Recently, in a variety show, actor Hai Qing shared that she went to film for the first time when she was seven years old. She learned to stay up late playing poker in the first month, and she learned to drink coffee just to stay up late when filming when she was eight years old..

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Recently, in a variety show, actor Hai Qing shared that he went to film for the first time when he was seven years old. In the first month, he learned to stay up late playing poker, and when he was eight years old, he learned to drink coffee just to stay up late while filming...

In the show, She said that she was only 7 years old at the time. "It was like the first time I went filming when I was a child. Later I really liked filming. I learned to stay up late in the first month and how to play poker. I learned that at that time."

Recently, in a variety show, actor Hai Qing shared that she went to film for the first time when she was seven years old. She learned to stay up late playing poker in the first month, and she learned to drink coffee just to stay up late when filming when she was eight years old.. - Lujuba

"Then when I was eight years old and I was filming for the first time, I learned that there is something called coffee. They said you have to drink one cup at night, otherwise you can't stay up late. It may be mixed with some sugar. I feel that these are the marks of growth."

Recently, in a variety show, actor Hai Qing shared that she went to film for the first time when she was seven years old. She learned to stay up late playing poker in the first month, and she learned to drink coffee just to stay up late when filming when she was eight years old.. - Lujuba

Public information shows that Hai Qing, whose real name is Huang Yi, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on January 12, 1978. She graduated from the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy and is an actress in Mainland China. His representative works include "Jade Guanyin", "Family Matters Are Like Heaven", "Can't Live Without Her", "Happy Family" and "The Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law".

Recently, in a variety show, actor Hai Qing shared that she went to film for the first time when she was seven years old. She learned to stay up late playing poker in the first month, and she learned to drink coffee just to stay up late when filming when she was eight years old.. - Lujuba

▲Photo source@海清

Regarding this, many netizens said that it is a bit early to stay up late at seven years old and start drinking coffee at eight years old, right?

It’s all good: Oh my God, I started drinking it at such a young age, and I lived like an adult since I was a child.

Poet Laureate: Started drinking coffee at eight years old? It was a bit too early, I didn’t even know what coffee was when I was eight years old.

met the lazy cat under the tree: Oh my God, I stayed up late like this at such a young age. I started drinking coffee when I was eight years old. Wouldn’t that be bad for my body?

jiasenyu: It is common practice in the entertainment industry to stay up late and stay up all night. Some recordings even require the audience to stay up late, which is the price behind the glamor. However, I think we can be more humane towards young actors. After all, they are still in the stage of physical development.

Some people also question whether drinking coffee for children is bad for their health?

Elementary School Farewell: Children can’t drink coffee, they should pay more attention to their health.

I just love playing games: Is it bad for your health to stay up late and drink coffee at such a young age...

Graduation Edition Lanlan: Wow, but I think it is most important to pay attention to your health. Can children really drink coffee?

is confused, can children really drink coffee?

According to Popular Science China: The internationally recommended safe caffeine intake for children and adolescents is no more than 2.5 to 3 mg per kilogram of body weight. That is to say, for example, for children and teenagers weighing 40 kilograms, the caffeine intake is 100 to 120 mg, which is about 1 cup of coffee. Of course, it's best not to drink it.

This is because children’s liver, kidneys, and nervous systems are not yet fully developed, are more sensitive to caffeine, and have poor detoxification ability. The half-life of caffeine metabolism in the body will be longer, so children under 12 years old should not consume caffeine. For teenagers ages 13 to 18, no more than 100 milligrams of caffeine per day.

In addition, "The quality of sleep will directly affect the child's height development, because growth hormone is mainly secreted at night. If the child sleeps for a short time at night and does not sleep well, it will lead to developmental delays over time." For those who often stay up late, The child's parents, a pediatrician from Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital warned this.

In fact, 70% of a child's height is determined by innate genetic factors, and the remaining 30% is affected by external factors such as acquired diet, exercise, and sleep. Irregular diet or picky eaters, lack of vitamin A and calcium, lack of exercise, going to bed late or insufficient sleep time, long-term emotional stress or depression, repeated breathing or digestive system diseases may lead to short stature.

People below are not recommended to drink coffee.

According to the First Hospital of Zhejiang University: Except for teenagers, these people are not recommended to drink coffee either.

1. Pregnant women and nursing mothers: Moderate drinking of coffee will not cause infertility, but pregnant women are advised to drink less or no coffee. Caffeine may cause miscarriage and dystocia. To be cautious, pregnant women are advised not to drink coffee. If you drink coffee, try to limit it or choose decaffeinated coffee.

2. Middle-aged and elderly people with osteoporosis: Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to decalcification issues when drinking coffee, which can easily lead to osteoporosis. They should take calcium supplement measures, such as drinking more pure milk while drinking coffee.

3. Patients with stomach problems: People with stomach problems should try to drink less or no coffee. Drinking too much coffee can worsen the stomach problems.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink coffee when smoking or taking medicine.

Source | Morning News Popular Science China Zhejiang University First Hospital Netizen Comments

Editor | Qian Yuxuan

Editor | Cen Dan

Chief Editor | Qi Xiangwen Dong

Review | Meng Haiyan

Producer | Zhu Jianshan

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Do you often drink coffee?


Tags: entertainment