Jimu News Commentator Wen Qingman Intern Wang Jinrui In the hot summer, movie theaters have become the entertainment choice for many people to relieve the heat. However, for the visually impaired, it is not easy to enter the theater and enjoy the fun of movies. Recently, a report

entertainment 4414℃

Jimu News Commentator Wen Qingman

Intern Wang Jinrui

In the hot summer, movie theaters have become the entertainment choice for many people to cool off. However, for the visually impaired, it is not easy to enter the theater and enjoy the fun of movies. Recently, a reporter from the main station walked into a theater that prepared a "movie viewing artifact" for the visually impaired to experience barrier-free movie viewing. He met Huang Ying, a visually impaired girl who came to watch the movie. "Watch her put on the headphones." "Being able to 'laugh together' with my best friends is an unprecedented movie-watching experience," the reporter from the main station said with emotion. (According to a CCTV news report on July 26)

Jimu News Commentator Wen Qingman Intern Wang Jinrui In the hot summer, movie theaters have become the entertainment choice for many people to relieve the heat. However, for the visually impaired, it is not easy to enter the theater and enjoy the fun of movies. Recently, a report - Lujuba Related video screenshots

According to reports, this movie-watching "artifact" is actually a special earphone for the visually impaired. It can simultaneously introduce the story outline, screen content, character expressions, etc. of the film while watching the movie, which is equivalent to having an exclusive "movie commentator" for the visually impaired. This innovative technology helps the visually impaired solve the problem of being unable to watch movies smoothly due to silent clips, allowing them to fully understand the plot and experience the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the movie with the audience. As a visually impaired girl said: "When everyone laughs, I know what they are laughing at, and I can laugh with everyone."

Behind this kind of heart-warming service is the deep integration of technology and humanities, as well as the collaborative cooperation of all sectors of society. Results. Visually impaired people are a large number of special groups in society. They have difficulty moving due to physical defects and often encounter various difficulties when traveling. Regarding the issue of movie viewing, currently, in order to realize the simultaneous release of barrier-free versions in theaters, a commentary script must be written in advance and a series of processes such as commentary recording, mixing and synthesis must be completed. This requires film producers, producers, distributors, theaters, etc. All aspects work together. But it is the participation and relay of more and more people that allow more visually impaired people to enjoy wonderful movies, get out of the "isolated island", and open a new page in understanding the world. Behind this lies special care for the visually impaired and accurate capture of relevant needs.

In recent years, many attempts have been made by all sectors of society to allow visually impaired people to enjoy the charm of movies. Among them, the "Guangming Cinema" public welfare project of Communication University of China is committed to producing barrier-free movies. It uses detailed voice narration to supplement picture information, opening a door to the world of light and shadow for the visually impaired; Tencent Video launched "Barrier-free" "Theater" movie viewing service area, visually impaired people can watch works with detailed narration for free, so as to understand the plot and picture information. These efforts and dedication have opened a series of "digital windows" for the visually impaired, and also paved a series of "culturally blind roads" to provide them with the convenience and care within their capabilities.

allows visually impaired people to no longer be timid when traveling, allowing them to encounter the light and warmth in life. There is still a lot of space to be explored. We must also clearly realize that in terms of quantity, there are still very few theaters with barrier-free equipment, and there are still very few films equipped with barrier-free versions. The number and types of barrier-free films on the market are still very small, resulting in poor viewing performance. The options for people with disabilities are limited; in terms of scope, there are still very few regions with accessible movies, and there are still very few visually impaired people who know about accessible movies. Eliminating all kinds of tangible and invisible obstacles and building a barrier-free environment is a long-term and arduous task. Only by empathizing with others and thinking from their perspective can we open up more space for the visually impaired and encounter more beauty.

In the long run, our country has a large group of disabled people, and their cultural and living needs should be taken seriously. At the same time, the construction of a barrier-free environment is not limited to cinemas, it should penetrate into every corner of society, with "love" but no "obstruction". Only in this way can every member of a special group participate and integrate equally and freely. Social life, sharing a beautiful world.

(Source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment