When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company "Marvel". As the "originator" of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about "superhero" m

entertainment 3503℃

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company "Marvel". As the "originator" of the superhero movie series,

satisfies all the audience's fantasies about "superhero" movies, especially the advent of the "Iron Man" series, which directly attracted countless fans.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

The "Avengers" series has pushed "Marvel movies" to the global market, especially "Avengers 4" released in 2019, which set off a global movie-watching craze.

The film ultimately lived up to expectations. Not only did it receive a super high score of 8.5 on Douban, but it also earned a box office of US$2.708 billion (approximately 19.6 billion yuan) worldwide.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

But since the release of the pinnacle work "Avengers 4", Marvel superhero movies have begun to decline like "Hollywood movies". The quality of the works is uneven, and the reputation of each one is not as good as the last one.

html The Douban score of "Venom 2" in 2012 was 5.0, and the Douban score of " Thor 4" in 2022 was only 5.4, setting a record for the worst reputation of the "Thor" series of movies.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

html In 123 years, the quality of Marvel movies has declined sharply, with bad movies such as "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum of Madness" and "Captain Marvel 2" continuing!

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

And in 24 years, the appearance of "Mrs. Spider: Awakening" completely broke all the audience's illusions about Marvel. It scored 4.5 on Douban, and the audience continued to complain, making it the worst reputation among all Marvel movie series. work.

In addition to being well-received, the film's box office performance in the mainland also hit record lows. For a blockbuster that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, the final box office in the mainland was 5.831 million yuan, and all the money was lost.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

Now Marvel has released another new work. It is still a multiverse and IP mashup, but this time it links two unrelated IPs, "Wolverine" and "Deadpool", "Little Bitch + Uncle Wolf", Full of gimmicks.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

However, due to the failure of Marvel movies again and again in recent years, the audience has been disappointed. In addition, the superhero series have similar plots, causing many viewers to express concerns about the film and fear "Deadpool and Wolverine" It will become another bad movie for Marvel in 24 years after "Mrs. Spider-Man: Awakening".

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

The result was unexpected. The box office of the film on its first day of release actually surpassed Shen Teng 's new film " Catch a Baby " and became the box office champion. Although

was later overtaken, it still achieved good box office results and performed well among a number of new films.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

In addition to its good box office performance, "Deadpool and Wolverine" has also received an unexpected reputation, with all four or five stars in the Douban comment section.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

This film is even praised as: the best in the Deadpool series, and the second in the Wolverine series. I laughed from beginning to end. I didn’t expect that Marvel could still be the best.

was a hit at the box office and a hit in just one day, and now Hollywood has made a science fiction film a hit!

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

"Deadpool and Wolverine" mainly tells the story of Deadpool who suffered a mid-life crisis and decided to retire and become an ordinary person, so he became a used car salesman.

But when his family and the world were in crisis again, he chose to take up arms again and decided to save the world. During this period, he also invited Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman) to join, and a war of the century was about to begin.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

The two major IPs join forces. Deadpool, as the meanest superhero in Marvel movies, is deeply loved by the audience with his unique anti-hero image and sense of humor.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

As for Uncle Wolf, as the leader of the X-Men, his powerful self-healing ability and his iconic titanium alloy wolf claws are also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When these two characters with different personalities and unique styles meet in the same movie, what kind of sparks will they create?

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

At first, I was a little worried about whether it would be difficult to balance the differences between the two. However, after watching the feature film, I found that my worries were unnecessary.

This film not only perfectly combines the "cheapness" of Deadpool and the "coolness" of Wolverine, but also retains the consistent funny style of the "Deadpool" series, adding interest to the film.No wonder the audience would say that this film ranks first in the "Deadpool" series. It really tastes like that.

When we think of movies, we first think of Hollywood blockbusters, and when it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, we naturally have to mention the company 'Marvel'.      As the 'originator' of the superhero movie series, it satisfies all the audience's fantasies about 'superhero' m - Lujuba

Overall, "Deadpool and Wolverine" is definitely one of the few outstanding films introduced by Marvel and Hollywood. Not only does it have a lot of laughs, it also continues the tradition of Marvel movies, dedicated A visual feast of epic special effects, friends who are interested should not miss it.

Do you think "Deadpool and Wolverine" is good to watch? Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area

Tags: entertainment