In Yinping Town, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, there is a hill called Yuanbaoshan. A small village sits in front of the mountain called "Luoyuange" Village, and the locals call it Luozhuang Village. I am a native of this village. When I was a child, I heard

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There is a hill in Yinping Town, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, called Yuanbaoshan. A small village sits in front of the mountain, called "Luoyuange" Village, and the locals call it Luozhuang Village. I am a native of this village. When I was a child, I heard an old man tell me that there were two martyrs in our village. One was Xie Yunchun, and the other was named Xie Xueqin. The story about him has gone back a long time, and there is a lack of accurate historical data. Now few people in the village can tell the details. They can only hear sporadic stories and fragments of memories, but I have always wanted to restore the revolutionary deeds of my ancestors.

In Yinping Town, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, there is a hill called Yuanbaoshan. A small village sits in front of the mountain called 'Luoyuange' Village, and the locals call it Luozhuang Village. I am a native of this village. When I was a child, I heard - Lujuba

Let’s start from the movie "The Great Wave"

From 1924 to 1927, the National Revolution based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party flourished, shaking the rule of imperialism and feudal warlords in China. However, it failed due to the sudden rebellion of the Kuomintang right wing. Is it Persistence in revolution has become a severe test for aspiring young people. The red movie "Big Waves" is a revolutionary historical drama film shot by Pearl River Film Studio with this background. It was produced in 1965 and released in mainland China in March 1977. The film became a classic that influenced a generation in the 1970s and 1980s.

This film is adapted from the memoir "In the Torrent of the Revolution" by the revolutionary soldier Zhu Daonan. It mainly tells the experience of several intellectual youths in the revolutionary tide. In 1925, the intellectual youths Jin Gongshou, Gu Daming, and Yang Rukuan fled their hometown to seek help because they were dissatisfied with the dark reality. On the way out, they rescued Yu Hongkui who had escaped from marriage. The four of them became brothers and came to Jinan to enter Shandong First Normal School. The four of them, as well as Xie Hui and Liu Fen, who they met later, were inspired and taught by Communist Party member Zhao Jinzhang and Kuomintang member Xue Jianbai. They read progressive books, came into contact with revolutionary activities, and actively supported the Northern Expedition. However, under the impact of the wave of the Great Revolution, Jin Gongshou, Gu Daming and others embarked on different paths due to different origins, experiences and ambitions. Jin Gongshou and Gu Daming applied for the Central Military and Political School (commonly known as Huangpu Military Academy) and were assigned to the Changsha Military Branch for training. They reunited with their teacher, Zhao Jinzhang, the instructor of the Military Branch. In May 1927, the dark clouds of the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup in Shanghai reached Changsha and Wuhan. The Kuomintang rightist Xue Jianbai took Yu Hongkui and others to Changsha to instigate rebellion against Gu Daming, Jin Gongshou and others, but they were reprimanded by them. Then, the reactionary officer Xu Kexiang launched the May Day Incident in Changsha, caused trouble in the Changsha Military Branch, and hunted down the Communist Party members of the Military Branch. Jin Gongshou and Gu Daming, who had joined the Communist Party of China, withstood severe tests under the leadership of the party. On the eve of the counter-revolutionary rebellion in Wuhan, the revolutionary forces gathered in Wuhan moved to the countryside under the leadership of the party and eliminated the reactionary armed forces blocking the road. Following the revolutionary team, he participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong and embarked on the road of integrating with workers and peasants.

As the narrative framework and cornerstone of the film "Big Waves", it is the life experiences and completely different path choices of the "four brothers" who have the same but different experiences, which shows the young intellectuals at the important historical turning point of the Great Revolution. The journey and exploration, hesitation and hesitation, the tortuous course of growth and degradation and the complex mental outlook that they have endured show that accepting the Marxist world view, following the Communist Party of China, and fighting for national liberation and people's happiness is the right path to choose. the way.

The story behind "Big Waves on the Sand"

Zhu Daonan (1902-1985) was born in Beiyu Village, Zhangfan Township, Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City. In response to the call of veteran party cadres to write revolutionary memoirs, he began writing memoirs in early 1959 according to the arrangements of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and received guidance from the Shanghai Branch of the Writers Association. Zhu Daonan reviewed his tortuous and arduous process in the Great Revolution era in detail, and organized them into "Toward the Revolution", "Countercurrent of the Xiangjiang River-Recollections of the Ma-Ri Incident", "From Wuchang to Guangzhou", "Guangzhou Uprising" and "The Fourth Red Division Rushed to Hailufeng". The other chapters were combined into the book "In the Flood of the Great Revolution", which was officially published in August 1961.

Zhu Daonan said with emotion in the "Foreword": "In the storm of the Great Revolution, we saw the extremely high revolutionary enthusiasm and firm will of the workers and peasants to fight. They fought resolutely and bravely against the reactionaries under very difficult circumstances. The struggle. We also saw the brutal and bloody methods used by the Kuomintang reactionaries to undermine the great revolution... Many comrades who participated in the revolution with me died gloriously in the battle, and they heroically shed their last drop of blood for the cause of the party."

The prototype of the character "Gu Daming" in the movie "Big Waves" is Xie Zhuomin in the book "In the Torrent of the Revolution". In this memoir, the main storyline is that Zhu Daonan, Xie Zhuomin and Yang Ronglin are best friends. They were classmates in a middle school in Yixian County, Shandong Province. They met to go to Jinan and Wuhan together. Zhu Daonan and Xie Zhuomin were admitted to the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee together. Military and Political School, they fought out of the Ma-Japanese Incident together, and participated in the Guangzhou Uprising together. After the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising, the troops withdrew to Huaxian. On the way back, Xie Zhuomin saved Zhu Daonan's life, and then the two joined the 10th Regiment of the Fourth Red Division together. The then commander of the regiment was Xu Xiangqian. Xie Zhuomin first served as the platoon leader and then as the company party representative. After that, they moved to Hailufeng together. This is where the traceable information on Xie Zhuomin ends.

In the book, Zhu Daonan gave a detailed description of Xie Zhuomin and others: He (Xie Zhuomin) is smart and steady, very ambitious, very loyal, extremely strong in physique, and is known as the "iron arm".

I also found the last record about Xie Zhuomin, from an article by the author Zheng Chunhe: In early February 1928, after days of hard work, the Fourth Red Division captured Guolong, Puning County, where the landlord militia and the county security team were stationed. . After the battle, Zhu Daonan, a Red Army soldier who had fought thousands of miles, fell seriously ill. Comrade Xie Zhuomin sent him to a mountain pit in the rear for treatment. From then on, Zhu Daonan embarked on an arduous and unforgettable battle in Hailufeng... Zhu Daonan followed the direction pointed by his old mother and climbed over the mountains and ridges, looking for troops in Chaomian Mountain and Jishixi. One evening, when he was halfway up the mountain, a thunderbolt suddenly came from the bushes: "Stop! Don't move!" Zhu Daonan was startled and felt the muzzle of a gun pointing at him. Ah, such a familiar voice, with the accent of his hometown in Yixian County, Shandong Province. Can we meet fellow Shandong fellows in these deep mountains and old forests? Zhu Daonan slowly turned around, and a tall figure walked towards him. He took a closer look, ha, he was really his classmate and comrade-in-arms Xie Zhuomin! He cried out "Idiot!" and fell paralyzed. The company representative Xie Zhuomin led more than 20 people to persist in guerrilla warfare. They retreated to the Red Army Hospital a while ago. They only saw the burned-out thatched cottage and the remaining charcoal ash. They did not find Zhu Daonan's body. He did not know whether he was alive or dead. Who would have thought that he would be killed in the barren mountains and wild mountains? Seeing his comrades whom he missed day and night, he exclaimed: "Ah! Daonan, you are so lucky, I never thought you were still alive!" He helped Zhu Daonan up and held his hands tightly together. In a leeward nest in a high mountain, Red Army soldiers built a simple "human" thatched hut with their hands, insisting on launching a tug-of-war with the suppressing White Army.

There are very few historical materials about Xie Zhuomin. Is Xie Zhuomin Xie Xueqin? The author has searched in many ways to no avail.

Discover Xie Xueqin's accurate records

There is no way out, but there is a bright future in another village. In my hometown village, I accidentally found a book called "Real Gold Seen in the Waves in the Sand - In Memory of Comrade Zhu Daonan", which was published by the Communist Party of China History Publishing House in June 1994. This book collects information about Zhu Daonan's revolutionary deeds. Detailed information includes some memorial articles written by his old comrades, relatives, friends, and colleagues. In a memoir "The Bumpy Road" written by Zhu Daonan included in the book, I found an accurate record of Xie Xueqin: The famous martyrs I can remember now mainly include the following comrades: Comrade Tian Muhan, a native of Hanzhuang, He joined the party in 1923 or 1924 and graduated from the normal school. He was very smart and capable of working. He was arrested and imprisoned three times and finally died in prison. Sun Yehuang (Sun Huiping), a native of Xiazhuang, went south with me in 1926 and died in the "Longkuo Battle". Xie Xueqin (Xie Juemin), a native of Luozhuang, was the captain of the Jieshi Preparatory Committee. His name was He Jingcheng when he died. Yang Ronglin, a native of Xiaohaohu, whose given name was Yang Runpu, was a smart and capable man who later changed his name to Yang. He was seriously injured in the "Guolong Battle" in Guangdong and later died.

In Zhu Daonan's memories, Xie Xueqin was his close comrade-in-arms and a native of Luozhuang, which is the author's current village. The captain of the Jieshi Preparatory Committee was the position he held when he died in the Battle of Hailufeng. In addition, Xie Xueqin has another name, Xie Juemin, which is slightly different from Xie Zhuomin in "In the Flood of the Revolution". So, is Xie Xueqin Xie Zhuomin?

In the opening chapter of the book, the article "Eternal Ode to the Great Waves and Sands, Pursuing the Benefit of the Future" written by the Zaozhuang City Party Committee Office of the Communist Party of China states: "In July 1926, under the situation of the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Northern Expedition Beginning in October, the revolutionary mass movement flourished. In order to support the Northern Expedition, the Shandong Party organized young students to participate in study and training in the south to enrich and strengthen the backbone of the Northern Expedition. , Xie Xueqin and others were introduced by Tian Houqi to Ding Junyang (who later quit the party), the head of the Shandong Local Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China, and proposed to Ding a request to go south to study in response to the organization's call. With the organization's approval, each person was given 30 yuan for travel expenses. , from Jinan to Qingdao, put on makeup, took a sea ship to Shanghai, and then went up the Yangtze River to Wuhan. At this time, Wuhan had just been captured by the Northern Expeditionary Army, and the revolutionary atmosphere was very high. People from all over the country, as well as overseas Chinese, Intellectual youths from North Korea and Vietnam gathered in Wuhan, totaling hundreds of thousands. All armies and units of the Northern Expeditionary Army stationed in Wuhan recruited students to organize officer training groups." This historical material clearly records the name of Xie Xueqin.

Based on the above historical data, it can be basically confirmed that Xie Xueqin and Xie Zhuomin in "In the Torrent of the Revolution" are the same person. In addition, he also has names such as Xie Juemin and He Jingcheng. In the era of the Great Revolution, names were a cover for identity, and it was normal for a person to have multiple names.

According to the memories of the village elders, at that time, Zhu Daonan and Xie Zhuomin were hiding in Xie Zhuomin's brother's house. His brother's sister-in-law brought them pancakes and hard-boiled eggs, and set off from Luozhuang late at night, rushing to Jinan and embarking on the road to revolution. There are also accurate records in the book "In the Flood of the Great Revolution".

In Yinping Town, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, there is a hill called Yuanbaoshan. A small village sits in front of the mountain called 'Luoyuange' Village, and the locals call it Luozhuang Village. I am a native of this village. When I was a child, I heard - Lujuba

Cover of the book "Real Gold Seen in the Big Waves - In Memory of Comrade Zhu Daonan"

Restores the life of the revolutionary martyr Xie Xueqin

Xie Xueqin was born in Yixian County, Shandong Province on March 8, 1903 (now Luozhuang Village, Yinping Town, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City). He is one of the main character prototypes in the movie "Big Wave".

In 1922, Xie Xueqin went to Jinan to study with Zhu Daonan, Yang Ronglin and others, and was admitted to the Jinan Normal School; in 1924, he was admitted to the Shandong Provincial First Normal School, during which he began to get in touch with progressive ideas and students, and often participated in the Communist Youth League organized revolutionary activities. In the autumn of 1925, Xie Xueqin joined the Communist Youth League of China after being introduced by Tian Houqi. In the winter of 1926, the student movement in Jinan was suppressed by the reactionary warlord Zhang Zongchang. In order to join the revolution and be dispatched by the organization, Xie Xueqin and others traveled from Jinan via Qingdao, then to Shanghai, and then to Wuhan. At the beginning of 1927, he was admitted to the Central Military and Political School. In March, he was introduced to the Communist Party of China by Bao Chongde and Liu Chixue at the "Huangpu Third Branch" in Changsha. On May 21 of the same year, Xu Kexiang, head of the 33rd Regiment of the 35th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, launched a counterrevolutionary coup (Maritime Incident) in Changsha. More than a dozen progressive students, including Xie Xueqin and Zhu Daonan, launched a battle against the reactionary army. After losing the battle, he withdrew to Wuhan after escaping the danger. After reporting the details of the Ma-Japan Incident to Yun Daiying, the head of the Central Military and Political School, he was approved to return to the Central Military and Political School in Wuhan to study. In July 1927, students from the Central Military and Political School were initially incorporated into the Second Front Army Officer Training Corps with Comrade Ye Jianying as Chief of General Staff. In November, they went to Guangzhou under the leadership of Ye Jianying to prepare for participating in the uprising. On December 11 of the same year, Under the leadership of Zhang Tailei, Ye Ting, Yang Yin, Zhou Wenyong, Nie Rongzhen and others, the uprising began. After more than two hours of fierce fighting, the rebel forces annihilated an infantry regiment and an artillery regiment, and captured the Municipal Public Security Bureau and most areas in the city. This uprising was another heroic counterattack by the Communist Party of China against the Kuomintang reactionaries. Xie Xueqin and others fought side by side and won many battles.After three days of bloody fighting, the uprising failed due to the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves. Later, Xie Xueqin's unit was reorganized into the Fourth Division of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in Huaxian County, Guangzhou. Xie Xueqin successively served as squad leader, platoon leader, and company commander. On the way to Hailufeng, he carried his injured comrade Zhu Daonan and rushed to the front line with his teammates. In every battle, he charges forward. Nicknamed "The Black God", he makes his enemies fearful. The existence and development of the Hailufeng Soviet regime caused great panic among the Kuomintang warlords. At the beginning of 1928, the Kuomintang dispatched two armies, coordinated by warships such as Zhongshan, Minzhu, Guanggeng, and Feiying, to "encircle and suppress" Hailufeng in three ways. The Fourth Red Division in Haifeng at that time responded to the call of the Dongjiang Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, vowed to defend the Soviet regime to the death, and launched a desperate battle with the enemy. In a battle to defend the Lufeng County Party Committee, Xie Xueqin was unfortunately shot and died heroically. He was the captain of the Jieshi Preparatory Committee District during his lifetime. His name was He Jingcheng when he died, and he was only 25 years old.

According to the memories of Zhu Daonan's relatives, Zhu Daonan burst into tears every time he mentioned Xie Xueqin's life-saving grace during his lifetime.

Xie Xueqin’s life was short but brilliant. Throughout the history of the Chinese revolution, it was the countless unknown but heroic revolutionary martyrs like Xie Xueqin who fought bloody battles and fought bravely to create a better life for the new generation. Their revolutionary deeds will always inspire us to move forward bravely.

Author: Xie Yunsong

Source: Literature and History Expo Magazine

Tags: entertainment