"Feng Shen Bang" changes after 29 years, Nezha is worth hundreds of millions, and his monthly living expenses are 300 yuan

"Feng Shen Bang" can be described as a relatively classic TV series, and many people also like it very much. In a blink of an eye, this drama has been 29 years old. So how will the actors change today? Let us take a look!

Su Daji was played by Fu Yiwei, and it was also a big hit with this drama. However, the response of many TV series later was not so good, and gradually there was no news in the entertainment industry. It is said that I went to the sea to do business, and there was no news for a long time, and suddenly the news was all over again. The reason indeed broke out of drug use. What a pity!

was played by He Wei at the time. After this show, it has faded out of public view. Later, I planned to study abroad without success, and then switched to the beauty industry. It suddenly became popular. Although I left the entertainment industry, my current development is also very good, and my value is now hundreds of millions! It seems that everyone’s future plans are different. If you were, would you choose this way?

The last thing I want to talk about is Tuxing's grandson. Tuxing's grandson has a big feature that is relatively short. At that time, the fire was also because of his height. People looked at him with admiration, but later in many roles, because of height, many The film is restricted, which is how it can't continue in the acting career. Nowadays, there is only 300 yuan per month for living allowance. For now, 300 yuan is very difficult to live on. "Feng Shen Bang" changed after 29 years, Nezha is worth hundreds of millions, and his monthly living expenses are 300 yuan! Do you feel very sad?

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[Note: This article is an exclusive original work by the author of "Ye Ban Shen Kan", plagiarism is prohibited without permission. Infringement must be investigated! 】