With a score of 9.3 in one episode, this domestically produced conscience is back again

Last year, Fan Yingjun once recommended a documentary "Patrol Site Record 2018".

This documentary about the daily work of grassroots patrol police has become popular online with its authentic and grounded style.

got a high score of 8.9 on Douban, and it has even reached 9.8 on station B.

This year, the original crew once again brought a sequel "The Story of the Police Station 2019". The

camera crew once again pointed the lens at the police in the grassroots police station, still the original formula and familiar taste. Since the launch of

, Douban scores as high as 9.3-

The second season of "Police Station Story 2019"

continues the original crew of the previous season. The film crew is squatting in 22 grassroots police stations in Shanghai.

lasted 6 months before and after, a total of 6320 hours of material were filmed, and finally a 12-part documentary was edited. Each episode of

is only 50 minutes, with different themes to show the unknown side of the grassroots police in their daily work. The

documentary does not show the kind of criminal police dealing with major and important cases, but the most common police station police.

What they encounter every day is not the kind of perverted murderer and other murder detection, more often it is just the daily chores that we can see everywhere.

For example:

temporarily checked the ID cards of pedestrians on the road in the last season.

occasionally deals with family disputes and mediates conflicts caused by marriage.

even helps passersby to rescue a kitten who accidentally got under the car...

​​These daily police tasks seem trivial, even a little trivial.

But it is precisely because of these trivial daily work that the image of police officers in uniforms has become flesh and blood. They are no longer fearful law enforcement officers, but lively and lovely ordinary people.

and this is precisely the most successful part of this documentary-the stories and characters recorded by

are full of fireworks behind them. The first episode of

is called "Wind and Rain", and it starts from the busiest period of the police.

last summer, super typhoon Lichma landed in Shanghai, causing heavy rains throughout the city.

In this extreme natural weather, compared to ordinary people who avoid the typhoon at home, the police have to go forward in the rain and headwind. When police officers Tang Wenzhong and Wu Chunlan were patrolling, they accidentally discovered an old couple.

had already reached the disaster resettlement site, but because he couldn't put down the crops on the vegetable field, he rushed back to the simple house next to his vegetable field.

This simple house is almost entirely built of thin wooden boards. It is very likely to collapse and cause danger in windy weather. In addition to the fact that there is no one around

, once a dangerous situation occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the police can only persuade the elderly to leave and go to the resettlement site.

Tang Wenzhong was worried that the old people would come back again, and he especially warned that

can come back before the alarm is lifted.

Because, for patrolling policemen like Tang Wenzhong-a typhoon like

is a stage where all kinds of accidents happen frequently, so any small police situation should not be underestimated.

successively had strong winds and rain, causing the wires on the road to suddenly short-circuit and catch fire, and there were still vehicles and pedestrians underneath.

had to find someone to repair the wires, and finally waited for the professional circuit maintenance personnel to come, who was also responsible for smoothing the traffic of nearby vehicles.

sometimes has to deal with emergencies, such as:

, due to a typhoon, walked out a few black swans yearning for freedom in the nearby zoo.

Police uncles will go to battle to drive them home after receiving the call.

But in order to prevent these small animals from being frightened and flying away, they must approach carefully from a distance. In this section of the film

, the famous song "Swan Lake" is also specially added, which is very happy to cooperate with the police comrades to drive the swans.

​​Of course, the police have to deal with thisIn addition to trivial warnings, sometimes part-time psychologists are required. In the first episode of

, what impressed the cousin the most was a warning about " soul typhoon ".

received the report this time, the golden partner Ma Xiaoliang and Zhou Shiqi, who had a lot of fans in the last season.

That night, they received a report in which the reporter claimed that his daughter wanted to use scissors to pierce someone. When

Xiao Ma and Police Officer Zhou arrived at the scene, they saw that the policeman was wearing large pieces of damaged clothes, and the girl locked herself in the cloakroom. The

caller is the girl’s father. According to him, the daughter has a psychological disorder and has been violent towards her parents.

and the reason this time is just because her parents didn't buy her 800 yuan shoes. The

police tried to get the girl out to communicate face-to-face, but the girl ignored it.

In order to prevent the little girl from having an accident in the small and stuffy cloakroom, and to effectively solve the problem, the police can only choose to force the door open.

In the end, the police finally pushed the door open after many efforts and brought the girl out.

After some comfort and communication, the police learned that the girl usually has a good relationship with her parents, but the parents' education method is relatively strong. The

girls are in a rebellious period, easy to lose their temper, and lack of communication with each other, so they are separated.

has been so accumulated over the years, so that this trivial matter of buying or not buying shoes eventually became the fuse of the girl's emotional out of control.

Xiao Ma and Police Officer Zhou patiently enlightened the girl, stabilized her mood, and pretended to educate her parents. The

case seems to be a family conflict, but it reflects many common problems in traditional Chinese family education. The father in the

documentary is not that he doesn't love his daughter. He sends her to study abroad and buys her expensive guitars.

In the eyes of parents, they feel that they have worked hard to give their children the best, but they do not care about their daughter's own ideas.

Children are unwilling to study abroad and their parents do not accept it. They believe that studying abroad is better. When

grows small, it is because the parents are too strict; when it grows bigger, it does not regard the child as an independent personality.

then reached the youth rebellious period, which triggered her daughter's rebellious psychology, and the two sides were reluctant to communicate, which finally led to an escalation of the conflict.

​​For such parties, what they sometimes need is to let others listen to their own voices.

At this time, Xiao Ma and Police Officer Zhou, who were in charge of handling the case, acted as psychologists.

In the end, the family crisis was resolved into a thank you note, and the tense parent-child relationship was eased. The title of the second episode of the

documentary is called " at the end of the day ", and the police situation encountered by the police is more urgent and more complicated.

For example, in this episode, the policemen at the police station encountered two women who repeatedly " reported false police ".

The parties involved are two adult women. They were once in a difficult relationship because of the economic dispute with the intermediary company. In order to recover the liquidated damages from the intermediary company, the two even took a series of extreme actions in front of the police. The first time

reported to the police claiming that he was beaten, but after monitoring and collecting evidence, it was discovered that it was a porcelain. For the second time,

reported to the police that he was illegally detained by the other party and was locked in the company not to leave.

, when the police came to the scene, they saw a funny scene-

themselves blocked the door of the company, preventing employees from entering and exiting normally, and there was no illegal detention.

When the police came to mediate, the two women continued to be emotional and even threatened to jump off the building.

The purpose of reporting false cases repeatedly is to ask for money, because in their view, as long as there is pressure from the police to be there, the intermediary company will obediently agree to refund the money.

The so-called economic dispute is actually because the two women did not look at the content of the contract when they signed the contract, and their behavior is indeed a breach of contract.

, but they want to use this shameless way to get their money back.

finally took the patient mediation of six policemen to resolve this issue.Three days of farce, serious criticism and education, warned them that they can go through legal channels if they have difficulties.

If this case of jumping from a building is a farce, then the next arrest of drug dealers can be said to be-

is comparable to a thrilling police movie! Before the

case occurred, the police from the police station accidentally obtained clues during regular inspections of drug addicts in the jurisdiction, and then locked a suspect who was engaged in drug dealing. After

mastered effective intelligence, the police followed suit and decided to arrest the suspect in the name of delivering express.

That night, the police disguised as a courier and came to the place where the suspect often appeared. The

police first communicated with the suspect under the pretense of delivering the courier, and the rest of the people observed whether there were any accomplices around, and were ready to support at any time.

After confirming the identity of the suspect, the police immediately took action and pressed the suspect to the ground.

didn't have the slightest drag in the whole process, and quickly subdued the drug dealer, which made people see adrenaline surge.

is a social documentary documentary showing the daily work of the grassroots police in a panoramic manner. The production team uses the camera to record all kinds of police work that the policemen of the police station come into contact with every day through follow-up filming.

Compared with the hero images that the public have seen in the movie, the policeman image presented in this documentary is much more low-key and ordinary.

In the documentary, we saw the ordinary and hardships of these grassroots police, and also saw the hardships and hard work they put in to protect the safety of the people.

especially when they take off their uniforms, they are actually just ordinary people with flesh and blood, emotions and sorrows.

But it is in this seemingly ordinary ordinary that we can glimpse the greatness of ordinary people.

Compared with the feat of saving the world, perhaps they are willing to be ordinary, they are more like superheroes around us.