Super Seminary: Three tragic moments of the goddess, Morgana makes people feel distressed, and Angel Yan is covered in blood

Super Seminary: Three tragic moments for the goddess, Morgana makes people feel distressed, Angel Yan is covered in blood

"Super Seminary" has had a good effect since its broadcast, as a domestic animation related to League of Legends , Is also deeply loved by game fans. With its unique plot, it has gained many fans. Although the charging mode is now turned on, it still cannot stop fans' love for it. The goddesses in the drama are very beautiful and very popular, but there are also a few plot goddesses who are particularly heartwarming to take a look!

After Qiangwei reached the demon camp, she was favored by Queen Morgana, and Morgana loved her very much. Directly ordered the younger brothers below to respect Qiangwei. When Meng Crocodile and Qiangwei clashed, they also stood on the side watching the play because they knew that Meng Crocodile was not Qiangwei's opponent. In a recent conversation, the queen asked Qiangwei which side she was on. Qiangwei clearly said that she represented the company of the male soldiers, which broke Morgana's heart.

Another time was when Wei Laoqi died and was dying, Morgana held him in her arms, and the queen cried directly. Although she is a villain, Morgana is really annoying. stand up.

Angel Yan is the goddess of many people, and his combat power and appearance are proper, but at the time of Freize, the sword demon Ato appeared, directly is the mad angel Yan and Ge Xiaolun, directly is the hand blade Yan. In the end, Jiang Yan was unable to fight back, and later there was no sign of life.

This picture of Yan is really very distressing. Looking at the blood-stained Yan, netizens want to kill Atto a thousand times, how can they treat the goddess like this.