
entertainment 3234℃

... - Lujuba

In the 20th round of the Chinese Football Top League, the Zhejiang team faced the Chengdu Chengdu team at home. In the first half, Felipe's shot hit the frame from a small angle. Zhang Jiaqi's close-range shot was saved by Jian Tao. Wang Dongsheng assisted Leonardo with a long-range shot from the ground, and Romulo assisted Yang Yiming with a set kick. Zhang Jiaqi scored with a backward header and was sent off after two yellows and one red. In the second half, Romulo made a precise long pass to assist Felipe to score a single goal. Leonardo volleyed from an angle and was saved. Romulo attacked twice. In the middle of the door, Felipe passed the goalkeeper with a single sword and then pushed into the net to score twice. In the end, the game ended with the Zhejiang team losing 1-3 to the Chengdu Chengdu team.

Key events

In the 28th minute, Wang Dongsheng shot a long shot from the ground, and Leonardo reached out to score the ball midway! Zhejiang 1-0 Chengdu

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In the 43rd minute, Romulo assisted with a set kick, and Yang Yiming scored with a header! Zhejiang 1-1 Chengdu

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In the 45th and 2nd minutes, Zhang Jiaqi uprooted Felipe and got another yellow, two yellows turned into a red and was sent off

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In the 54th minute, the go-ahead! Romulo made a precise long pass, Felipe scored with a single push, Zhejiang 1-2 Chengdu

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scored twice in the 90th+3rd minute! Felipe passed the goalkeeper single-handedly and then pushed lightly into the net, Zhejiang 1-3 Chengdu

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Players from both sides were lining up to enter the field, and the game was about to start

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In the 2nd minute, Zhang Jiaqi kicked Felipe down from behind, and the referee gave a verbal warning

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In the 7th minute, Felipe stepped forward and shot from a small angle and hit the door frame. Then the linesman raised the flag to indicate offside.

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In the 9th minute, Zhang Jiaqi hit the goal with a head-to-head shot from close range. Jian Tao made a brave save.

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In the 13th minute, Leon Nado passed the ball accurately, Cheng Jin followed up and pushed but Jian Tao blocked it with his leg.

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In the 16th minute, Gurfinkel sent a cross, and Romulo headed the ball high.

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In the 21st minute, Leonard There were many single opportunities to face the goalkeeper and the shot missed the target.

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In the 28th minute, Wang Dongsheng shot a long shot from the ground, and Leonardo stretched out his foot to score the ball midway! Zhejiang 1-0 Chengdu

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In the 33rd minute, Liu Haofan tackled Felipe and got a yellow card

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In the 36th minute, Gurfinkel made a precise pass, and Felipe's header was blocked by Zhao Bo who fell to the ground

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In the 39th minute, Zhang Jiaqi hugged Felipe from behind and both fell to the ground. The referee gave another verbal warning.

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In the 43rd minute, Romulo assisted with a set kick, and Yang Yiming scored with a header! Zhejiang 1-1 Chengdu

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In the 45th and 2nd minutes, Zhang Jiaqi overthrew Felipe and got another yellow. Two yellows turned into red and he was sent off.

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In the 50th minute, Yang Yiming took a corner kick and headed the goal. The ball refracted and went wide.

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In the 54th minute, go-ahead! Romulo made a precise long pass, and Felipe scored with a single push. Zhejiang 1-2 Chengdu.

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In the 63rd minute, Gurfinkel took it to the penalty area and hit the goal. The ball was held up by Zhao Bo with one hand.

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In the 74th minute, Wang Yudong Reaching the penalty area and pushing the ball, Leichte quickly returned to the anti-slip shovel to make a save.

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In the 81st minute, he drew his bow and arrow! Romulo hit the ball with a long shot and hit the post.

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In the 81st minute, Leonardo volleyed from an angle and Jian Tao made a great save.

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In the 83rd minute, bad luck! Romulo fired a shot from the post and scored twice in the 90th and 3rd minutes! Felipe single-handedly passed the goalkeeper and then pushed into the net, Zhejiang 1-3 Chengdu

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team lineup

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technical statistics

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Tags: entertainment