Governor Luoyuan|The war epidemic is like a battlefield, Shandong "hardcore cadres" and "steel cadres" are promoted


epidemic prevention and control battlefield is also an "examination room" for selecting and employing people. Here, there is no rehearsal in advance, and every step is a live broadcast of "real swords and guns". In the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Shandong, it is clear whether the leading cadres' styles are solid and whether the measures are effective. Among them, there are cadres who have been promoted by the line of fire due to their dedication, high responsibility, and continuous operations, who have made outstanding contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic; and some cadres have been notified because of perfunctory responsibilities, prevarication, and inaction.

"Outstanding" in the war epidemic, they were promoted by the public report

On February 18, Jinan issued the "Decision of the Jinan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China Jinan Municipal People's Government on Recognizing "Jinan City's Epidemic Prevention and Control Work as a "Excellent" Good Cadre" ", to report to 16 cadres who are outstanding in epidemic prevention and control work. "Big things are difficult to take responsibility for, and times of crisis will show their true qualities." The commendation "The Decision" wrote, "The more stalemate the fight against the epidemic, the more it is necessary for the majority of party members and cadres to stand up and stand up."

was the first 16 to be praised. Well-known and well-known cadres come from various systems on the front line of the fight against the epidemic in Jinan. Some of them are street secretaries, some are from the public security system, and some are from the transportation system...

But the same thing is that they embody their dedication and height. Responsible mission, not afraid of fatigue, fighting spirit of continuous combat, precise science, excellent ability to overcome difficulties, vigorous and fast-working style of work, strict self-discipline, honesty and integrity.

In fact, after the first-level response to major public health emergencies in Shandong, such notifications are not uncommon in 16 districted cities. A thin commendation document shows the strong care for frontline cadres fighting the epidemic.

On January 30, the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee issued a notice requesting organizations at all levels across the province to inspect and identify leading groups and leading cadres on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control battle. Outstanding cadres who have outstanding performance in the front line of epidemic prevention and control should be boldly promoted and used, and those who have performed particularly outstanding can be "fire-promoted." Cadres who are incompetent in their current positions, unable to perform their duties effectively, and have not been effective in epidemic prevention and control, must be adjusted in time. For cadres who dare not take responsibility, their style is floating, their implementation is not effective, and even those who resort to fraud or dereliction of duty should be held accountable in conjunction with relevant departments.

At the same time, it is necessary to care for the cadres who are fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, combine actual research and formulate incentive and support policies and measures, and pay attention to discovering, promptly commending, and publicizing and commending advanced collectives and advanced individuals that have emerged in epidemic prevention and control.

Binzhou, Liaocheng, Linyi and other cities have introduced relevant policies. In Binzhou, the personnel who are dispatched to the front line of prevention and control will be covered by personal accident insurance and major illness insurance by their unit; in Lingcheng District, Dezhou City, the frontline medical care, epidemic prevention, rescue and community workers and other professional technologies that are at the forefront of charge Talents are prioritized for promotion to technical titles, and priority is given to various talent projects...

favors, because it is worth

"You hurry up and go to the front line of epidemic prevention, I am fine." This is 55-year-old Binzhou policeman Li Qiang wakes up after 5 hours of rescue The first sentence to the comrades around me afterwards.

At that time, he had been working on the front-line home for 8 consecutive days, walking around the street and running up and down for more than an hour every day. This kind of work intensity, together with the young people of the team, could not stand it. At noon on February 1, Li Qiang’s WeChat exercise number exceeded 12,000 that day. When Li Qiang, who had just returned to the police station, was about to sterilize his meal, he suddenly felt that his lower limbs seemed to be filled with lead. He gritted his teeth and strode forward. Feeling dark in front of me, slowly losing consciousness...

Li Qiang, who was exhausted at the police station, was transported to the hospital for rescue. The

hospital quickly rescued Li Qiang. The treating doctor said that Li Qiang had already started convulsing shock when he was sent in, and the situation was extremely critical. Life is in danger at any time. Fortunately, after timely rescue, Li Qiang was out of danger, but there was a brain surgery waiting for him.

For Li Qiang’s deeds, Fan Huaping, the deputy governor and director of the Provincial Public Security Department, issued an order for Li Qiang’s personal contribution. Why does

issue notices and why do you issue awards? It is precisely because of the countless “steel cadres” who are fighting the epidemic like Li Qiang, they are worth it!

On February 20, the official public account of the Organization Department of Shandong Provincial Party Committee "Lu Zuxuan" posted a message that Shanxian promoted 5 cadres in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control.

Among the 5 cadres, some continued to fight for 17 days, and some took the initiative toSeeking to do work for the high-risk quarantined personnel, some take the initiative to take the initiative, drove the quarantine, and transport all the quarantined personnel to the quarantine point smoothly...

Praise and promotion are the care for the cadre, the responsibility mission and the safety of the masses, promotion By reusing these moments, "hard-core" cadres who don't forget their original intentions and keep their mission in mind can enable them to take responsibility on a larger stage and focus on preventing and controlling the epidemic.

For these "hard-core" cadres who put the safety of the masses first, we don't mind having more such praise and promotion.

FireWire dismissed from his post if he didn't act as a subordinate

, but unfortunately, while a batch of typical emergence, some of them did not act in the fight against the epidemic, and even violated eight regulations and were criticized by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. A reporter from Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point sorted out various public reports. According to incomplete statistics, up to now, discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels in our province have reported at least 22 typical epidemic prevention and control problems.

On January 27, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Laiwu District of Economic South City investigated and verified that the Laiwu District Epidemic Handling Headquarters did not perform its duties on the epidemic prevention and control work of the main person in charge of the Market Supervision Bureau of the district. Announced criticism.

Qingdao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection also notified the two typical cases of non-responsibility and inaction in the prevention and control of the epidemic. Cui Xiang, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shiyuan Street, Licang District, deployed the problem of ineffective performance of the epidemic prevention and control work in the community of Pingdu City. Xu Chengye, director of the Shengli Village Committee, organized the epidemic prevention and control work and passively responded to the problem. The former did not put forward specific standards and requirements for measures such as inquiries and registration of outsiders in closed communities, resulting in inadequate and incomplete prevention and control of many residential communities in the jurisdiction, posing a hidden danger of epidemic prevention and control. The latter failed to organize effective management and control of vehicles from outside the village and broadcast the epidemic prevention and control publicity materials as required, and the rectification was in place on January 27 after two supervisions and inspections by the superior. Both received warnings from the party.

If there is still room for recovery for poor performance, then another group of people must be severely punished!

On February 18, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Liaocheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection notified a typical issue of violations of regulations and discipline during the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Wu Jimin, a teacher of Xinxian No. 1 Middle School, as a member of the Communist Party of China and a people’s teacher, at the critical juncture of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, he disapproved of the epidemic prevention and control orders and went his own way. Regarding the living conditions, the Xin County Commission for Discipline Inspection gave Wu Jimin a warning within the party.

Coincidentally, on February 19, the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection notified 5 typical cases of violations of regulations and laws in epidemic prevention and control. Among them, Cheng Xuqing, an official-level cadre of the Social Affairs Service Center of Tai'an High-tech Zone, has concealed the fact that his sister and husband returned by car from Shiyan, Hubei and lived in Cheng Xuqing’s home from the community epidemic prevention and control staff three times. After investigation, Cheng Xuqing was subject to party discipline. File a case for review. During the fight against the epidemic, some cadres blatantly violated the eight regulations. According to the report of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhang Zhizun, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Management Service Center of the Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park of the Weifang Binhai Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Wang Xiudong, the sponsor of the Development Service Center, resigned without authorization during the epidemic investigation work, was released without reason, and used buses illegally Go to the company's internal reception restaurant to accept a banquet from management service objects. Zhang Hongmin, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and director of the neighborhood committee of Jiahe Community, Zhimadun Street, Hedong District, Linyi City, Wang Yijie, member of the Jiahe Community Party Committee, and Wang Yanguang, member of the Dawangjiahu Village Party Branch, left their posts without authorization during the epidemic prevention and control period and accepted invitations from management services. Travel outside. After investigation and confirmation of

, these cadres were given severe punishments. Zhang Zhizun was punished by dismissal from the party's post and government affairs, and Wang Xiudong was given a severe warning from the party and a penalty for government affairs. Zhang Hongmin was punished by dismissal of his position in the party and was ordered to resign; Wang Yijie and Wang Yanguang were given serious warnings from the party!

(Qilu Evening News, Qilu One Point reporter Du Yahui)

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