Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall

entertainment 9583℃

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall out of the top three, but in the end, with such an excellent performance, he only got fourth place. It perfectly interprets the saying that if you are serious, you will lose. The food looks so ugly!

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

However, judging from the final effect of the show, except for Rainie Yang, everyone seems to be the winner. Of course, the losers also include the serious viewers.

I have to think of Tan Weiwei's song "Tan Moumou": I stood on the left side of the champion, smiling playfully with her, but she was inferior to me in everything, wowo~

One more thing to say is, how did the second round turn into a fight? Is the song live? Wang Sulong sang a new song, Fan Xiya sang a song he composed, and Sun Nan also sang a new song. Except for Na Ying, everyone else couldn't ask for the championship. It was just a song competition!

finals ranking: 1, Na Ying; 2, Tan Weiwei; 3, Sun Nan; 4, Fan Xiya;

first round

1, Hai Lai Amu, Zhang Lei "Hometown" vs Fan Xia, Zhang Jie "shallow"

Hai Lai Amu No matter how you listen to this song sung by Zhang Lei, it feels like a two-by-two PK match in "The Voice". In the breakout match, Hailai Amu performed surprisingly well, but when he came back to this song, he was knocked back to his original state. As soon as Zhang Lei opened his mouth, he instantly hit Hai Lai Amu. I have to admit that Zhang Lei sings better than Hailai Amu, but the harmony part is too unsatisfactory. However, Zhang Lei made his debut after winning the championship, but he did not make a big splash. He was a bit neither good nor bad, and his positioning was uncertain. His ability could not be said to be bad, and his strength was just that, too mediocre. Hailai Amu knows where its market is, so it accurately targets its market and digs it to the deepest level. It can also be said to be a success.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

Compared with the performance in "Hometown", the team of Zhang Jie and Fan Xia was much more comfortable. There was no suspense about the outcome of this showdown. Zhang Jie set the tone of the song's difficulty as soon as he opened his mouth, and Fan Xiya maintained a performance above the standard (the performance was better than Zhang Jie's). You need technique and skill, you need high notes and high notes, you need pitch and intonation, you need penetrating power of sound, you need touching... you need artistic conception of the song... For this group of competitions, don't ask for both.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

My vote: Fan Xiya, Zhang Jie

duel results: Fan Xiya, Zhang Jie

2, Sun Nan, Liu Huan "Wandering with the Earth + I Am" pk Tan Weiwei, Chen Chusheng "Blind Man"

I have to say, Teacher Liu Huan This singing supporter is really a plug-in, which will definitely increase the score in a positive way. The combination of these two is also a rare combination. When Liu Huan opened his mouth, his voice was full of vastness, atmosphere, and epicness. His voice and songs blend into each other and complement each other. In this comparison, although Sun Nan's voice was high and bright, it seemed much thinner. Especially in the context of Liu Huan, Sun Nan's voice and some of his high-pitched parts seemed a bit sharp and chaotic. Of course, these are all nit-picking opinions. Overall, such a big and comprehensive performance is very popular among singers, and Sun Nan and Liu Huan performed very well.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

I love the arrangement of this song by Tan Weiwei and Chen Chusheng. In terms of the overall performance, I like this song more than Sun Nan and Liu Huan's performance. At the beginning of the song, the ocarina played a moving voice, which instantly laid out the scope of the song to the whole audience. Chen Chusheng opened his mouth and started singing, and the appeal of his "rascally sound" was obvious. He demonstrated very well how folk songs should be sung (Hailai Amu and Zhang Lei should learn from this), and also demonstrated the strength of the golden song-making machine very well. Although there is no sense of decadence like the "broken jar, broken jar" of the original version, the narrative-like brokenness in Chen Chusheng's voice, paired with the ocarina, has a unique flavor. These two groups are really difficult to choose. The one by Sun Nan and Liu Huan is big and majestic, while this one is small and delicate.I originally thought that Tan Weiwei would miss the second round, but in the end he was able to advance. I have to say that Chen Chusheng’s contribution was too great!

My vote: Tan Weiwei, Chen Chusheng

duel results: Sun Nan, Liu Huan

3, Shanti Mo, Dimash "Lose Control" vs Wang Sulong, Ku Juji "Exile" vs Na Ying, Rejuvenation Pill "Flowers"

Dima Xi's voice and singing skills are really excellent, and I was attracted to him as soon as he opened his mouth. Dimash's voice has good timbre, strong function, wide range, and can reach a high closed state throughout the range, with unified timbre. This chorus of the two of them complements each other, one is thick and textured, the other is bright and clean, the two voices complement each other and spiral up. They didn’t drag each other down, and they didn’t use whistles indiscriminately. They were a very high-quality supporting singer.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

Wang Sulong probably knew that he would not reach the second round, so he directly sang his new song, DaDaGe. Then there is the attitude of the two of them in this performance, which I think is very problematic. The song itself was unfamiliar and the lyrics could not be remembered, but the two of them never left the lyrics with their four eyes. Even if two people are interacting and face to face, their eyes will become "slanted"! Personally, I think the song is okay, but this kind of performance... this is the real breaking of the jar!

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

Na Ying's voice will always be Na Ying's best weapon. This time, Na Ying's singing was unexpectedly stable, while Huichun Dan's singing ability was not surprisingly bad. I thought of the singing effect of Zhou Shen’s new pants when he participated in the competition. In terms of singing skills alone, Zhou Shen has new pants and Na Ying has rejuvenation pills. Another thing to say is that it is not impossible to add a monologue to a song. If it is not done well, it will easily ruin the conflict performance, but if it is done well, it can completely arouse the audience's emotions. Na Ying's monologue belongs to the well-added category. is not a singing performance, but it is a touching performance. According to this performance, Na Ying entered the second round, and this monologue definitely gained points.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

My vote: Shantimo, Dimash

Duel result: Na Ying, Huichun Dan

4 Choose one, promotion result: Tan Weiwei, Chen Chusheng

Second round

1, Fan Xiya ""

Fanxi Ya Zhen is someone else’s child. Not only can he sing so well, but he can also play so many instruments. Now he can also compose his own songs, and the songs he composes are so excellent. This is completely the level of a king of singers. The difficulty of this song is definitely at the forefront of the songs in this season's competition. Fanshia really brought her expertise in Arabic transposition to the extreme. The three consecutive sliding transpositions at the end of the song were not only difficult, but also extremely difficult. Fanxiadu's performance is very accurate, perfect, rich in layers, and emotional! This kind of performance is not the king of singing, who else can be?

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

2, Tan Weiwei's "Chuanjiang Haozi"

In fact, Tan Weiwei sang it without any problem. The function is good, the tone is not bad, the singing ability is strong, and the personal style is also obvious. So what's her problem? It lies in the aesthetic fatigue of the audience. Judging from the performance this round, it is really not bad, even very strong. This time she integrated the national style and returned to her hometown chant, but to the audience, it is no different from a new version of "Huayin Old Tune", just like many of Sun Nan's songs, no matter how they are sung, they are all " The taste of "Salvation". Tan Weiwei can sing many songs, but on this stage, her performance is monotonous and tiring.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

3, Na Ying's "Free Like a Dream"

Na Ying chose "Free Like a Dream" today to win the championship. Her overall performance today was pretty good, and the style of the song matched her quite well. She sang Wang Feng's songs in the previous competition and achieved very high results. This time Na Ying was in very good condition, and more importantly, Na Ying aroused the emotions of all the audience. But I have to say that in terms of true and accurate performance, Na Ying is the worst among the four. His tone is inaccurate and there are many missing parts. But we have to accept Na Ying's ability to incite.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

4, Sun Nan's "A Life of Dripping Water"

This song starts from the intro and is full of the flavor of the main melody. Of course, this kind of song is also particularly suitable for ending such a program. I have to say that Sun Nan is much more humble now, both in front of the audience and in song selection. I had discussed with my friends before whether Sun Nan would be able to win the King of Songs if he chose "Red Flag Flying", but fortunately Sun Nan didn't choose songs like that. Sun Nan sang this song very poorly, but I thought it was pretty good. There was no squealing and free play, and a lot of oil was lost, so it sounded very sincere. Sun Nan is still very suitable for such a stage-oriented song.

Fanxia ranked fourth in the second round. I just want to say that I was ashamed to let Naying win the championship! Vancia's final song must be difficult, performative, layered, emotional, capable, and stable. At the beginning of the show, Hu Haiquan said that he would never fall - Lujuba

personal votes: Fanxia

King of Songs: Naying

I wonder what everyone thinks of the performance of this issue?

text | Awen

pictures | Internet

release | Wen Dao Mu Zhi Nan

The above are the author's personal opinions. If you want to see more exciting articles, please pay attention to [Wen Dao Mu Zhi Nan]

Tags: entertainment