From Niu Caiyun in "Mobile" to Best Actress in the Academy Awards, is Zeng Mei Huizi senior or old-fashioned

text/Ma Qingyun

The unknown Zeng Meihuizi suddenly won the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Actress. The actress faces the question of how to evaluate it. She is more like Jia Ling in the film industry. She has been confirming her position in the film industry with an unconventional "review of ugliness", and she has finally been recognized by the film awards. A powerful actor like Zeng Meihuizi really lacks recognition for a grand prize.

This actor is widely remembered by the audience for the first time, and it is in the TV series "Mobile" written by Liu Zhenyun. At that time, Zeng Meihuizi played the role of Niu Caiyun in the play. This is a role that bears a smile and is not light in the scene. In the original novel, Niu Caiyun is just the daughter of Lu Guihua, and Lu Guihua is the classic character in the novel, carrying the recollection of the whole story.

It can be said that in the TV series "Mobile Phone", Lu Guihua's daughter Niu Caiyun really entered the city and used the identity of a country girl to formally contact the high-level social circles, and hoped that she could get a chance to become a hit. This opportunity didn't seem to come easily. When everyone was treating this country girl as a joke, even the girl herself treated herself as a joke, an idol recording was unexpectedly popular.

Teacher Liu Zhenyun and the co-signed screenwriter Song Fangjin, it is through such brushwork that a kind of postmodern irony is realized. At that time, Zeng Meihuizi was still very immature, but she carried a rural temperament that ordinary actresses did not have. Her honesty was closer to the appearance of a real rural girl. It can be said that the role of Niu Caiyun is much higher than that of the silly Little Swallow who was also in the fire.

Zeng Meihuizi has never escaped the fate of a harlequin. Her appearance makes her very suitable for playing the image of some rural people. And this kind of face, from the perspective of film studies, has sharp edges and corners and is very advanced. The more distinct the edges and corners of the human face in the film lens, the more layered it is, and the easier it is to create a three-dimensional effect. And Zeng Meihuizi, who is directly seen by the human eye, can really be described as not beautiful.

It can be said that Zeng Meihuizi has been preparing for the film festival award for many years. Many of her films with strong literary and artistic flavor were not released at all. It can be said that the actress has been "developing herself" in the ranks of the literary and artistic films. From the foot-washing girl in "Apple" to the little nanny in "Breaking Breath", to Lou Ye's "Flower", even to Ye Jing's "Remember the Youth's Song", and even the Belgian movie "Going to the Sea" Wait, the Best Actress of the Academy Awards has actually participated in a large number of literary and artistic films in obscurity.

Of course, these literary and artistic works are mostly unknown. Zeng Meihui’s last big-screen electric shock was the "Pluto Moment" directed by Zhang Ming last year. In this movie, Zeng Meihuizi still plays a country woman. She has a full enthusiasm for life, and this emotion is expressed through various channels. In "Pluto Moment", there are some classic passages, which provide a three-point description of the image of the country woman.

Zeng Meihuizi in "Pluto Moment", the face is sharp and angular, while the figure is round and fleshy, this is the place of great contrast. And this visual contrast also realizes the lens expression of the original desire of human nature. Therefore, many fans said that this Zeng Meihuizi, in "Pluto Moment", can already use her back to act.

In the award-winning "Three Hus", Zeng Meihui played roles that ordinary actresses would not dare to act. In fact, these scenes were already involved in her Belgian film "Under the Sea". The actors who rushed to get the film festival awards have long been the world of drama in their hearts, and there is no superficial view of the scale of the drama. There is really no better path for Zeng Meihuizi's drama except to win the film festival award.

Her own looks, and she cannot grow into a traffic star who depends on her appearance. Flowing women need to have a clear urban awl face, and provide her small audience with a feasting urban luxury aesthetic. And onceMeihuizi, from the initial stage, is literary, rural, and even ugly. She is more suitable for a clear and three-dimensional portrayal of a country woman. "Pluto Moment" can actually be regarded as one of the most important masterpieces of Zeng Meihuizi. What is the advanced level of

movies? It is a high-level who is closer to the truth. Therefore, we can often see some undressed bridges in more advanced movie content. The high-level requirements of this kind of art abandon those luxurious parts, and directly face the non-luxury countryside, villages and ugliness. Zeng Meihuizi happens to be one of the few Chinese actresses who can play such roles well. The most advanced ugly appraisal is actually a member of the aesthetic sequence.

Zeng Meihuizi's role is actually old fashioned. But this kind of old-fashioned approach is more directly close to the original face of human nature, and the old-fashioned has become a direct and effective high-level. In recent years, Chinese actresses have all returned to a kind of cinematic old soil. For example, Yang Mi in "Baby", Ma Yili in "The Road Not Taken" and so on. However, whether it is Yang Mi or Ma Yili, they have been stereotyped in the audience's memory. They are the embodiment of luxurious beauty. It is difficult to perform real and old-fashioned living women. In this way, because of the scarcity, Zeng Meihuizi's performance is even more advanced.