Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On the afternoon of August 4, New York time, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, which was invited to participate in the first "WOW! World Youth Orchestra Week", under the baton of artistic director Lu Jia, joined hands with pipa players Wu Man

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Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On the afternoon of August 4th, New York time, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, which was invited to participate in the first "Wow! World Youth Orchestra Week", under the baton of artistic director Lu Jia, performed together with the pipa Wu Man, the artist, performed on the stage at New York's Carnegie Hall, performing three excerpts from Bao Yuankai's "Yanhuang Style", Zhao Jiping's "Pipa Concerto No. 2" and Tchaikovsky's "Symphony No. 5 in E minor" to achieve his breakthrough on the world music stage. Glory blooms.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On the afternoon of August 4, New York time, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, which was invited to participate in the first 'WOW! World Youth Orchestra Week', under the baton of artistic director Lu Jia, joined hands with pipa players Wu Man  - Lujuba

Lu Jia conducts the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra and makes its debut at Carnegie Hall in New York.

This performance started with an unusual appearance by the orchestra members. The musicians of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, dressed in exquisite costumes that looked like a wisp of red clouds, filed in from two channels behind the auditorium of Carnegie Hall. The audience People interacted with them enthusiastically and high-fived them. Before

played, two musicians, Cui Bingxuan and Wang Fujian, delivered welcome speeches on behalf of the orchestra. They read out loud the names of all the youth orchestras participating in the music week, and immediately received a roaring response from all the performing orchestras. The two students also shared the meaning of music in their hearts and lives, expressed their joy at making their debut at Carnegie Hall, and agreed with everyone to use music to wish the world a better place.

Subsequently, under the baton of Director Lu Jia, nearly 130 young musicians of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra brilliantly interpreted three Chinese and foreign music masterpieces with their vigorous spirit and excellent cooperation. Their incredible youthful energy won the audience The audience received a wave of applause and cheers, and the audience stood and applauded for a long time. The shouts of "bravo" one after another expressed their love for the outstanding performance of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On the afternoon of August 4, New York time, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, which was invited to participate in the first 'WOW! World Youth Orchestra Week', under the baton of artistic director Lu Jia, joined hands with pipa players Wu Man  - Lujuba

Pipa player Wu Man performed on stage at Carnegie Hall in New York.

Faced with the boiling enthusiasm of the audience, Director Lu Jia led the orchestra to perform "Purple Bamboo Tunes" and "The Sun Comes Out Joyfully" again, echoing the opening of the concert with unique oriental beauty, and shouted "Music" in Chinese Long Live", which brought a perfect ending to the entire performance full of passion and vitality. The audience lingered and was intoxicated for a long time. Even after the performance, the musicians dressed in Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra costumes still became high-profile "stars" on the streets and subway platforms of New York. Nearly a hundred audiences spontaneously lined up outside the concert hall to applaud and cheer for them. Members of the Venezuelan National Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Afghanistan Youth Orchestra who observed the performance gave a thumbs up to their counterparts from China to express their sincere admiration. The young people of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra strongly felt the pride and pride of being Chinese cultural envoys. pride.

This performance was also broadcast live to the world through the historic New York classical music radio station wqxr. Online listeners also felt the musical greetings from Beijing this weekend.

Director Lu Jia, who walked off the stage, was full of praise for the orchestra’s performance: “I told the students on the first day the orchestra was established that we should show young people’s love for music, art and life. Today they fully We did it, and presented it to the most outstanding level! They can gain a rich spiritual experience in music, feel the charm of Chinese and foreign cultures, and perform confidently in a world-renowned music hall. I think this will affect their lives and benefit them endlessly. "

Pipa player Wu Man also expressed his appreciation for the musical presentation of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra: "I am very familiar with this work by Teacher Zhao Jiping. Working with this group of energetic young people is the most unforgettable thing for me. Their performance in Beijing The performance has already impressed me, and a week later more surprises came back to me. In my heart, this orchestra is a symbol of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries, and they represent the best of modern Chinese people!”

orchestra rehearsal! At the beginning, Sir Clive Greenson, the administrative and artistic director of Carnegie Hall, made a special trip to warmly welcome all members of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra and thank the National Center for the Performing Arts for completing the orchestra's formation and tour with high quality.After the concert, he said in an interview: "The vision of holding 'Wow! World Youth Orchestra Week' is to allow young people from different cultural backgrounds to show themselves and become friends. In the four concerts that have ended, we have seen Civilization is diverse and wonderful, and the performance of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra is first-class, fully demonstrating the infinite beauty of Chinese culture, and everyone praises it."

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On the afternoon of August 4, New York time, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, which was invited to participate in the first 'WOW! World Youth Orchestra Week', under the baton of artistic director Lu Jia, joined hands with pipa players Wu Man  - Lujuba

Lu Jia was full of praise for the orchestra's performance.

was officially established on June 23, completed its critically acclaimed debut at the National Center for the Performing Arts and the Beijing Art Center on July 26 and 27, and then went on stage at Carnegie Hall on August 4 to face the world. Showing the charm of the youth of Beijing, China, and Asia, the young students experienced the most unforgettable growth and transformation this summer, and gained applause and friendship. After the two premiere concerts in Beijing, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, jointly established by the National Center for the Performing Arts and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, flew to New York on August 1. The fatigue of the long-distance flight did not affect the state of the young people. In order to Appearing on the stage at Carnegie Hall in the best style, the orchestra performed again the day after arriving in New York with artistic director Lu Jia, pipa player Wu Man, assistant conductor Li Jingzhan and many voice instructors from the National Center for the Performing Arts Orchestra Two detailed rehearsals were conducted.

A carefully designed highlight runs through every concert of the inaugural "wow! World Youth Orchestra Week", and that is the magnificent Stern Auditorium of Carnegie Hall/ Handwriting in different languages ​​will be projected on both sides of the inner wall of the Perelman stage. These are "wish cards" collected by Carnegie Hall, the organizer of the event, from the five continents and seven symphony orchestras participating in the performance. Different countries The musicians wrote down their wishes for the future world in their native languages, and the blessings and wishes written by the young musicians from Beijing attracted bursts of applause from the audience.

In order to promote exchanges and dialogue between different youth orchestras and present the diverse perspectives of young people around the world, Carnegie Hall planned the "wish for our world" companion program at the Paulson Center of New York University on the morning of the performance day. Exchange activities, the musicians of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra participated in a variety of activities with partners from the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the United States, the United African Youth Orchestra, and the Afghanistan Youth Orchestra on the morning of August 2 and 3. They were eager to Talking about their favorite pieces of music, what they hope to do in their future careers, and more importantly, their vision for the world.

In addition, all members of the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra also observed the wonderful performances of the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela and the United African Youth Orchestra in the "Wow! World Youth Orchestra Week" at Carnegie Hall on August 2 and 3. , on this platform like the Music Olympics, young people inspire each other and break through themselves, whether they are experiencing the fiery passion released by conductor Dudamel and Venezuelan youths in South American dance music, or witnessing many rare African symphonic musics The work was played at Carnegie Hall for the first time, allowing the members to feel the diverse beauty of different cultures, different works, and different emotional expressions, and they also more clearly understood the irreplaceable and profound beauty of Chinese culture.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On the afternoon of August 4, New York time, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra, which was invited to participate in the first 'WOW! World Youth Orchestra Week', under the baton of artistic director Lu Jia, joined hands with pipa players Wu Man  - Lujuba

performance scene.

From the juxtaposition of melody fragments of musical works performed by young people from different orchestras in the "Wow! World Youth Orchestra Week" in the form of chorus, to the orchestra representatives showing off their "special skills" and happily performing the "Olympic Music Competition" Showing off their skills." The sincere smiles of the young people proved to people that as long as they are willing to listen to each other, different voices can certainly achieve a harmonious state.

In the next two days, the Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra will continue to observe the concerts of Marlene Alsop and the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the United States and Ivan Fischer and the European Union Youth Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. There will also be concerts on August 5 Participate in the "Five Continents Youth Ensemble" event specially planned by "Wow! World Youth Orchestra Week" on May 1, 2020. Nearly a thousand musicians from seven symphony orchestras will rehearse together under the baton of conductor Dudamel; "Successful friends are like music" "Carrying Ahead" joint concert between Beijing Youth Symphony Orchestra of China and National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the United States will also be performed at the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York on August 6. "I hope there will be peace in the world and no more wars" "I hope there are more trees on the earth and a better natural environment" "I hope everyone can stay away from hunger and disease" "I hope everyone can fall in love with art"... Ultimately , the "wishes ribbons" of more than a hundred young people formed a circle, implying that young people around the world are joining hands to create a better world. The young people from "Beiqingjiao" also fully demonstrated the unique grandeur, romance and sincerity of China's younger generation's prayers for the future world.

Editor Wu Longzhen

Proofreader Liu Jun

Tags: entertainment