the long-term alcoholism and domestic violence of the first husband.

At this time, James' mother's ex-wife shouted outside the door, and then shot and killed James' father.

An angry James awakened his power for the first time after seeing the tragic death of his father. He stretched out a bone claw in his hand and killed his mother's ex-husband. The mother of

was puzzled by James's power and thought he was a monster. Before his death,

's mother's ex-husband told him that he was his biological father. I don't agree with the sentence


After all, judging from the appearance in the movie, Victor's father is obviously the mother's first husband, and James' father is obviously the second husband.

and from the personality of the two are also consistent: Victor is more violent, James is more gentle.

​​Later, James learned that his brother also has this power, and they can not only increase their strength through bone claws, but also have powerful self-healing factors in their bodies. They are almost immortal.

But soon, the two brothers were regarded as monsters by the people in the village, and they embarked on an escape journey for more than half a century.

They participated in the American Civil War

World War I

​​World War II, and even participated in the Normandy landing

It is worth mentioning that at the end of the Second World War, Wolverine once rescued a Japanese soldier in Hiroshima, Japan. The two brothers

were eventually imprisoned for killing American troops in the same team on the Vietnam battlefield.

was found by a police officer named Stryker and brought them into a private mercenary team. Everyone in the team of

has some kind of super power.

Among them is a mercenary who likes to play double knives. The super power is the mouth cannon.

Of course, at the same moment, in another military camp on the battlefield in Vietnam, a deformable cousin rescued a group of mutants who were about to be taken away by Stryker. They all followed a man named Eric.

Stryker’s mercenary team slaughtered many fellow Africans while looking for some kind of super metal.

is different from his cruel brother. This incident caused the kind-hearted James to leave the team resolutely.

Six years later, somewhere in the Canadian Rockies, James already has a wife and is engaged in logging.

During this rare and happy time, he even scolded two young men who wanted to bring him into the group in a small bar.

What he didn't know was that the people who had participated in the squad missions were killed one by one.

Until one day, Victor approached the door and killed his wife.

James seeks Victor's revenge, but because of negligence all the year round, he is defeated and his claws are crushed.

James, who wanted revenge, found Stryker and agreed to participate in his X weapon project. The

project is a brutal experiment conducted by Stryker against mutants, with the goal of creating a perfect killing machine.

What they had been looking for six years ago was called Edman alloy, which was the hardest thing in the world.

The experiment that James participated this time was to inject Edman alloy into his body to replace the existing bone.

However, what he didn't know was that all of this was Stryker's conspiracy.

He knew that this kind of experiment was extremely painful, and it would be easy to die without strong willpower and self-healing ability, so he arranged for Victor to defeat James, and even James' wife was arranged by Stryker to monitor him.

Stryker tried to clear James' memory after the experiment was successful, but was discovered by James who has sensitive ears.

Finally, James, who knew everything, ran away from the laboratory and became Wolverine.

Wolverine found Victor after escaping and successfully defeated him with a new weapon.

In a mysterious bar, he also met a card king who was cool but could never have a sequel.

After that, Wolverine returned to the base where he had participated in the experiment to seek revenge on Stryker.

is here, he rescued a group of mutant compatriots imprisoned here, including a young man who can shoot super rays in his eyes.

When Wolverine was leading the mutants to rush out, they encountered the mouth-cannon that had been transformed by Stryker and was called Deadpool.

But strangely, this ultimate weapon in Stryker's mouth was killed by another guy in a red tights as soon as he came out.

Wolverine looked dumbfounded.

Finally, when Wolverine was about to take revenge on Stryker, Stryker hit him in the head with an Edman metal bullet. Although

did not kill him with this blow, it made him lose all his previous memories.

Since then, his night has been filled with countless nightmares. He has continued to be angry for no reason, and has never calmed down.