"Sea Pianist": Why would people rather give up their lives than change

The film "The Pianist on the Sea" gave me a novel feeling. This is the first time that my view of a movie protagonist has changed twice in the course of a movie.

As for the evaluation of the characters, I have seen a lot on the Internet, saying that in 1990 we know what we want and focus on what we like. This is what we need to learn in the noisy life.

But I don't think so. In fact, at the beginning of the movie, I also sighed for the protagonist's amazing talent and impressed by his attitude towards music, but in the second half, I couldn't understand it.

One, why would anyone rather die than change? The protagonist of the

story was picked up by a boiler-burning worker in 1990, and he has been living at sea ever since.

He played the piano for everyone on the boat and played the music for everyone in the band. In many cases, he only needs a piano to give people the best musical experience and enjoyment.

Alone, a piano, lives more powerful than a band.

This may be the kind of talented and capable person we admire most! The important thing about

is that he is talented but not proud. He really likes music, not for honor and praise.

When he was invited to a piano duel, he opened a pair of non-worldly eyes and asked, "Why do you have a duel, what can you do after a duel?"

This is his attitude towards music. He simply uses music to accompany himself. I like music, but for those fame and wealth, it doesn't make sense to him!

For him, his world is music.

played even if no one was dancing, even if the shells flew over the head.

When he is in a duel, he can still shed tears for the jazz that others play, and when he uses music to resist all storms on the sea.

I think this is a genius, talented, passionate, really cool!

I really liked this character when watching the first half, but in the second half, I changed my opinion.

said earlier that he never got off the boat in 1990, but he actually had the idea of ​​getting off the boat. The first time he wanted to go out to see and listen to the sound of the sea, the second time he wanted to find a girl.

But in the end he didn't get off the boat these two times. The first time he dismissed his thoughts, and after getting off the boat the second time, he walked back. When

saw this, I was actually really puzzled, maybe because I was too young to understand the emotions.

But I just thought, there are things I want to do, people I want to find, why not go?

But when I look back, I understand. At the end of

, the ship where he stayed in 1990 was about to be blown up, and everyone came out, but 1990 refused, he still chose to stay on the ship.

When everyone got off the boat, his friend insisted to find him to get off the boat. He said this.

1990 said, I think people on land always look for things in winter and summer, and always ask why, I think this is not suitable for me.

He said: "What prevents me is the things I can't see. The city continues to spread and contains everything. I don’t know where the end of the world is.

Take the piano as an example. The keys have a beginning. There are a total of 88 pieces. The keys are limited, I am infinite, I like this.

But, the outside world, there are thousands and tens of thousands of keys, if the keyboard is infinite, you can not play music.

that is God’s piano, you How to choose a woman, a piece of land, a way of death, you simplyI don't know where the end is. The burden of the whole world is on you. Thinking of this, won't you collapse?

How heavy life is in that world.

And I now, the world passes by me, there are only more than 2,000 people each time, and they also have dreams.

And land is a ship too big for me, a woman too beautiful, a perfume too rich, he is a piece of music I don't know how to play.

No one knows of my existence anyway.

At this point, I heard some sobbing in the cinema.

To be honest, I am curious, I don't know why they cry.

Because this is a movie, because 1990 is a talented artist, so when we look at this story, we feel that this story is legendary, and the life of an artist with a bit of great tragic meaning.

But I am a layman, or let's think about it from a layman's perspective. No one of

1990 knows his existence, isn't it because he doesn't participate in this world?

He has the opportunity to listen to the voice of the world, and the opportunity to express love like the girl he likes, but he does not.

So his whole life has nothing but piano music, no one remembers him.

He said, life on land is terrible, everything in life is pressed on the body, there is no boundary, no end.

But in my opinion, if we say that our lives are the keys, then they must be the keys of God, without boundaries, settings, and standards.

Isn't this the highlight of life?

Because before the last moment, you never know what your life is like!

Actually, as a layman, I was really angry at the end!

There are so many beautiful things in the world, but you don't feel it or experience it. You just stick to the things you are good at and familiar with, and don't change when you have ideas and opportunities. This is a bit weak in my opinion.

Of course, I can’t fail to comment on other people’s lifestyles, , but in fact, most people in real life don’t want to change, but don’t really want to. They just don’t dare and have no courage.

Two, what is preventing us from changing?

My unit closed down some time ago, and all my colleagues have temporarily lost their jobs.

There is a supervisor in our teaching department. When chatting with me to figure out how much money the company owes us, she found out that the sales post made more than her five-year supervisor. After

, when she was looking for a job, she also started to interview for sales positions.

However, for a new job that has been restarted, she is in fact strange and scared.

She always asked me over and over the past few days, do you think this will work, is it easy to sell now?

To be honest, I really can't answer, because all industries are like this, there are good ones, and some bad ones.

But in the end she chose to do her original job.

I actually understand this fear very well.

This fear of the unknown.

is like 1990 in "The Pianist on the Sea". Everyone is used to doing things they can control. We are not willing to try the unknown, even if there is a little risk.

I have seen a good explanation of our situation in the book "Study Hard".

He said that an important reason why innovators are in a dilemma is that they are unwilling to abandon inventory and embrace growth.

Imagine that the products your company sells are now widely welcomed by the market, bringing a profit of 50 million to the company a year, and all your houses, cars, and all the high-quality lives of your family are mainly derived from this product.

At this time, a customer asks you to make a new product. This product is very promising, but it will occupy your production line and cause your current industry to stop. What will you do at this time?

Many people say that if it is the right product and the right development, I will definitely throw away everything I have now to welcome this updated and more promising future.Come.

In fact, most people will choose to give up and still do their current business.

Because it is easy for people to guard the stock of vested interests, it is difficult to give up their existing interests to meet the incremental changes.

So for this reason, many people don't even have the courage to change jobs, let alone block the fate of the entire company into an unknown field.

If you say that these two things are traditional industries and the Internet, then you can't even hold your own stock, because you will soon be left behind by the tide of the times.

But this is originally human nature, we like familiar things and are afraid of change.

Sometimes even if our current situation is not good, we do not want to change.

1990 said at the end, because he didn't dare, we didn't dare either.

has always seen a word recently called low desire.

Now many people have entered a state of low desire.

does not want to be promoted or raise salary, do not want to realize their ideals, do not want to find a true love again.

In fact, why low desire, low desire actually means knowing that success is too difficult, sometimes hard work may not produce the desired result, so just forget it!

doesn't want anything, I look down on everything, and I can feel better.

But most people's low desires are actually passive. It is not that he conforms to his original intentions. Something picks a chrysanthemum and sees Nanshan leisurely.

is the pressure of life, and the cruelty of reality makes him have to choose low desires, because there will be no disappointment if there is no expectation, and if there is no want, he is not afraid of having a happy time after hard work.

But in fact, did they want it?

The life of low desire is actually quite terrible.

didn't dare to ask for anything, and didn't work hard. In the end, our young people in their 20s and 30s all lived as comfortable as our grandparents in their 70s or 80s.

But when we are really old, looking back on our life, we will find that there is really nothing worth talking about.

has never worked hard for my dreams, never worked hard for what I want, and loved ones have not tried their best. If you think about it carefully, then what is our life?

Three, life is a process of constant trial and error.

I often think about it, or else just let it go, and accept your own ordinaryness. Who doesn't live a life of mediocrity like this?

But whenever I think like this, I always think of Hackberry’s lyrics, "Because there is no grassland, I forget that you are a horse, you never made mistakes, a boring life."

Life is a process of making mistakes. , If you always think of foolproof, always in your own safety zone, it is very comfortable, but I think it is also very boring.

We all know such a story, which is the love story of Jobs.

In 1990, Jobs was invited to speak at Stanford University, and Lauren Powell happened to be dragged to the scene by classmates.

was late and had no place. Lauren and her classmates walked to the first row and sat in the two reserved guest positions.

Jobs happened to be sitting next to Lauren. He was attracted by Lauren. The two chatted briefly.

Jobs recalled: "My thoughts were always interrupted at the scene, and I felt like a deer." After the speech of

, Jobs was going to the next business meeting, but he stopped.

He recalled: "I got to the parking lot and put the key in the car. I asked myself,

, if this is the last day of my life, would I be willing to have a business meeting or spend it with this woman? ?'

I ran back and asked Lauren if he would share with meFor dinner, she said yes. Since then, we have joined hands in our lives. "

In 1991, 36-year-old Jobs and 27-year-old Lauren were married. Later people said that Lauren gave the world a better Job. If you encounter the same situation, you will make the same choice as Jobs.

You should often hear similar regrets:

I like someone, because I was afraid of being rejected, and I didn’t confess, and then no chance.

Everyone made so much money from the media, I really want to do it, but I feel It’s too difficult, I shouldn’t be able to do it.

’s current job has no room for growth. I really want to quit!

We have had this idea countless times, but in the end, it was actually suppressed by you. Tell yourself, those It’s too difficult, and success is owned by a small number of people.

I want to do what I like, because I’m afraid of failure, I haven’t taken any action, and then I’m older and I don’t dare to toss.

Compared to the heartbreak after failure, what If you don’t do it, it may be more acceptable.

But whether you succeed or fail, how can you know the answer if you don’t fight for it?

Can Jobs be rejected?

is very possible.

But no matter whether it is rejected or accepted, both It’s up to Lauren to decide, Jobs can’t. Jobs can only decide whether to invite Lauren.

We are afraid of failure, and we have the idea of ​​“If you don’t do it, you won’t fail” instead of thinking about “how to improve the success rate” ".

In the short term, you gain a sense of security. Without failure, there is no harm, but in the long term, you have lost too many possible opportunities. This is a greater level of harm.

can be perceived in the short-term but not in the long-term. , So we often amplify short-term feelings and ignore long-term harm.

gave up the possibility of seeing the larger world because of the so-called sense of security.

saw such a sentence in a person’s circle of friends.

confessed the probability of failure 70%;

tattoo will regret the probability of 80%;

will reconcile after breaking up is 83%;

but the probability of reaching the end is 3%;

has a 100% probability of death;

is afraid, just Do nothing!

Sometimes bravery is more important than everything.

I am A Shuang, a cool girl who lives a serious life, waiting for your attention.