On July 30, some netizens photographed a heart-wrenching scene in Huanglongxi Scenic Area: A woman pressed another woman's head into the water. The woman in the water struggled desperately, but it was difficult to get up, and she almost drowned. . Netizens said the two girls were

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On July 30, some netizens photographed a heart-wrenching scene in Huanglongxi Scenic Area: A woman pressed another woman's head into the water. The woman in the water struggled desperately, but it was difficult to get up, and she almost drowned. . Netizens said the two girls were suspected to be best friends.

As can be seen from the video uploaded online, the woman in shorts is wearing very cool clothes, and her best friend is wearing a black skirt and is a bit fat! At first, they seemed to be interacting normally, laughing and playing around. As the splashing of water became more and more intense, the atmosphere of the joke gradually became a little tense, and the fun became really popular!

When the woman splashed water again, her best friend went up to fight back, holding the woman's shoulders with both hands and pushing her into the water hard. The woman in shorts was face down in the water and couldn't breathe. She struggled several times and couldn't get up.

On July 30, some netizens photographed a heart-wrenching scene in Huanglongxi Scenic Area: A woman pressed another woman's head into the water. The woman in the water struggled desperately, but it was difficult to get up, and she almost drowned. . Netizens said the two girls were - Lujuba

After that, the woman in black finally let go and ran away. The woman's clothes in the water were already soaked, and she couldn't recover for a while while sitting on the ground. The video of

On July 30, some netizens photographed a heart-wrenching scene in Huanglongxi Scenic Area: A woman pressed another woman's head into the water. The woman in the water struggled desperately, but it was difficult to get up, and she almost drowned. . Netizens said the two girls were - Lujuba

caused heated discussion after it was uploaded online. In this regard, some netizens said, I don’t need besties or friends. I like to be alone most. I do everything alone. I don’t like parties and hate socializing. For me, there are only two relatives in this world: my daughter and my husband. I don’t even want to know, maybe I’m a little abnormal.

Some netizens said, do you know what wrongful death is? At that time, she knew that she couldn't find a place to cry, and she realized that her joke was too big. Can it be considered an attempted murder? You may think this is just a joke, but if her saliva gets into her lungs, it can easily cause pulmonary edema and other conditions.

Netizen comments

Some people think this has really been played.

The little lion wants to be rich every day: This is no joke!

Luzhou Xiaoyao:: This is called "enemy honey", it's too exaggerated!

Qingran: If this happens, I will immediately fall out and stop talking to each other forever, even to death, no joke!

Some netizens believed that the woman's behavior was out of proportion and she should not be considered a best friend.

was furious all the way: Don’t call a girl your best friend, she’s not even a real friend!

Yu Xiyu: It may vary from place to place, but here we are not best friends.

Wang Yiyu: Don’t call everyone your best friend.

Some people thought it was a normal fight, and nothing happened to my best friend in the end.

Floating life is like a dream: It’s normal to just have fun.

Culture and Tourism Bureau responded

According to eyewitnesses, the scene in the video took place in Huanglongxi, Chengdu.

In response to this, the Chengdu Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau said in response to a reporter's interview on the 31st that it had paid attention to the media reports and that there was surveillance in the scenic area. It cannot be true or false, and it cannot be true. It needs to wait for official notification, and follow-up procedures will follow normal procedures. .

On July 30, some netizens photographed a heart-wrenching scene in Huanglongxi Scenic Area: A woman pressed another woman's head into the water. The woman in the water struggled desperately, but it was difficult to get up, and she almost drowned. . Netizens said the two girls were - Lujuba

Source: Morning News comprehensive riverside video, today’s video, netizen comments

Tags: entertainment