Alyssa Chia will return to TV series after 15 years, and score 9.5 in two episodes of this year's highest score in Chinese

talked about Taiwanese drama series. Our impression of

still stays many years ago-

eight o'clock marathon drama.

sand sculpture historical drama.

and (excessive) idol drama. It's time for

to update the concept.

"Your Child is Not Your Child" co-produced by Taiwan Public Television and Netflix last year was impressive. The

proposition is bold, and directly addresses the focus of parent-child relationship under the Confucian cultural background.

This year, there is something more amazing.

is still public television, and the partner is changed to HBO-

adult drama?

Its content is mature, and many adults cannot accept it.

"The Distance Between Us and the Evil"

△ hereinafter referred to as "The Evil"

only broadcast 2 episodes, and has already won the highest score of this year's Chinese drama, 9.5.

And this has not yet played all the skills, visually more exciting plots are behind.

gathers the strongest lineup of Taiwanese dramas in recent years.

Contrary to 15 years of Taiwanese TV drama Jia Jingwen, "If there is him, there will be a good drama" Wu Kangren, as well as the familiar faces of Taiwanese dramas Wen Shenghao, Zhou Caishi, Zeng Peici and the Golden Bell Award best newcomer Chen Yu.

has won the two best screenwriters of Admiralty together, and Lu Shiyuan, who wrote this year's hot movie "Who fell in love with him first", is a guest judge in the play.

, the first episode, knelt down and finished watching. The second episode of

, I still watched it on my knees.

is good, and it's still that unconventional. In a word,

is a TV series that "challenges human nature". The plot of

​​is very intense from the first minute.

Defence lawyer Wang She (Wu Kangren) was thrown dung in public outside the courtroom.

Why is well-dressed but treated like this?

is a lawyer defending murderers because of Wang She. It is not someone else who spills the dung, but the family of the victim. The

murderer is not just cruel.

shot and fired randomly in movie theaters, causing nine deaths and 21 injuries, the most casualties in Taiwan in the past five years. As soon as

opened, "Evil" opened the high-pressure valve of social panic-

vicious revenge social case. The cases in the

TV series are not fictitious. Since 2009, there have been 6 indiscriminate killings in Taiwan. The most serious case of

occurred on May 21, 2014.

Zheng Jie, a 21-year-old sophomore boy from Tunghai University, randomly hacked people at Jiangzicui Station of the Taipei MRT. The incident resulted in 4 deaths and 21 injuries. This is the most serious criminal case in the 18 years since the Taipei Metro opened.

similar extreme homicide case only happened in Taiwan?

Looking back on the reports in recent years, you must be able to salvage some memory fragments of vicious cases.

But can you retell the case in full-where is

? How many casualties are

? What was the motive of the murderer of


If your brain is blank, it means that these news have not escaped the legendary "seven-day law"-no matter how terrifying emergencies

, from the beginning to the end, the life cycle on the Internet is only seven days.

Yes, rounds of tragedies, after repeated hot searches on the Internet.

has not precipitated much reflection and countermeasures. What

leaves us is forgetting.

And "Evil" is to resist this forgetting.

and this is exactly where it challenges humanity-

forgetting is actually an instinct, an emergency mechanism for self-protection after trauma.

However, this is also the paradox—how can

find the pathology if the lesion is not clearly seen? If

does not open the scar, how can we remove the stasis of pus and blood? The story of

"and evil" is about two years after the murder. In addition to the lawyer Wang She at the beginning, the main characters of

are also three.

Liu Zhaoguo (played by Wen Shenghao), the founder of the "Internet Herald", is also a family member of the victim of the murder two years ago.

Liu Zhaoguo’s wife, Song Qiaoan (Jia Jingwen), the director of Taste News. Compared with her husband’s traditional media, she pursues the landing data of news more intuitivelyThe performance is more "headline party".

Li Xiaowen, the sister of the murderer Li Xiaoming, changed her name to Li Dazhi (played by Chen Yu) in order to get out of the influence of the case. On the recommendation of his teacher,

came to the Taste News Channel as an editor and became Song Qiaoan's subordinate. The amazing thing about

"And Evil" is that it challenges the inertial thinking of the audience from the first episode. The

screenwriter never intended to simply write the characters as "good guys" or "bad guys." The complexity and realism of

are unique in Chinese dramas in recent years.

For example, Liu Zhaoguo, who is a good father, will also cheat.

Song Qiaoan, who is a master at work, has become an incompetent mother after her son was killed, and even forgot her daughter's birthday.

Li Dazhi, who seems to have gotten rid of the stigma of the murderer's family, dare not even lift his head while walking on the road, covering his face with long hair, and only dare to lie to the outside that his parents died in a car accident without relatives or cause.

and the murderer's family who hid since starting the haircut, it is not that they have never thought about facing it.

But when they came to the mourning hall, they saw that life was unbearable and they were finally defeated-

I really can’t help

so many people

how do we apologize

how do we compensate

in "Evil and Evil" Unlabeled victims and perpetrators. The identity between

and even the two will be misplaced.

After the murder, Li Dazhi's home was smashed by the family of the deceased, and the noodle restaurant could no longer be opened, so he could only live incognito.

But as family members, should they be implicated?

The lawyer who defended the murderer Li Xiaowen gave up his job in a large law firm to defend the rights of murderers.

However, no one around understands, do murderers have human rights? When

's works are competing to cater to public opinion.

"And Evil" chose to start from the most sensitive part, touching the scales of the public. The beginning of each episode of

uses YouTube as the transition.

Enthusiastic public opinion found a centralized outlet on the Internet.

What are they fighting against?

opposes the completion of the new mental sanatorium. The reason for

is to threaten the safety of children.

affects community land prices.

Why everyone avoids mental illness and is too late. An example of

. In the

drama, another kidnapping case occurred when the suspect broke into the kindergarten with a dirty black bag. The scene of

was in chaos. I took out a mobile phone to take pictures of the scene, and the reporters randomly asked someone to visit in order to grab news.

unidentified onlookers began to label-

is mental illness,

TV station began to follow up with various exaggerated words.

was shocked to report that a mentally ill kid was kidnapped by a young child

. As the false rumor became more and more intense, special forces attacked the kindergarten and rescued all the young children unscathed.

The person who broke into the kindergarten just wanted to make a movie and didn't have any bad intentions.

, but later, including the first-line news editors, began to call this person a neuropathy without being diagnosed.

returns to the title "The Distance Between Us and Evil". What is


is actually the part of human nature that we don't want to look directly at. Once something that we can't understand happens to

, we subconsciously want to draw a clear line with it-the person

is the murderer. That person

is neurotic.

We are used to the default:

"evil" is insulated from human nature.

evildoers and ordinary people are two completely different species. You will never be unfamiliar with an attitude like


Whenever there is a social tragedy, the voice that rushes to the forefront must be-

"Death penalty."

Under the follow-up report of the media, many people will say-

"Is this whitewashing the murderer?"

"I don't want to hear so much why, death penalty, thank you."

Behind the unthinking "death penalty", it is not so much a sense of justice, it is a kind of denial——

is evil, it has nothing to do with me, I hope it disappears from my vision quickly, don't let me see it again.

But denying evil cannot eliminate evil. From the perspective of different roles in the

play, it takes us to face the inevitable social pain.

has judges, lawyers, reporters, and psychologists...

This is why Sir forced "Yu Ei".

It makes a fuss about evil, but does not show off.

has a rigorous and serious sense of responsibility.

see the best in one detail. In the

play, Jia Jingwen has a line:

Our legal department thinks that

Taiwan’s legal education is insufficient? The screenwriter

saw it in front of the TV and immediately yelled that it was not good, and "reviewed" it on social networks-

mistakenly wrote "Judicial Yuan" as "Legal Affairs Department". What is the difference between


The Legal Department is a department of the government and has two parallel systems as the court.

Compared with the same period, the hottest series in mainland China is "All Very Good".

Su Daqiang sold the old house and transferred the ownership.

But the house is the joint property of Su Daqiang and his wife. After the death of his wife, the three children have inheritance rights.

has not given up the right of inheritance after notarization, can Su Daqiang sell the house?

Su Mingcheng was put in a detention center for beating Mingyu and was in danger of imprisonment.

But Su Mingyu withdrew the case and released him.

Can the victim withdraw the prosecution in criminal cases?

These screenwriters' omissions are not the most serious problem. The problem with

is that no one raised these questions, and no one discussed these omissions.

everyone defaults, this is no problem.

Look at "And Evil" again. The screenwriter’s guilt is that a TV series that popularizes common sense to the public and hopes to reach a consensus should not make mistakes in common sense.

means that facing evil is not terrible.

As long as we still have reliable social tools as a guarantee.

However, do most of us possess such rigorous common sense? Many people may still not be able to distinguish the difference between the government and the court, and they still think that lawyers defending the murderer have no conscience. They think that they can shout "death penalty" without investigation and judgment.

Set the tone without understanding, and judge without trial.

Whenever there is a social event, when typing on the keyboard, spreading speech, and choosing support, it has become a participant.

is in the self-heal of justice.

did not know it, but achieved another kind of "evil".

The picture in this article comes from the network