"The Whistleblower" overseas filming across three continents, production upgrade, Hollywood commercial texture presents Chinese stories

The movie "The Whistleblower" directed by Xue Xiaolu and starring Lei Jiayin and Tang Wei will be released tomorrow. A few days ago at the premiere in Beijing, many viewers praised the film’s "commercial texture". Today, the film party exposed the "Overseas shooting" special. The stories behind the thrilling scenes such as crashes, chases, jumps, and jumps were revealed one by one. , Lei Jiayin and Tang Wei both lament that the Australian action team is really "too professional!" As the third part of "Overseas Narrative" directed by Xue Xiaolu, "The Whistleblower" has undergone a major upgrade in both production scale and narrative pattern. As the famous screenwriter Wang Hongwei said: "This kind of upgrade seems rare and valuable at this time."

is not only a thrilling commercial quality, but the profound social concept of the film has also been recognized and appreciated by everyone.

"The first time I recognize the group of'whistleblowers', they are unsung heroes." "Ma Ke (played by Lei Jiayin) and Zhou Wen (played by Tang Wei) are ordinary people like you and me, but they choose to be brave in order to protect justice. Come forward and redeem others while also redeeming yourself, which is very touching." The movie "Whistleblower" will be officially launched in major theaters across the country on December 6, and is currently on hot pre-sale.

Lei Jiayin Tang Wei’s action drama is full of surprises international team helps quality upgrade

The movie "The Whistleblower" will be released soon, whether it’s the previous multi-city premiere or the support of the previous Beijing premiere. , The most mentioned word is "surprise!" Everyone not only expressed their surprise for director Xue Xiaolu's such a mature commercial production, but also was very moved by Lei Jiayin and Tang Wei's act of revealing the truth in the film.


, ​​who served as the director of photography for "The Whistleblower", has participated in "Fast and Furious 7", and the action director is

CHRIS ANDZZ1, who has participated in "Mad Max" and "King Kong". Director Xue Xiaolu said that the biggest difficulty in filming action scenes is to design the actions well and not exceed the rationality of the characters in the movie. Two experienced international guides finally led their team to complete this task, allowing Lei Jiayin and Tang Wei to challenge their limits while also ensuring their safety. The professionalism of Lei Jiayin and Tang Wei also touched the director Xue Xiaolu: "The two actors are really hard to shoot, and it makes me feel very distressed."

In addition, the special series also uses a few numbers to explain " The international-level shooting process of "The Whistleblower" includes three continents, including Asia, Australia and Africa, traveling 30297 kilometers, and everyone on the crew fought for 2784 hours-although "The Whistleblower" is already Xue Xiaolu's "overseas narrative" The third part, but compared with the first two parts, both the production scale and the narrative pattern have been significantly upgraded. It is no wonder that everyone will be surprised by the performance of Xue Xiaolu and the two leading actors.

In this special, you can see that the two of them are actually protected by the top international action team behind the many wonderful and dangerous action scenes in the movie.

Xue Xiaolu challenged the new genre "The Whistleblower" is full of suspense and praised "Texture commercial film"

"The Whistleblower" is the first Chinese film that focuses on the theme of , except for the fresh theme of the whistleblower. The suspenseful elements also make everyone shout wonderful. Director Xue Xiaolu revealed that she has always liked suspense reasoning. After making a few movies, she finally had the opportunity to usher in her most obsessed type. At the Beijing premiere, many viewers praised the film as "full of suspense." The actor Huang Jue also liked this film: "We should have such a textured commercial film in China."

and in the previous multi-city premiere. , The audience are all about the production of the filmThe scale is affirmative. "Excellent production, thrilling action scenes." "The last new technology is shocking." "It has the texture of a Hollywood commercial blockbuster, it is a must-see movie at the end of the year!"

and he knows well about the screenwriter Wang Hongwei directed by Xue Xiaolu Said that I have always known that Xue Xiaolu likes suspense genres, and this time I finally got what I wanted: "This kind of narrative pattern and the scale of this production is amazing. I saw that Chinese films began to upgrade to industrialization, and this upgrade is in This time is commendable, and this step is very brave." Yao Chen said: "The first time I saw the hero and the heroine in a movie with this quality, I was very surprised. The production of the film is also extremely sophisticated and the rhythm is great. "

film "The Whistleblower" is produced by Beijing Jiawen Film Culture Media Co., Ltd., Anle Film Co., Ltd., Perfect Wayshow Entertainment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., Tencent Pictures Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Tianjin Shijian Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Whistle Film Production Company, Sino-British Film Culture Fund Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huomai Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Hehehe Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Intercontinental Jinma Culture Co., Ltd., Chinese It is jointly produced by Image (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., MOK Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and Erdong Culture (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The movie "The Whistleblower" will be released tomorrow, and the pre-sale is underway.