The eighth season of "Quan You": After 9 years, the wolf family reunites with tears, and the heir to the Iron Throne appears!

Wen Liu Xia Liancheng

experienced the release of many official trailers, interviews with director Martin Uncle and the suspense of "pretending" spoilers in major shows, and after the predictions of the endings of all parties, it, "the king of the year", finally After all the calls came out-the eighth season of

"Game of Thrones", winter is coming. The final season of

"Game of Thrones" will be broadcast exclusively on the entire network of Tencent Video. The first episode is over, and Douban has scored 9.8 points. .

is worthy of what netizens said, the director is carrying the banner of TV series and doing the filming. In the first episode of

, we have seen many shots that correspond to the trailer. For example, the army seen from Amber’s perspective:

Dragon Ma and Snow return to Winterfell from the Great Wall with the Unsullied and Dothraki army:

Cersei and Coben look into the distance, each with their own thoughts:

z The battle report revealed by all parties before the broadcast, the battle between humans and ghosts, will be the most ambitious and long-lasting fighting scene in the whole show. Its length is even hard to find a precedent in the entire movie history. This battle is expected to appear in the third episode, it will have a full 82 minutes of capacity. The first episode currently broadcast mainly presents the preparations made by several forces for this war. Although the army of alien ghosts has not yet appeared in this episode, the crisis and tension they have brought has already been surging under the seemingly calm narration. There are several key plots in the first episode of

that cannot be ignored. One is the Dragon Mother and Jon Snow who have returned from outside the Great Wall. When Snow announced that the Northern Territory would recognize the Dragon Mother as the only queen and loyal to her, the subjects of the Northern Territory responded strongly. On his way back to the city, surprised and bewildered eyes of passers-by watched the strange queen and two dragon; return to the city, on behalf of all First Lai Anna · Mormont protest, Sansa cross-examination but also its attitude is not self-evident:

for Joan For En Snow, this is undoubtedly a risky move. As we all know, in the chaotic era, people's allegiance to the family is basically based on the recognition of the family leader. Once this foundation is destroyed, allegiance will be impossible to talk about. Not long after Jon became the King of the North, he handed off the throne almost as soon as he received the support of his subjects. Of course, this could not be accepted by his supporters, let alone by Sansa. Daenerys Targaryen is a strange existence to all the citizens of the North, not to mention that she is a member of the "Mad King" family. In the early stage, she basically did not live within the scope of the Seven Kingdoms, which can almost be regarded as Is an intruder. They neither knew her nor planned to accept the fact that outsiders would rule Winterfell.

For Dragon Mother, how to establish her own prestige in the north and truly win the trust of her subjects is a severe test she is facing. Winterfell is different from the city-states she had conquered before, which were still under the rule of slave owners. The people in those areas were not highly civilized, and the rule of force was the simplest and most effective method. But the people of the North have lived in Winterfell for a long time. They are brave, tough, stubborn and highly loyal. Their allegiance is to Jon and Sansa. Forcing them to surrender will only arouse their resistance.

Right now, is the queen whose status has been questioned; not far away, is the coming army of strange ghosts; in addition, there are ghostly minded Cersei and Euron, eyeing the north. Any one of these crises is enough to make Jon and Dragon Mother feel devastated. Their love and the future of the Northern Territory will have to go through layers of tests.

Two is the appearance of Samwell Tully Snow who knows his own life. Sam cured the bear’s grayscale disease, but learned that his father Randal Tully and his younger brother Dickon Tully had been executed by the dragon mother. Although his father rarely treated himself well, he still fell down the moment he heard the bad news. Tears of anger and heartache.

may have been touched because of this, and Sam had a relationship with DaenerysDistrust. In addition to Bran’s advice, he saw Snow and told him the truth:

Jon Snow, this man who has always lived carefully and carefully under the name of an illegitimate child, he suffered from Caitlin’s cold eyes, he was brave Joining the Great Wall Guards, he doesn't care about fame and fortune choosing to be loyal to Dragon Mother. But now he knows from Sam that he is the real Aegon Targaryen, the orthodox heir most qualified to sit on the Iron Throne. The queen he loves is his own aunt. This series of truths was caught off guard, and he had no time to react.

Three is the reunion of several roles. The situation is changing and it seems like a world away. When they meet again, not only the appearance of the person opposite has changed, but the way of speaking, attitude and mood have also been turned upside down. Bran responded to Xue Nuo’s hug with a cold smile. When he became a three-eyed crow, he was no longer a Stark, and he was no longer Xue Nuo’s younger brother:

, and the reunion between Er Ya and his brother would be warm. many. After many years, she has been a faceless killer who has experienced many battles and is skilled and calm, but she still trusts and likes this brother with a different surname as she did when she was a child. She always took the "sewing needle" he gave:

. The moment they hugged, it was so emotional, everything was silent, displacement, pain, confusion, grievance... a thousand words. Dissolve in this hug. However, the past is long gone, and the ones that have not yet come are even more shocking. This time, they may separate life and death.

In addition, the little devil and Sansa also meet again in Winterfell. At that time in King's Landing City, Sansa Stark was Tyrion Lannister's nominal wife, and neither of them could control their own destiny. But now, one is Lady Stark and the other is the hand of the Queen. They finally survived the crisis with their own strategy, no longer being manipulated by others, and living in their own name. But you, what awaits them next, will be a situation a hundred times more dangerous than in the past.

At the same time, Erya also met his former friend Zanderli again. At that time, one of them chose to continue to be blacksmiths, and one on the road of revenge. Today, Gendry has become an excellent weapon forge. She trusted him and took out the blueprints, asking him to build a weapon for herself, but was silent about its use. The weapon

looks like an arrow that can move. It is not just used to fight against ghosts. Erya, who had returned to the north, was already a qualified assassin. She should use this weapon to carry out assassination activities and continue to complete the tasks on the revenge list.

It is also worth noting that many plots in the first episode have actually laid the groundwork in the first episode of the first season. When we recall the origins of all disputes, we cannot help but lament the treacherous fate. In the first appearance of the Stark family, Jon Snow once said:

, which obviously refers to his illegitimate status at the time. But now, this unintentional remark can be understood as:

"I'm not a Stark, but a Targaryen." (not a member of the Stark family = belongs to the Targaryen family) From the first season, Joan En's identity is a key hidden line. Although there are many signs of his true identity in the middle, the confirmation of this fact in the eighth season will undoubtedly make the iron throne battle more intense and complicated. In the first season of

, King Robert and his party came to Winterfell. Ned Stark said:

. In the eighth season, when Dragon Mother met with Sansa, Sansa said the same thing. Although there is a bit of unwillingness in it:

when they first met the children of the Stark family, it was difficult for the audience to think that Sansa would one day command Winterfell. Time has passed, and the Northern Lords and Kings of the Seven Kingdoms who sworn allegiance back then have all died. Those two men with vicissitudes of life back then are just like two young and beautiful women in front of them. The same location and similar scenes may be coincidence or destiny. In the eighth season of

, the Iron Throne will haveThe ultimate master. The audience agreed that the throne will eventually belong to the Targaryen family. Just as Robert killed the mad king and inherited his throne in the first season, the descendants of the mad king will also regain the crown.

Back to the first episode of the first season, we will find that Ned Stark's eyes dodge when talking about the Targaryen family, which seems to hide some facts. He strongly emphasized that Targaryen would not pose a threat, hoping to divert Robert’s attention from this family:

At that time, it was difficult for us to notice the emotional changes in Ned’s eyes, but now we understand the meaning of his words. . It was Ned who endured the humiliation and, in order to fulfill his promise to his younger sister, Lyanna Stark, for more than ten years, he hid the secrets about Jon Snow and kept the blood of the Long family. When we turn our attention to the Targaryen family, we will find that Dragon Mother’s older brother Veselis once said:

is a true saying that the rule of the Targaryen family really began when Daenerys married Zhuo. The day of Gokao. What does not change is history, but only the protagonist changes. The ruler of the Seven Kingdoms will be a Targaryen, but not the speaker. However, it is still unknown whether this person is Dragon Mother, her nephew Xue Nuo, or their descendants. There is another set of clues in the first and eighth seasons of

, namely Bran Stark. In the first chapter of the original book, many plot developments are written from Bran’s perspective. At that time, he was still a little boy who knew nothing about world affairs. When Ned headed south to Jun, he watched his father leave with expectant eyes:

. In the eighth season just broadcast, Bran always sits in a wheelchair. , Looking at different people with complicated eyes. He is still sitting at the gate of the city and looking forward, but the meaning of his eyes has changed drastically:

in the first and eighth seasons, there have been many Bran "looking" scenes. It now appears that this group of lens language is a metaphor, which comes from the director's deliberate arrangement, implying that Bran's eyes can capture information that others cannot see. Climbing the tower and bumping into an affair between James and his sister, he was pushed down and broke his legs because he happened to see a secret that people didn't know at the time. All this seems to be an arrangement of fate-Bran is destined to be a character who sees through the fate of mankind with his eyes.

In addition, in the first episode of the first season, there are a lot of unintentionally exported words that are fulfilled in the eighth season. The king who sworn allegiance to the Stark family has changed candidates:

Jora Mormon fulfilled his promise and vowed to follow the "True Dragon Son" Daenerys:

The little devil told Snow "Never forget who you are" , Inadvertently implying that his true identity is different:

Those foreshadowings that have not been noticed by us or have confused us will be echoed and answered in the sixth episode of the eighth season. The ownership of the Iron Throne, the safety of the North, the future of Westeros-it turned out that fate had been foreshadowed from the very beginning. There are a lot of things to watch in the first episode of

. For example, in the most romantic scene in the play, Snow and the dragon mother fly with the dragon, showing his heart in the beautiful scenery and showing a wave of love, successfully attracted the attention of the dragon:

James Lannister came to Winterfell:

z1296zz6 Amber, the little boy who appeared at the beginning of the series, died unexplainably and became the first character to receive a box lunch in the eighth season. His body was found by Tormond and his team. According to various signs, Amber was probably killed by a strange ghost:

. In addition, Yarra was rescued, and Theon went north to support. The "Hound" had an axe made of dragon crystal, and the battle was about to start. The gears of destiny will not stop turning for anyone or anything. The Northern Territory will usher in unprecedented danger. Survival and destruction will only be instant. Will the subsequent development of the plot be "sudden death" and "group annihilation" like the Internet rumors, Who can become the master of the Iron Throne, who will die or survive the tragic fight, the next five weeks, "power" will tell us the answer.