How to make cross talk funny? First of all it should not be funny

Laughter is a very complicated thing, and there is no laugh center in the brain. So the question is, what is the matter with laughter? Why do you smile like a joke when you watch the cross talk? see if this video can give you an explanation:

After hundreds of years, artists have summed up a "funny" structure.

comic dialogue and stand-up comedy have been developed over hundreds of years of art forms, and artists have accumulated rich The experience-the basic content structure to make the audience laugh is shop plus .

Shop is the part that is not funny in the paragraph, the part you expect; the baggage is the funny part, the part you didn’t expect

Usually when the story is laid, comedians, stand-up comedians and z1 audiences will try to make this story. More resonance , evoke the part of the brain responsible for long-term memory and the related emotional center .

At this stage, the prefrontal cortex, which is mainly responsible for logical thinking, also becomes active, analyzes and understands the foreshadowing information heard, and generates expectations for what will happen next . In the constantly updated expectations, if the content and the expected content are processed, people will think-

sand sculpture!

is not difficult to be funny, makes people laugh in two simple steps.

Neuroscientists who like to listen to cross talk have discovered that there are two steps to being funny. The first step:

no! This figure crosses out

. The first step is to make not match the expected , and the second step is to further generate on top of this to solve the satisfaction of the discrepancy. In other words, the funny thing about shaking the baggage is-at first I hear something, but it seems reasonable to think about it-this process.

Guess an idiom like "blue knife and gun"? Answer:

didn’t guess it, and went to the video to find the answer~

Funny is an art, "formula comedy" is not reasonable

In the form of comedy that uses language as a communication mechanism, how makes the audience feel more burdened by is also a decision An important factor for good or not. The actor's figure, demeanor, tone, speed, etc. all require the actor to dynamically adjust his performance while observing the audience's reaction.

Do you still remember the doctor who used the so-called "formula cross talk" to attack Guo Degang in the show?

The doctor claims that his formula can accurately infer that the audience’s laughter should be 0.5 seconds. He also believes that his formula is instructive for actors to estimate the audience’s laughter. Where the audience should laugh and where they should not laugh, is that violates the law of processing information by the human brain. On this point, if you have watched the video at , you must understand .

"Crosstalk is the simplest art form in the world, but it is also the most difficult" | Video screenshot

Like to listen to crosstalk? Why not watch the video again to better understand its mystery: