The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is

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The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

Top-level fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and has also generated many important propositions for business operations, which are worthy of our consideration.

Fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. On the surface, it is due to founder Yu Donglai's "conservatism" and "small wealth means peace". He does not have much business ambitions, so this idea of ​​​​being in a corner is integrated into the company's long-term strategy.

is essentially driven by his high-dimensional understanding of life. He said that he has experienced too much before, because making money has made him lose his freedom, and he has suffered endless humiliation for fame and fortune, and his personality has suffered too much. trampled, very painful. Ultimately, Yu Donglai will find the "most comfortable entrepreneurial state" and try to find the optimal solution for the retail industry and maximize social value in his own way.

In Henan, directly or indirectly affected by Fat Donglai, various business experiments are being staged in various places to improve themselves and save themselves, and good money drives out bad money. We all know that when the economic downward pressure is greater, the traditional retail industry with consumption as the core will bear the brunt. Fat Donglai is undoubtedly a dazzling pearl in the large consumer industry. Its brand influence and performance growth have gained a lot in the adverse trend. The results have therefore become the key to the industry competing to imitate and learn to find solutions to difficulties.

In addition to one-on-one assistance from Fat Donglai, a whirlwind of learning from Fat Donglai has set off in the industry, imitating brand image, space layout, product categories, service details, etc. Although what is learned is only superficial, the overall The consumption experience has been unprecedentedly improved. From this perspective, the social value of Pangdonglai is undoubtedly huge, that is, it can invisibly promote the entire industry in a positive and upward direction through the demonstration effect of leading enterprises. Yu Donglai once said that Pang Donglai’s attribute is a school, not an enterprise, and he just wants to make this enterprise a model.

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

Yu Donglai often says simple and kind words, but when he thinks about it carefully, he reveals a kind of business wisdom. From learning from its opponents, surpassing them, to holding hands with them, and leading them, Pang Dong Lai has never positioned itself as a disruptor in the industry, nor has it ever invaded other people's "territory" as a competitor. It has a very clear direction and sense of choice. .

Recently, at the semi-annual work seminar held by Yonghui Supermarket , the focus was on sharing and summarizing the learning situation of Fat Dong’s assistance and reform in the past three months. Yonghui Supermarket identified the first batch of students who learned from Fat Dong. The main tune-renovated stores will be launched first in ten cities.

From Fat Donglai, we can see another idea of ​​​​business management, which is to deeply cultivate a regional market for nearly 30 years, operate it carefully, and build a good reputation. He is a typical long-termist, which will make surrounding consumers It generates strong trust and dependence among investors, which is the core moat to cope with the invasion of external competitive forces and cross the industry cycle.

The eight words "operate carefully and build a good reputation" seem to be simple and unpretentious principles. It is not difficult to implement. What is difficult is that decades of integrity and persistence have become the quality belief in the lives of generations of people. The existence of Donglai can make consumers in a city happier and achieve a trust monopoly. Consumers in this city have also changed from "super users" to "brand guardians". They recognize, love and follow them from their genes. It is difficult for ordinary competitors to snatch them away from Fat Donglai through price wars.

In this sense, Pang Donglai has been deeply involved in the Henan area for nearly 30 years. The accumulated consumer trust has formed an excellent survival soil. Once separated from the local environment, the trust accumulated over time is difficult to quickly establish and replicate in an unfamiliar environment. On the other hand, supply chains and management models can be replicated across regions in the short term, with the exception of corporate culture and consumer trust.Consumers in other regions are not as tolerant of Fat Donglai as local consumers in Henan, so it is easy for things that damage the brand's reputation to happen. In the long run, it has become a boundary line that they dare not cross. .

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

As a regional retail species, if it is allowed to capture an unfamiliar market with a complete retail network and no trust foundation, it is tantamount to pulling out teeth in front of major retail giants. The price advantage of the supply chain in long-distance operations is not there. Perhaps the single-store model that is applicable in Xuchang will fail in other places, and even low profits cannot sustain high operating costs, leading to the ending of Pang Donglai being dissatisfied with the local environment and leaving sadly.

Perhaps what Donglai faces is not an option, but a must. He cannot gamble with the good reputation that Fat Donglai has accumulated over decades and let a "retail legend" bear the risk of failed expansion.

Fat Donglai has found an ecological niche that suits him and abandoned the conventional enterprise development path, which is to exchange capital for scale, exchange scale for market share, and exchange market share for revenue and market value. Between making the company bigger and stronger, Pang Donglai chose to "live long" and found a balance between business interests and social responsibility, forming a virtuous circle and resolving major issues such as politics, business, human nature, and technology. risk variables.

was founded nearly 30 years ago. Fat Donglai has only developed 13 stores. Yu Donglai has great strategic restraint in the face of huge interests. Many people are curious about how Pang Donglai can achieve high cost-effectiveness of its products even though its stores do not have the advantage of scale. In the early days, Fat Donglai implemented the "Four-Party Joint Procurement" method, that is, by uniting multiple retail companies to establish an organizational structure to unify procurement, and exchange larger quantities for high-quality prices. Subsequently, Yu Donglai actively introduced the International Voluntary Chain Purchasing Alliance ifa .

Now Fat Donglai has established a self-sourcing system, operates its own brands, built high-quality logistics parks, and built an efficient supply chain around a fixed market. Among them, up to 80% of the goods in supermarket stores are self-sourced products, and private brands have been launched in many product categories. This has formed product differentiation, guaranteed product quality, and greatly improved product turnover efficiency.

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

Fewer supermarket stores means scarcity. Scarcity makes it more valuable, so there is never a shortage of traffic and topics. Coupled with refined operations, the benefits created by a single store may be greater. If opening the first store is a profit and opening 100 stores is a loss, Yu Donglai will definitely choose to open a store. He does not have radical capital thinking, only how to improve the craftsmanship of a store and how to let more people benefit from it. The industrial sentiment of the store and the bottom-level understanding of returning to the essence of business.

He always maintains a certain degree of control in opening a store. Once the loss reaches a critical period, he will decisively cut off his arm and retreat to ensure that the business does not fall into the quagmire. Unlike many entrepreneurs who are jealous when they see a project and are impulsive when they see an opportunity, Yu Donglai is not a market sentimentalist. On the contrary, he has an innate restraint, straightforwardness and rationality.

As early as 2014, Yu Donglai posted a Weibo , saying: "I will try my best to make Times Square a good place! The remaining stores will be closed or transferred in about three years." He was so resolute in dealing with stores that did not meet expectations. . At the 2024 China Supermarket Week hosted by, Yu Donglai said at the meeting: "Close the stores that are losing money and focus reasonable resources on promising stores."

The current earning power of Fat Donglai Not inferior to the leading retail companies at all, in 2023, the annual revenue of Fat Donglai's 13 stores will be 4.6 billion yuan, which will be distributed to 12 stores. The average revenue of each store will be approximately 383 million yuan.According to the "Top 100 Chinese Supermarkets in 2023" announced by the China Chain Store and Franchise Association (ccfa), looking at the entire top 100 list, there is only one company that can make so much revenue with so few stores, and that is Pandonglai. Costco from the United States.

Although Yu Donglai has no thoughts about Fat Donglai's expansion, the new path he is trying has begun to bear fruit. As the most valuable brand asset of Fat Dong Lai, it relies on the brand effect to achieve asset-light operations and "one-on-one assistance" to output the supply chain and management model. This is Fat Dong Lai's most advanced and least risky expansion model, in line with " The positioning of "Retail School" protects the brand from being "abused".

The most valuable thing about Fat Donglai is not knowing what you do, but knowing what you cannot do. Enterprise management adheres to the spirit of long-termism and pragmatism. In a market economy characterized by competition for fame and fortune, intrigues, and quick success, it demonstrates the beauty of business and the value of human nature. In the current impetuous environment, I would like to tell the majority of entrepreneurs to exercise restraint in the face of big and quick money, and to make long-term and slow money. Actual actions have been used to prove to them that sincerely serving consumers can really make a company grow steadily, make more money, and live longer.

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

Top-level fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and has also generated many important propositions for business operations, which are worthy of our consideration.

Fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. On the surface, it is due to founder Yu Donglai's "conservatism" and "small wealth means peace". He does not have much business ambitions, so this idea of ​​​​being in a corner is integrated into the company's long-term strategy.

is essentially driven by his high-dimensional understanding of life. He said that he has experienced too much before, because making money has made him lose his freedom, and he has suffered endless humiliation for fame and fortune, and his personality has suffered too much. trampled, very painful. Ultimately, Yu Donglai will find the "most comfortable entrepreneurial state" and try to find the optimal solution for the retail industry and maximize social value in his own way.

In Henan, directly or indirectly affected by Fat Donglai, various business experiments are being staged in various places to improve themselves and save themselves, and good money drives out bad money. We all know that when the economic downward pressure is greater, the traditional retail industry with consumption as the core will bear the brunt. Fat Donglai is undoubtedly a dazzling pearl in the large consumer industry. Its brand influence and performance growth have gained a lot in the adverse trend. The results have therefore become the key to the industry competing to imitate and learn to find solutions to difficulties.

In addition to one-on-one assistance from Fat Donglai, a whirlwind of learning from Fat Donglai has set off in the industry, imitating brand image, space layout, product categories, service details, etc. Although what is learned is only superficial, the overall The consumption experience has been unprecedentedly improved. From this perspective, the social value of Pangdonglai is undoubtedly huge, that is, it can invisibly promote the entire industry in a positive and upward direction through the demonstration effect of leading enterprises. Yu Donglai once said that Pang Donglai’s attribute is a school, not an enterprise, and he just wants to make this enterprise a model.

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

Yu Donglai often says simple and kind words, but when he thinks about it carefully, he reveals a kind of business wisdom. From learning from its opponents, surpassing them, to holding hands with them, and leading them, Pang Dong Lai has never positioned itself as a disruptor in the industry, nor has it ever invaded other people's "territory" as a competitor. It has a very clear direction and sense of choice. .

Recently, at the semi-annual work seminar held by Yonghui Supermarket , the focus was on sharing and summarizing the learning situation of Fat Dong’s assistance and reform in the past three months. Yonghui Supermarket identified the first batch of students who learned from Fat Dong. The main tune-renovated stores will be launched first in ten cities.

From Fat Donglai, we can see another idea of ​​​​business management, which is to deeply cultivate a regional market for nearly 30 years, operate it carefully, and build a good reputation. He is a typical long-termist, which will make surrounding consumers It generates strong trust and dependence among investors, which is the core moat to cope with the invasion of external competitive forces and cross the industry cycle.

The eight words "operate carefully and build a good reputation" seem to be simple and unpretentious principles. It is not difficult to implement. What is difficult is that decades of integrity and persistence have become the quality belief in the lives of generations of people. The existence of Donglai can make consumers in a city happier and achieve a trust monopoly. Consumers in this city have also changed from "super users" to "brand guardians". They recognize, love and follow them from their genes. It is difficult for ordinary competitors to snatch them away from Fat Donglai through price wars.

In this sense, Pang Donglai has been deeply involved in the Henan area for nearly 30 years. The accumulated consumer trust has formed an excellent survival soil. Once separated from the local environment, the trust accumulated over time is difficult to quickly establish and replicate in an unfamiliar environment. On the other hand, supply chains and management models can be replicated across regions in the short term, with the exception of corporate culture and consumer trust.Consumers in other regions are not as tolerant of Fat Donglai as local consumers in Henan, so it is easy for things that damage the brand's reputation to happen. In the long run, it has become a boundary line that they dare not cross. .

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

As a regional retail species, if it is allowed to capture an unfamiliar market with a complete retail network and no trust foundation, it is tantamount to pulling out teeth in front of major retail giants. The price advantage of the supply chain in long-distance operations is not there. Perhaps the single-store model that is applicable in Xuchang will fail in other places, and even low profits cannot sustain high operating costs, leading to the ending of Pang Donglai being dissatisfied with the local environment and leaving sadly.

Perhaps what Donglai faces is not an option, but a must. He cannot gamble with the good reputation that Fat Donglai has accumulated over decades and let a "retail legend" bear the risk of failed expansion.

Fat Donglai has found an ecological niche that suits him and abandoned the conventional enterprise development path, which is to exchange capital for scale, exchange scale for market share, and exchange market share for revenue and market value. Between making the company bigger and stronger, Pang Donglai chose to "live long" and found a balance between business interests and social responsibility, forming a virtuous circle and resolving major issues such as politics, business, human nature, and technology. risk variables.

was founded nearly 30 years ago. Fat Donglai has only developed 13 stores. Yu Donglai has great strategic restraint in the face of huge interests. Many people are curious about how Pang Donglai can achieve high cost-effectiveness of its products even though its stores do not have the advantage of scale. In the early days, Fat Donglai implemented the "Four-Party Joint Procurement" method, that is, by uniting multiple retail companies to establish an organizational structure to unify procurement, and exchange larger quantities for high-quality prices. Subsequently, Yu Donglai actively introduced the International Voluntary Chain Purchasing Alliance ifa .

Now Fat Donglai has established a self-sourcing system, operates its own brands, built high-quality logistics parks, and built an efficient supply chain around a fixed market. Among them, up to 80% of the goods in supermarket stores are self-sourced products, and private brands have been launched in many product categories. This has formed product differentiation, guaranteed product quality, and greatly improved product turnover efficiency.

The top-notch fat Donglai is unwilling to leave Henan. This topic has triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and as a result, many important propositions for business management have arisen, which are worthy of our consideration. Pang Donglai’s reluctance to leave Henan is - Lujuba

Fewer supermarket stores means scarcity. Scarcity makes it more valuable, so there is never a shortage of traffic and topics. Coupled with refined operations, the benefits created by a single store may be greater. If opening the first store is a profit and opening 100 stores is a loss, Yu Donglai will definitely choose to open a store. He does not have radical capital thinking, only how to improve the craftsmanship of a store and how to let more people benefit from it. The industrial sentiment of the store and the bottom-level understanding of returning to the essence of business.

He always maintains a certain degree of control in opening a store. Once the loss reaches a critical period, he will decisively cut off his arm and retreat to ensure that the business does not fall into the quagmire. Unlike many entrepreneurs who are jealous when they see a project and are impulsive when they see an opportunity, Yu Donglai is not a market sentimentalist. On the contrary, he has an innate restraint, straightforwardness and rationality.

As early as 2014, Yu Donglai posted a Weibo , saying: "I will try my best to make Times Square a good place! The remaining stores will be closed or transferred in about three years." He was so resolute in dealing with stores that did not meet expectations. . At the 2024 China Supermarket Week hosted by, Yu Donglai said at the meeting: "Close the stores that are losing money and focus reasonable resources on promising stores."

The current earning power of Fat Donglai Not inferior to the leading retail companies at all, in 2023, the annual revenue of Fat Donglai's 13 stores will be 4.6 billion yuan, which will be distributed to 12 stores. The average revenue of each store will be approximately 383 million yuan.According to the "Top 100 Chinese Supermarkets in 2023" announced by the China Chain Store and Franchise Association (ccfa), looking at the entire top 100 list, there is only one company that can make so much revenue with so few stores, and that is Pandonglai. Costco from the United States.

Although Yu Donglai has no thoughts about Fat Donglai's expansion, the new path he is trying has begun to bear fruit. As the most valuable brand asset of Fat Dong Lai, it relies on the brand effect to achieve asset-light operations and "one-on-one assistance" to output the supply chain and management model. This is Fat Dong Lai's most advanced and least risky expansion model, in line with " The positioning of "Retail School" protects the brand from being "abused".

The most valuable thing about Fat Donglai is not knowing what you do, but knowing what you cannot do. Enterprise management adheres to the spirit of long-termism and pragmatism. In a market economy characterized by competition for fame and fortune, intrigues, and quick success, it demonstrates the beauty of business and the value of human nature. In the current impetuous environment, I would like to tell the majority of entrepreneurs to exercise restraint in the face of big and quick money, and to make long-term and slow money. Actual actions have been used to prove to them that sincerely serving consumers can really make a company grow steadily, make more money, and live longer.

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