How terrible is the warmth and coldness of the human relationship, "Evil Sword Fairy" was paralyzed in bed, and his wife disappeared with a huge amount of money

How terrible is the warmth and coldness of

, the "evil sword fairy" was paralyzed in bed, and his wife disappeared with a huge amount of money


As the saying goes: There is true love in the world, but there are always exceptions. I believe all my friends have seen a fairy sword TV series "Sword 3", in which there is a super villain, yes. It is the evil sword fairy! The actor of the evil sword fairy is Liu Jiahui, who is also an old drama. Everyone should have heard of it. Today we will talk about his story.

Liu Jiahui has made countless films in his life, and he has played with many big coffees. Such as Andy Lau, Zhou Xingchi and so on. But in his later years, he encountered Waterloo in his life. The thing is like this: Liu Jiahui entered the hospital for treatment because of a stroke. He made a will early because he was once seriously ill.

The most sensitive issue: property issues. It should be properly resolved, but because of various disputes over the property, Liu Jiahui's wife left with a large amount of property before the will procedures were completed. As a lifelong veteran actor, he is still a director and producer, and his wealth is not small, but that's it. In Liu Jiahui's old age, because of a serious illness, he made himself impoverished. It is really cold and warm, even his wife is so cruel.

may be because Liu Jiahui's family relationship has not been able to handle well, there are various contradictions. After finally causing his wife to leave with a huge sum of money, his children gradually ignored him. It was really bleak, for the family all his life, but finally changed back to such a treatment, feeling sad for Liu Jiahui.

had no choice but to help Liu Jiahui on the hospital bed. His condition worsened for a while, causing him to lose weight. He refused to eat for a while, and could only rely on nutrient solutions to maintain his life. At the end of the matter, Liu Jiahui had no money to receive treatment in the hospital and immediately faced the threat of discharge. At this moment, there are still many good people in the world, and there is always true love. Although Liu Jiahui plays the role of the villain in the play, he is still very popular and kind in real life. At the most critical moment of his crisis, many of his fans joined forces to raise funds for him. The star actors he worked with also came to visit him and gave him spiritual relief and financial help.

Finally, with the help of many kind people, Liu Jiahui recovered and was discharged from the hospital. However, due to the various disturbances, he still has a lifelong disability and needs to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Fortunately, his mood has gradually adjusted, and the thin and thin he has gradually returned to his normal weight. I believe he will continue to grow The better, come on!

(picture source network)