"Avenger 4" teaser new lens, Thanos dogleg will return, the Avengers may fight Thanos again

The secrecy measures for the

movie "Reunion 4" are unprecedented in the history of Marvel. The

trailer and announcement materials only involve the 15-20 minutes before the plot, while the full movie of "Reunion 4" is 3 hours long, the trailer content may only account for 1/9 or 1/10;

released two After the official trailer is officially announced, no other trailers will be released; director

confirmed that the only two remaining trailers will be mixed with fake footage and discarded footage...

This allows fans to comment on the only two trailers. "Extraordinarily cherish", trying to interpret these two trailers to the greatest extent, and try our best to restore the first 20 minutes of "Reunion 4".

is less than a month away from the release of "Reunion 4", and finally some fans have found the new trailer details. This detail shows that the dog-legged vanguard of Thanos at the beginning of "Avengers 4" will appear again.

North America released the 3D version of the trailer for "Reunion 4". In the 3D version of the trailer, when Hawkeye ran out of the explosion channel, a looming figure can be seen in the flames behind, and in "Reunion 3", the tile Kanda cannon fodder vanguard is very similar.

probably represents the first 20 minutes of "Avengers 4", the Avengers will fight Thanos again.

Vanguard made its debut in "Avengers 3". When the Dark Legion invaded Wakanda, these crazy alien species became the super infantry of Thanos against the Avengers. The superheroes gathered in Wakanda have a headache for these strong mad dogs.

and the vanguards in the comics are not cannon fodder. They have invisibility and relatively weak mind control, read the memory of others, and often do assassinations and spy intelligence work for Thanos. They once searched for infinite gems for Thanos. Made a great contribution.

will return to the movie "Avengers 4". In the trailer, we learned that the surviving Avengers gathered again. Iron Man and Nebula returned to Earth; Ant-Man escaped from the Quantum Realm; Captain Marvel also rushed to the Avengers base after receiving a distress signal from Nick Fury. With such a strong lineup of

, the Avengers will definitely find Thanos to compete again and hope to use the Infinite Gloves to reverse the infinite.

guessed that 20 minutes before the plot of "Avengers 4", there may be scenes where the Avengers fight Thanos again, but this will not reverse the ending of "Avengers 3", so the Avengers will embark on a new one. The way to save the universe.

"Reunion 4" has not been finalized in mainland China for the time being, but there is news that the film has been reviewed, and there will be news of the finalization in the near future. I hope it will not be too late in North America (April 26).