Crane Huating: The heroine is in danger of being killed; the prince has more and more city mansions; the five kings begin to mess with the court

   The prince of "Crescent Huating" finally overthrew Zhong Shu Ling, and felt that he was watching cats and mice. The cat is the prince, Zhong Shu Ling is the mouse, and the cat owner is the emperor. He knows that the cat is right to catch the mouse, but watching When a cat is teased, there is always no sympathy at all. The cat always wants to catch a mouse to receive a reward from the owner, but it happens that he always kicks out the door as soon as he is praised by the owner. This really makes you cry and also It can make you angry. Every character has something particularly annoying.

   can be said from the emperor’s point of view, he is right, the emperor is all made of steel. Moreover, the prince is the future king. If he does not practice as the emperor now, he will be too late. If he is not so upright, if he does not So nostalgic, if he is not so soft-hearted, if he is not so persistent... Maybe, he has won this war long ago.

   But if he is not like this, what is the difference between him and others? At the beginning, I feel the annoyance of the prince crying and crying. When I see this place, I don’t feel annoyed anymore. I just feel pitiful. A person sticks to his beliefs, sticks to his own principles, pursues his ideals, and is repeatedly frustrated and not mixed. Such a person is worthy Respect, it's too miserable, so I changed my name to the Prince of Growth.

   And the military power of the Gu family and the monarchy of the Xiao family in "Crane Huating" is the main contradiction throughout the whole play to advance the plot, and there is competition. With the author's consistent urgency, I think she will keep the book in the drama version Uncle Li died in battle, and the prince forced Feng En to commit suicide. In the previous nursery rhyme case, Zhao Wang forced the imperial concubine to lay the blame on the prince in order to prevent the feudal clan. Xu Changping’s true identity will account for a lot of episodes, so I remind everyone that the plot of abuse in the front is really compared with the plot in the back. Little ugly.

   In the process of overthrowing Zhong Shuling in "Crescent Huating", the Lu family and his son were close at hand with Lu Wenxi, but they did not recognize Lu Wenxi. Many netizens expressed their incomprehension. I personally think that it is reasonable for Lu Ying not to recognize Wenxi. Why did Lu Ying not recognize Wenxi, because his attention was not on Wenxi at all. At that time, he was uneasy and emotionally angry. He stared at His Royal Highness and wanted to say something. Hugh. Wen Xi is a woman disguised as a man, and the prince calls her a minister. If you want to come in that atmosphere, Lu Ying, who is full of thoughts, will not pay attention to a minister.

   And the prince and her brother have already recognized it, but the prince needs the final step of confirmation, saying that he wants to kill Lu Wenxi is also trying to scare her and let her tell the truth. Lu Wenxi is a sinner, she Why did you get to the prince's side, why did you scare her again and again without telling her purpose? Trembling, walking on thin ice. He suffered too much. I have to say that Lu Wenxi was a spineless female man. Even under the cruel torture, I did not forget to stroke my hair when I saw the prince, respectfully salute, and maintain my dignity.

   Under normal circumstances, in a lot of people, you can find your relatives at a glance, and you can tell a back view and a voice. Not to mention the relatives, even the crush and the like, as long as you see more, you can do it in the crowd. I noticed at a glance, so the setting in the play was either foreshadowing. My brother had a brief close contact with Lu Wenxi. He should have recognized his sister, but there was no way to recognize each other in prison.

   It must be said that the prince in "Crane Huating" is becoming more and more city mansion. It can be said that until now, no one can see the prince clearly. No one knows his true thoughts, and the prince is fake. The miscarriage incident is the best proof. He knows that Nei Gu is innocent, even if he basically believes Nei Gu is Lu Wenxi, but he still makes him a part of his plan, deceiving Lu Wenxi and Zhang Luzheng. , Deceived Zhong Shu Ling and deceived the emperor, and this enabled him to finally overturn Zhong Shu Ling. Of course, the prince did not fully control the overall situation. Chen Neiren almost killed Lu Wenxi directly, if not the prince. When the concubine arrived in time, Lu Wenxi went offline.

   So when the princess thought that she really had a miscarriage, the princess cried because of the princess's ruthlessness. The princess saw that the princess was not ordinary to Gu's wife, but he could crush him mercilessly. Anyone could become A pawn of the prince, and why didn’t the heroine tell the prince her true identity? Although her father and brother were in trouble because she did not inform in time, the original intention of the father and brother was also for the prince. She reported the last hope to find him , She was chilled when the prince threw away her painting, and now she is with the prince to save her father and brother, not to talk about the love of children, so whyTo tell the prince that they had nothing to do with each other, only an interest relationship, besides, the prince was even more confused by her.

   It is worth mentioning that the false abortion of the prince concubine was not the prince’s thought, but Jiang Shanggong asked Lu Wenxi to administer medicine to the prince. Lu Wenxi finally did not take action. The false news spread, then Why did Jiang Shanggong do this? Obviously, the five kings behind Jiang Shanggong were ready to take action, and when Lu Wenxi was imprisoned, he also sent his own eyes and ears to rescue Lu Wenxi.

   It can be said that the five kings and the prince are in the same direction for the time being. The prince did not have a child and there would be no amnesty. Zhang Luzheng's son had to finish playing, and Zhang Luzheng had to go to Zhongshuling, and then it became the key to the prince's comeback. Such a powerful one is really a super boss, just by doing a little secretly, it can add to the flames, the five kings have already begun to mess with the situation!